All Classes and Interfaces

ApplicationContextFactory implementation that takes a parent context and a path to the context to create.
Encapsulates common functionality needed by JDBC batch metadata DAOs - provides jdbcTemplate for subclasses and handles table prefixes.
Abstract implementation of the Job interface.
A FactoryBean that automates the creation of a SimpleJobExplorer.
A FactoryBean that automates the creation of a SimpleJobRepository.
FactoryBean implementation that builds a listener based on the various lifecycle methods or annotations that are provided.
Base PartitionHandler implementation providing common base features.
A Step implementation that provides common behavior to subclasses, including registering and calling listeners.
Internal parser for the <step/> elements inside a job.
Base class for step builders that want to build a TaskletStep.
Marks a method to be called after a chunk is executed.

Expected signature: void afterChunk(ChunkContext context)
Marks a method to be called after a chunk has failed and been marked for rollback.

Expected signature: void afterFailedChunk(ChunkContext context)
Marks a method to be called after a Job has completed.
Marks a method to be called after an item is passed to an ItemProcessor.
Marks a method to be called after an item is read from an ItemReader

Expected signature: void afterRead(T item)
Marks a method to be called after a Step has completed.
Marks a method to be called after an item is passed to an ItemWriter.
Implementation of the SkipPolicy interface that will always return that an item should be skipped.
Factory for the creation of ApplicationContext instances.
A JobFactory that creates its own ApplicationContext and pulls a bean out when asked to create a Job.
Loads and unloads Jobs when the application context is created and destroyed.
Represents that an error has occurred in the configuration of the base batch infrastructure (the creation of a JobRepository, for example).
Observation context for batch jobs.
Observation created around a Job execution.
ObservationConvention for BatchJobContext.
Central class for batch metrics.
Bean post processor that configures observable batch artifacts (jobs and steps) with Micrometer's observation registry.
A special purpose retry template that deals specifically with multi-valued stateful retry.
Helper class to scan a bean definition hierarchy and force the use of auto-proxy for step scoped beans.
Enumeration representing the status of an execution.
Observation context for batch steps.
Observation created around a step execution.
ObservationConvention for BatchStepContext.
Marks a method to be called before a chunk is executed.
Marks a method to be called before a Job is executed, which comes after a JobExecution is created and persisted but before the first Step is executed.
Marks a method to be called before an item is passed to an ItemProcessor

Expected signature: void beforeProcess(T item)
Marks a method to be called before an item is read from an ItemReader

