All Classes and Interfaces

Base class for builders supporting arguments.
Base class for post processors that compress the message body.
Base class for Declarable classes.
Base class for post processors that decompress the message body if the MessageProperties.SPRING_AUTO_DECOMPRESS header is true or to optionally always decompress if the content encoding matches AbstractDecompressingPostProcessor.getEncoding(), or starts with AbstractDecompressingPostProcessor.getEncoding() + ":", in which case the encoding following the colon becomes the final content encoding of the decompressed message.
Base class for post processors based on Deflater.
Common properties that describe all exchange types.
Abstract Jackson2 message converter.
Abstract type mapper.
Convenient base class for MessageConverter implementations.
Acknowledgment modes supported by the listener container.
Represents an address for publication of an AMQP message.
MessageConverters that potentially use Java deserialization.
Specifies a basic set of portable AMQP administrative operations for AMQP > 0.9.
Thrown when the connection factory has been destroyed during context close; the factory can no longer open connections.
Runtime wrapper for an authentication exception.
RuntimeException wrapper for an ConnectException which can be commonly thrown from AMQP operations if the remote process dies or there is a network issue.
Base class for events.
Base RuntimeException for errors that occur when executing AMQP operations.
Strategy interface for mapping messaging Message headers to an outbound MessageProperties (e.g.
Pre-defined names and prefixes to be used for setting and/or retrieving AMQP MessageProperties from/to Message Headers.
Equivalent of an IllegalStateException but within the AmqpException hierarchy.
RuntimeException wrapper for an IOException which can be commonly thrown from AMQP operations.
A MessageHeaderAccessor implementation giving access to AMQP-specific headers.
Exception thrown if the request message cannot be delivered when the mandatory flag is set.
Exception for listener implementations used to indicate the basic.reject will be sent with requeue=false in order to enable features such as DLQ.
An exception that wraps an exception thrown by the server in a request/reply scenario.
Async reply timeout.
The AmqpException thrown when some resource can't be accessed.
Specifies a basic set of AMQP operations.
Exception thrown when some time-bound operation fails to execute in the desired time.
RuntimeException for unsupported encoding in an AMQP operation.
Represents an anonymous, non-durable, exclusive, auto-delete queue.
Classes implementing this interface can perform asynchronous send and receive operations using CompletableFutures.
Generates names with the form <prefix><base64url> where 'prefix' is 'spring.gen-' by default (e.g.
Used to receive a batch of messages if the container supports it.
Simple container collecting information to describe a binding.
The binding destination.
Basic builder class to create bindings for a more fluent API style in code based configuration.
General destination configurer.
Direct exchange routing key configurer.
Generic argument configurer.
Generic exchange routing key configurer.
Headers exchange configurer.
Topic exchange routing key configurer.
Strategy for setting metadata on messages such that one can create the class that needs to be instantiated when receiving a message.
For components that support customization of the logging of certain events, users can provide an implementation of this interface to modify the existing logging behavior.
A strategy interface to determine the consumer tag to be used when issuing a basicConsume operation.
A composite MessageConverter that delegates to an actual MessageConverter based on the contentType header.
A marker interface for data used to correlate information about sent messages.
Simple container collecting information to describe a custom exchange.
Classes implementing this interface can be auto-declared with the broker during context initialization by an AmqpAdmin.
Beans of this type are invoked by the AmqpAdmin before declaring the Declarable, allowing customization thereof.
A collection of Declarable objects; used to declare multiple objects on the broker using a single bean declaration for the collection.
Maps to/from JSON using type information in the MessageProperties; the default name of the message property containing the type is "__TypeId__".
Jackson 2 type mapper.
A post processor that uses a DeflaterOutputStream to compress the message body.
A MessagePostProcessor that delegates to one of its MessagePostProcessors depending on the content encoding.
Simple container collecting information to describe a direct exchange.
Interface for all exchanges.
Builder providing a fluent API for building Exchanges.
Constants for the standard Exchange type names.
Simple container collecting information to describe a fanout exchange.
A post processor that uses a GZIPInputStream to decompress the message body.
A post processor that uses a GZIPOutputStream to compress the message body.
Headers exchange.
Special exception for listener implementations that want to signal that the current batch of messages should be acknowledged immediately (i.e.
The special AmqpException to be thrown from the listener (e.g.
A post processor that uses a InflaterInputStream to decompress the message body.
Strategy for setting metadata on messages such that one can create the class that needs to be instantiated when receiving a message.
The precedence for type conversion - inferred from the method parameter or message headers.
JSON converter that uses the Jackson 2 Json library.
XML converter that uses the Jackson 2 Xml library.
Chained utility methods to simplify some Java repetitive code.
A Builder pattern implementation for a Map.
Spring Rabbit MessageConverter that uses a Marshaller and Unmarshaller.
The 0-8 and 0-9-1 AMQP specifications do not define an Message class or interface.
Builds a Spring AMQP Message either from a byte[] body or another Message using a fluent API.
Support class for building Message and MessageProperties fluent API.
Exception to be thrown by message converters if they encounter a problem with converting a message or object.
Message converter interface.
Enumeration for the message delivery mode.
Listener interface to receive asynchronous delivery of Amqp Messages.
Used in several places in the framework, such as AmqpTemplate#convertAndSend(Object, MessagePostProcessor) where it can be used to add/modify headers or properties after the message conversion has been performed.
Utilities for message post processors.
Message Properties for an AMQP message.
Builds a Spring AMQP MessageProperties object using a fluent API.
Convert a Message from the messaging abstraction to and from a Message using an underlying MessageConverter for the payload and a AmqpHeaderMapper to map the AMQP headers to and from standard message headers.
A strategy to generate names.
Uses a Spring Data ProjectionFactory to bind incoming messages to projection interfaces.
Simple container collecting information to describe a queue.
Builds a Spring AMQP Queue using a fluent API.
Locate the queue leader.
Overflow argument values.
Information about a queue, resulting from a passive declaration.
To be used with the receive-and-reply methods of AmqpTemplate as processor for inbound object and producer for outbound object.
Message exchanging contract of ReceiveAndReplyCallback.
A delegating adapter that unwraps RemoteInvocationResult after invoking the delegate to convert from a message.
Encapsulates a remote invocation result, holding a result value or an exception.
General utilities for handling remote invocations.
To be used with the receive-and-reply methods of AmqpTemplate to determine Address for Message to send at runtime.
Returned message and its metadata.
Type safe accessor for retried message sending.
Static utility to help with serialization.
Implementation of MessageConverter that can work with Strings or native objects of any kind via the Serializer and Deserializer abstractions in Spring.
Simple implementation of AmqpHeaderMapper.
Implementation of MessageConverter that can work with Strings, Serializable instances, or byte arrays.
An extended MessageConverter SPI with conversion hint support.
See Spring Integration TestUtils.
Simple container collecting information to describe a topic exchange.
A "catch-all" exception type within the AmqpException hierarchy when no more specific cause is known.
A post processor that uses a ZipInputStream to decompress the message body.
Generates names using UUID.randomUUID().
A post processor that uses a ZipOutputStream to compress the message body.