

package algebra

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class AdditiveGroup[A] extends Group[A]

  2. class AdditiveMonoid[A] extends Monoid[A]

  3. trait BigDecimalIsEuclideanRing extends EuclideanRing[BigDecimal] with BigDecimalIsRing

  4. trait BigDecimalIsField extends Field[BigDecimal] with BigDecimalIsEuclideanRing

  5. trait BigDecimalIsNRoot extends NRoot[BigDecimal]

  6. trait BigDecimalIsRing extends Ring[BigDecimal]

  7. trait BigDecimalIsSigned extends Signed[BigDecimal]

  8. trait BigIntIsEuclideanRing extends EuclideanRing[BigInt] with BigIntIsRing

  9. trait BigIntIsNRoot extends NRoot[BigInt]

  10. trait BigIntIsRing extends Ring[BigInt]

  11. trait BigIntIsSigned extends Signed[BigInt]

  12. trait BooleanAlgebra[A] extends AnyRef

    A boolean algebra is a structure that defines a few basic operations, namely as conjunction (&), disjunction (|), and negation (~).

  13. final class BooleanAlgebraOps[A] extends AnyRef

  14. trait BooleanIsBooleanAlgebra extends BooleanAlgebra[Boolean]

  15. trait ByteIsBooleanAlgebra extends BooleanAlgebra[Byte]

  16. trait ByteIsRing extends Ring[Byte]

  17. trait ByteIsSigned extends Signed[Byte]

  18. trait ComplexIsEuclideanRing[A] extends ComplexIsRing[A] with EuclideanRing[Complex[A]]

  19. trait ComplexIsField[A] extends ComplexIsEuclideanRing[A] with Field[Complex[A]]

  20. trait ComplexIsRing[A] extends Ring[Complex[A]]

  21. trait ComplexIsSigned[A] extends Signed[Complex[A]]

  22. trait DoubleIsEuclideanRing extends EuclideanRing[Double] with DoubleIsRing

  23. trait DoubleIsField extends Field[Double] with DoubleIsEuclideanRing

  24. trait DoubleIsNRoot extends NRoot[Double]

  25. trait DoubleIsRing extends Ring[Double]

  26. trait DoubleIsSigned extends Signed[Double]

  27. trait EuclideanRing[A] extends Ring[A]

  28. final class EuclideanRingOps[A] extends AnyRef

  29. trait Field[A] extends EuclideanRing[A]

  30. final class FieldOps[A] extends AnyRef

  31. trait FloatIsEuclideanRing extends EuclideanRing[Float] with FloatIsRing

  32. trait FloatIsField extends Field[Float] with FloatIsEuclideanRing

  33. trait FloatIsNRoot extends NRoot[Float]

  34. trait FloatIsRing extends Ring[Float]

  35. trait FloatIsSigned extends Signed[Float]

  36. trait GaussianIsEuclideanRing[A] extends GaussianIsRing[A] with EuclideanRing[Gaussian[A]]

  37. trait GaussianIsRing[A] extends Ring[Gaussian[A]]

  38. trait GaussianIsSigned[A] extends Signed[Gaussian[A]]

  39. trait Group[A] extends Monoid[A]

  40. final class GroupOps[A] extends AnyRef

  41. trait IntIsBooleanAlgebra extends BooleanAlgebra[Int]

  42. trait IntIsEuclideanRing extends EuclideanRing[Int] with IntIsRing

  43. trait IntIsNRoot extends NRoot[Int]

  44. trait IntIsRing extends Ring[Int]

  45. trait IntIsSigned extends Signed[Int]

  46. trait LongIsBooleanAlgebra extends BooleanAlgebra[Long]

  47. trait LongIsEuclideanRing extends EuclideanRing[Long] with LongIsRing

  48. trait LongIsNRoot extends NRoot[Long]

  49. trait LongIsRing extends Ring[Long]

  50. trait LongIsSigned extends Signed[Long]

  51. trait Monoid[A] extends Semigroup[A]

  52. class MultiplicativeGroup[A] extends Group[A]

  53. class MultiplicativeMonoid[A] extends Monoid[A]

  54. trait NRoot[A] extends AnyRef

    This is a type class for types with n-roots.

  55. final class NRootOps[A] extends AnyRef

  56. class OrderedRingIsSigned[A] extends Signed[A]

  57. trait RationalIsEuclideanRing extends EuclideanRing[Rational] with RationalIsRing

  58. trait RationalIsField extends Field[Rational] with RationalIsEuclideanRing

  59. trait RationalIsNRoot extends NRoot[Rational]

  60. trait RationalIsRing extends Ring[Rational]

  61. trait RationalIsSigned extends Signed[Rational]

  62. trait RealIsEuclideanRing extends EuclideanRing[Real] with RealIsRing

  63. trait RealIsField extends Field[Real] with RealIsEuclideanRing

  64. trait RealIsNRoot extends NRoot[Real]

  65. trait RealIsRing extends Ring[Real]

  66. trait RealIsSigned extends Signed[Real]

  67. trait Rig[A] extends AnyRef

    Rig is a ring whose additive structure doesn't have an inverse (ie.

  68. final class RigOps[A] extends AnyRef

  69. trait Ring[A] extends Rig[A]

    Ring represents a set (A) that is a group over addition (+) and a monoid over multiplication (*).

  70. final class RingOps[A] extends AnyRef

  71. trait SafeLongIsEuclideanRing extends EuclideanRing[SafeLong] with SafeLongIsRing

  72. trait SafeLongIsNRoot extends NRoot[SafeLong]

  73. trait SafeLongIsRing extends Ring[SafeLong]

  74. trait SafeLongIsSigned extends Signed[SafeLong]

  75. trait Semigroup[A] extends AnyRef

  76. final class SemigroupOps[A] extends AnyRef

  77. trait ShortIsBooleanAlgebra extends BooleanAlgebra[Short]

  78. trait ShortIsRing extends Ring[Short]

  79. trait ShortIsSigned extends Signed[Short]

  80. sealed trait Sign extends AnyRef

    The Sign of a number.

  81. trait Signed[A] extends AnyRef

    A trait for things that have some notion of sign and the ability to ensure something has a positive sign.

  82. trait SignedLow extends AnyRef

  83. final class SignedOps[A] extends AnyRef

  84. trait UByteIsBooleanAlgebra extends BooleanAlgebra[UByte]

  85. trait UByteIsRig extends Rig[UByte]

  86. trait UIntIsBooleanAlgebra extends BooleanAlgebra[UInt]

  87. trait UIntIsRig extends Rig[UInt]

  88. trait ULongIsBooleanAlgebra extends BooleanAlgebra[ULong]

  89. trait ULongIsRig extends Rig[ULong]

  90. trait UShortIsBooleanAlgebra extends BooleanAlgebra[UShort]

  91. trait UShortIsRig extends Rig[UShort]

Value Members

  1. object BooleanAlgebra

  2. object EuclideanRing

  3. object Field

  4. object Group

  5. object Monoid

  6. object NRoot

  7. object Negative extends Sign with Product with Serializable

  8. object Positive extends Sign with Product with Serializable

  9. object Rig

  10. object Ring

  11. object Semigroup

  12. object Sign

  13. object Signed extends SignedLow

  14. object Zero extends Sign with Product with Serializable