Expected signature: void beforeRead()
Marks a method to be called before a Step is executed, which comes after a StepExecution is created and persisted but before the first item is read.
Marks a method to be called before a chunk is passed to an ItemWriter.
Adapts a Callable<RepeatStatus> to the Tasklet interface.
Context object for weakly typed data stored for the duration of a chunk (usually a group of items processed together in a transaction).
Internal parser for the <chunk/> element inside a step.
Listener interface for the lifecycle of a chunk.
as of 5.0, in favor of the default methods on the ChunkListener
Manage the offset data between the last successful commit and updates made to an input chunk.
A Tasklet implementing variations on read-process-write item handling.
Interface defined for processing Chunks.
Interface for providing Chunks to be processed, used by the ChunkOrientedTasklet
A convenient factory for creating a set of ApplicationContextFactory components from a set of resources.
Basic launcher for starting jobs from the command line.
Strategy interface for executing commands.
Composite JobParametersValidator that passes the job parameters through a sequence of injected JobParametersValidators
Maps exit codes to ExitStatus according to injected map.
Post-process jobs and steps defined using the batch namespace to inject dependencies.
Utility methods used in parsing of the batch core namespace.
RuntimeHintsRegistrar for Spring Batch core module.
This incrementer uses a DataFieldMaxValueIncrementer to generate the sequence of values to use as job instance discriminator.
Converter implementation from Date to String.
Internal parser for the <decision/> elements inside a job.
State that requires a decider to make the status decision.
Base Configuration class that provides common JDBC-based infrastructure beans for enabling and using Spring Batch.
Default BatchJobObservationConvention implementation.
Default BatchStepObservationConvention implementation.
An implementation of the ExecutionContextSerializer that produces/consumes Base64 content.
Default implementation of the ItemListenerSupport class that writes all exceptions via commons logging.
Default implementation of the JobKeyGenerator interface.
Default implementation of JobLoader.
Converter for JobParameters instances that uses a simple naming convention for converting job parameters.
Simple implementation of JobParametersExtractor which pulls parameters with named keys out of the step execution context and the job parameters of the surrounding job.
Default implementation of JobParametersValidator.
Sorts by decreasing specificity of pattern, based on just counting wildcards (with * taking precedence over ?).
Convenience class for aggregating a set of StepExecution instances into a single result.
Checked exception that indicates a name clash when registering Job instances.
Enable Spring Batch features and provide a base configuration for setting up batch jobs in an @Configuration class, roughly equivalent to using the <batch:*> XML namespace.
State implementation for ending a job if it is in progress and continuing if just starting.
Batch Domain Entity class.
A SkipPolicy that depends on an exception classifier to make its decision, and then delegates to the classifier result.
DAO interface for persisting and retrieving ExecutionContexts.
This class can be used to automatically promote items from the Step ExecutionContext to the Job ExecutionContext at the end of a step.
A composite interface that combines both serialization and deserialization of an execution context into a single implementation.
This interface should be implemented when an environment calling the batch framework has specific requirements regarding the operating system process return status.
Value object used to carry information about the status of a job or step execution.
FaultTolerant implementation of the ChunkProcessor interface, that allows for skipping or retry of items that cause exceptions during writing.
FaultTolerant implementation of the ChunkProvider interface, that allows for skipping or retry of items that cause exceptions during reading or processing.
A step builder for fully fault tolerant chunk-oriented item processing steps.
Factory bean for step that provides options for configuring skip behavior.
A builder for a flow of steps that can be executed as a job or as part of a job.
A builder for building a split state.
A builder for transitions within a flow.
A builder for continuing a flow from a decision state.
Internal parser for the <flow/> elements inside a job.
Strategy interface for aggregating FlowExecution instances into a single exit status.
Represents the status of FlowExecution.
Context and execution strategy for FlowJob to allow it to delegate its execution step by step.
Convenient interface for components that contain nested flows.
Implementation of the Job interface that allows for complex flows of steps, rather than requiring sequential execution.
A job builder for FlowJob instances.
State that delegates to a Flow
A Step implementation that delegates to a Flow.
A step builder for FlowStep instances.
Fatal exception to be thrown when a rollback must be forced, typically after catching an exception that otherwise would not cause a rollback.
ApplicationContextFactory implementation that takes a parent context and a path to the context to create.
A Job that can optionally prepend a group name to another job's name, to make it fit a naming convention for type or origin.
Internal parser for the <step/> elements inside a job.
Basic no-op implementation of the ItemReadListener, ItemProcessListener, and ItemWriteListener interfaces.
Listener interface for the processing of an item.
Listener interface around the reading of an item.
Listener interface for the writing of items.
Implementation that uses Jackson2 to provide (de)serialization.
JDBC DAO for ExecutionContext.
JDBC implementation of JobExecutionDao.
JDBC implementation of JobInstanceDao.
JDBC implementation of StepExecutionDao.
Allows customization of the tables names used by Spring Batch for step meta data via a prefix property.
Uses sequences or tables (via Spring's DataFieldMaxValueIncrementer abstraction) to create all primary keys before inserting a new row.
Batch domain object representing a job.
Convenience for building jobs of various kinds.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Deprecated as of v5.0 and scheduled for removal in v5.2 in favor of using the JobBuilder.
A base class and utility for other job builders providing access to common properties like job repository.
