All Classes and Interfaces

The type Abstract open api resource.
The type Abstract request builder.
The type Abstract router function visitor.
The type Abstract springdoc route builder.
The type Abstract swagger index transformer.
Please refer to the swagger to get the idea what each parameter does.
The type Swagger url.
The type Abstract swagger welcome.
The type Actuator open api customiser.
The type Actuator operation customizer.
The type Actuator provider.
The type Additional models converter.
The type Api response builder.
The type Array schema builder.
The type Content builder.
The type Discriminator mapping builder.
The type Encoding builder.
The type Example object builder.
The type Extension builder.
The type Extension property builder.
The type External documentation builder.
The type Header builder.
The type Link builder.
The type Link parameter builder.
The type Operation builder.
The type Parameter builder.
The type Request body builder.
The type Schema builder.
The type Security requirement builder.
The type Server builder.
The type Server variable builder.
The type Cache or grouped open api condition.
The interface Spring cloud function provider.
Override resolved schema as there is a custom serializer that converts the data to a map before serializing it.
The type Constants.
The type Controller advice info.
The enum Controller type.
The type Converter utils.
The type Data rest delegating method parameter customizer.
The type Data rest hal provider.
The type Data rest operation builder.
The type Data rest repository.
The type Data rest request builder.
The type Data rest response builder.
The type Data rest router operation builder.
The type Data rest tags builder.
The type Default pageable.
The type Delegating method parameter.
The interface Delegating method parameter customizer.
The type Entity info.
The type Error message.
The type File support converter.
The type Generic parameter builder.
The type Generic response builder.
Implement and register a bean of type GlobalOpenApiCustomizer to customize Open api on default OpenAPI description and groups.
Implement and register a bean of type GlobalOpenApiMethodFilter to conditionally including any detected methods in default OpenAPI description and groups.
Implement and register a bean of type GlobalOperationCustomizer to customize an operation based on the handler method input on default OpenAPI description and groups
The type Grouped open api.
The type Builder.
The type Hateoas hal provider.
The type Javadoc property customizer.
The interface Javadoc provider.
The type Kotlin coroutines return type parser.
The type Method attributes.
The type Method parameter pojo extractor.
Wrapper for model converters to only register converters once
The type Monetary amount.
The type Multiple open api support condition.
The type Multiple open api support condition.
The type Spring doc object mapper provider.
The interface Open api builder customizer.
Implement and register a bean of type OpenApiCustomizer to customize Open api on default OpenAPI description but not on groups
The type Open api hateoas links customiser.
The interface Open api locale customizer.
Implement and register a bean of type OpenApiMethodFilter to conditionally include any detected methods in default OpenAPI descriptions but not groups
The type Open api resource not found exception.
The type Open api builder.
Implement and register a bean of type OperationCustomizer to customize an operation based on the handler method input on default OpenAPI descriptions but not groups
The type Operation builder.
The type Pageable.
The interface Pageable as query param.
The Pageable Type models converter.
Implement and register a bean of type ParameterCustomizer to customize a parameter based on the parameter and handler method input
The type Parameter Id.
The type Parameter info.
The interface Parameter object.
The type Polymorphic model converter.
Implement and register a bean of type PropertyCustomizer to customize a schema property based on annotated type
The type Property customizing converter.
The type Property resolver utils.
The type Querydsl predicate operation customizer.
The type Repository rest configuration provider.
The interface Repository rest resource provider.
The type Representation model links oas mixin.
The type Request body info.
The type Request body builder.
The type Request type to ignore converter.
The type Response support converter.
The interface Return type parser.
The type Router function data.
The interface Router function provider.
The annotation may be used to define a single Router Operation as an OpenAPI Operation, and/or to define additional properties using @Operation annotation.
The type Router operation.
Implement and register a bean of type RouterOperationCustomizer to customize an router operation based on the handler method input on default OpenAPI descriptions but not groups
Container for repeatable RouterOperation annotation
The type Schema property deprecating converter.
The interface Security o auth 2 provider.
The type Security parser.
The interface Server Base URL customiser.
The Sort type.
The interface Sorted open api mixin.
The interface Sorted open api mixin 31.
The interface Sorted schema mixin.
The interface Sorted schema mixin 31.
The Spring Data Sort type model converter.
The type Spring cloud function provider.
The type Spring data web properties provider.
The type Springdoc bean factory configurer.
The type Spring doc annotations utils.
The type Springdoc bean factory configurer.
The type Spring doc config properties.
The type Api docs.
The enum OpenApiVersion.
The type Cache.
The type Group config.
The type Groups.
The type Model converters.
The type Deprecating converter.
The type Pageable converter.
The type Polymorphic model converter.
The type Sort converter.
The type Webjars.
The type Spring doc configuration.
The type Spring doc data rest configuration.
The type Spring doc DataRest hints.
The class Spring doc data rest utils.
The type Spring doc function catalog configuration.
The type Spring doc groovy configuration.
The type Spring doc hateoas configuration.
The type Spring doc hints.
The type Spring doc security configuration.
The type Spring doc javadoc provider.
The type Spring doc kotlin configuration.
The type Spring doc kotlinx configuration.
The type Spring doc Native Configuration.
The type Spring doc pageable configuration.
The interface Spring doc properties utils.
The type Spring doc providers.
The type Spring doc security configuration.
The type Spring doc pageable configuration.
The type Spring doc ui exception.
The type Spring doc UI hints.
The type Spring doc utils.
The type Spring repository rest resource provider.
The type Spring web provider.
The type Swagger ui config parameters.
The type Swagger ui config properties.
The type Csrf.
The type Syntax highlight.
Please refer to the swagger to get the idea what each parameter does.
The type Web conversion service provider.
The type Web flux support converter.