A context object that can be used to interrogate the current JobExecution and some of its associated properties using expressions based on bean paths.
Batch domain object representing the execution of a job.
Data Access Object for job executions.
Interface allowing for programmatic access to the decision on what the status of a flow should be.
Root of exception hierarchy for checked exceptions in job and step execution.
Provide callbacks at specific points in the lifecycle of a Job.
Parser for a step listener element.
as of 5.0, in favor of the default methods on the JobExecutionListener
Checked exception to indicate that user asked for a job execution to be resumed when actually it didn't fail.
Checked exception indicating that a JobExecution that is not currently running has been requested to stop.
Checked exception to indicate that user asked for a job execution to be aborted when hasn't been stopped.
Entry point for browsing the executions of running or historical jobs and steps.
A FactoryBean that automates the creation of a SimpleJobExplorer by using JDBC DAO implementations.
Strategy for creating a single job.
Generic service that can bind and unbind a JobFactory in a JobRegistry.
Implementation of FlowExecutor for use in components that need to execute a flow related to a JobExecution.
Batch domain object representing a uniquely identifiable job run.
An exception indicating an illegal attempt to restart a job that was already completed successfully.
Checked exception to indicate that a required Job is not available.
Data Access Object for job instances.
Exception to indicate the job has been interrupted.
Strategy interface for the generation of the key used in identifying unique JobInstance objects.
Simple interface for controlling jobs, including possible ad-hoc executions, based on different runtime identifiers.
This AbstractListenerFactoryBean implementation is used to create a JobExecutionListener.
Enumeration for JobExecutionListener meta data, which ties together the names of methods, their interfaces, annotation, and expected arguments.
A runtime service locator interface for retrieving job configurations by name.
Low level interface for inspecting and controlling jobs with access only to primitive and collection types.
Convenient factory bean that creates a transactional proxy around a JobOperator.
Domain representation of a parameter to a batch job.
This class can be used to automatically copy items from the JobParameters to the Step ExecutionContext.
Value object representing runtime parameters to a batch job.
Helper class for creating JobParameters.
A factory for JobParameters instances.
Strategy interface for translating a StepExecution into JobParameters.
Interface for obtaining the next JobParameters object in a sequence.
Exception for Job to signal that some JobParameters are invalid.
Checked exception to indicate that a required JobParametersIncrementer is not available.
Strategy interface for a Job to use in validating its parameters for an execution.
Parser for the <job/> element in the Batch namespace.
This FactoryBean is used by the batch namespace parser to create FlowJob objects.
A runtime service registry interface for registering job configurations by name.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
since 5.0 with no replacement.
A BeanPostProcessor that registers Job beans with a JobRegistry.
Repository responsible for persistence of batch meta-data entities.
A FactoryBean that automates the creation of a SimpleJobRepository using JDBC DAO implementations which persist batch metadata in database.
Parser for the <job-repository/> element in the Batch namespace.
An exception indicating an illegal attempt to restart a job.
Convenient annotation for job-scoped beans that defaults the proxy mode, so that it does not have to be specified explicitly on every bean definition.
Scope for job context.
Convenient aspect to wrap a single threaded job execution, where the implementation of the Job is not job scope aware (i.e.
A Step that delegates to a Job to do its work.
A step builder for JobStep instances.
Central convenience class for framework use in managing the job scope context.
Converter for JobParameters instances that uses a JSON naming convention for converting job parameters.
Implementation of the CommandRunner interface that calls the standard Runtime.exec(java.lang.String) method.
Implementation of the SystemExiter interface that calls the standards System.exit method.
Interface for defining keys to uniquely identify items.
SkipPolicy that determines whether or not reading should continue based upon how many items have been skipped.
A listable extension of JobLocator.
A common interface for listener meta data enumerations.
Converter implementation from LocalDateTime to String.
Converter implementation from LocalDate to String.
Converter implementation from LocalTime to String.
Simple, thread-safe, map-based implementation of JobRegistry.
Simple map-based implementation of StepRegistry.
Implementation of the FlowExecutionAggregator interface that aggregates FlowExecutionStatus', using the status with the high precedence as the aggregate status.
MethodInterceptor that, given a map of method names and MethodInvokers, will execute all methods tied to a particular method name, with the provided arguments.
A Tasklet that wraps a method in a POJO.
Implementation of Partitioner that locates multiple resources and associates their file names with execution context keys.
SkipPolicy implementation that always returns false, indicating that an item should not be skipped.
Fatal exception to be thrown when a process operation could not be skipped.
Fatal exception to be thrown when a read operation could not be skipped.
Fatal exception to be thrown when a process operation could not be skipped.
Checked exception to indicate that a required Job is not available.
Checked exception to indicate that a required JobExecution is not available.
Exception that signals that the user requested an operation on a non-existent JobInstance.
This exception identifies that a batch domain object is invalid, which is generally caused by an invalid ID.
Exception to signal that a step was requested that is unknown or does not exist.
Fails the step if no items have been processed ( item count is 0).
Marks a method to be called if an exception is thrown by an ItemProcessor.
Marks a method to be called if an exception is thrown by an ItemReader.
Marks a method to be called when an item is skipped due to an exception thrown in the ItemProcessor.

Expected signature: void onSkipInProcess(T item, Throwable t)
Marks a method to be called when an item is skipped due to an exception thrown in the ItemReader.
Marks a method to be called when an item is skipped due to an exception thrown in the ItemWriter.

Expected signature: void onSkipInWrite(S item, Throwable t)
Marks a method to be called if an exception is thrown by an ItemWriter.
Central strategy interface for creating input parameters for a partitioned step in the form of ExecutionContext instances.
Interface defining the responsibilities of controlling the execution of a partitioned StepExecution.
Optional interface for Partitioner implementations that need to use a custom naming scheme for partitions.
Implementation of Step which partitions the execution and spreads the load using a PartitionHandler.
Step builder for PartitionStep instances.
A JobFactory that keeps a reference to a Job.
Convenience class for aggregating a set of StepExecution instances when the input comes from remote steps, so the data need to be refreshed from the repository.
This incrementer increments a "" parameter of type Long from the given job parameters.
Configuration class that provides StepScope and JobScope.
Simple implementation of the ChunkProcessor interface that handles basic item writing and processing.
Simple implementation of the ChunkProvider interface that does basic chunk providing from an ItemReader.
A Flow that branches conditionally depending on the exit status of the last State.
Convenience factory for SimpleFlow instances for use in the XML namespace.
A State that proxies a delegate and changes its name but leaves its behavior unchanged.
Simple implementation of Job interface providing the ability to run a JobExecution.
Implementation of JobExplorer that uses the injected DAOs.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Since v5.0.0 for removal in v5.2.0.
Simple implementation of the JobOperator interface.
Implementation of JobRepository that stores job instances, job executions, and step executions using the injected DAOs.
An implementation of ExitCodeMapper that can be configured through a map from batch exit codes (String) to integer results.
Simplest possible implementation of Partitioner.
An ExceptionHandler that is aware of the retry context so that it can distinguish between a fatal exception and one that can be retried.
Step builder for simple item processing (chunk oriented) steps.
Generic implementation of StepExecutionSplitter that delegates to a Partitioner to generate ExecutionContext instances.
Most common configuration options for simple steps should be found here.
Implementation of StepHandler that manages repository and restart concerns.
Simple SystemProcessExitCodeMapper implementation that performs following mapping: 0 -> ExitStatus.FINISHED else -> ExitStatus.FAILED
Base exception indicating that the skip has failed or caused a failure.
Exception indicating that the skip limit for a particular Step has been exceeded.
Interface for listener to skipped items.
Special exception to indicate a failure in a skip listener.
as of v5.0 in favor of the default methods in SkipListener.
Policy for determining whether or not some processing should be skipped.
Special exception to indicate a failure in a skip policy.
Internal parser for the <split/> elements inside a job.
A State implementation that splits a Flow into multiple parallel subflows.
Class that exposes the Spring Batch version.
Internal parser for the <step/> elements for a job.
Indicates the step's start limit has been exceeded.
Value object representing a potential transition from one State to another.
Batch domain interface representing the configuration of a step.
Convenient entry point for building all kinds of steps.
Utility exception thrown by builders when they encounter unexpected checked exceptions.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Deprecated as of v5.0 and scheduled for removal in v5.2 in favor of using the StepBuilder.
A base class and utility for other step builders providing access to common properties like job repository and listeners.
A context object that can be used to interrogate the current StepExecution and some of its associated properties using expressions based on bean paths.
Convenient base class for clients who need to do something in a repeat callback inside a Step.
Represents a contribution to a StepExecution, buffering changes until they can be applied at a chunk boundary.
Batch domain object representation for the execution of a step.
Strategy for a aggregating step executions, usually when they are the result of partitioned or remote execution.
Listener interface for the lifecycle of a Step.
as of 5.0, in favor of the default methods on the StepExecutionListener
A CompletionPolicy that picks up a commit interval from JobParameters by listening to the start of a step.
Strategy interface for generating input contexts for a partitioned step execution independent from the fabric they are going to run on.
Strategy interface for handling a Step on behalf of a Job.
Interface for holders of a Step as a convenience for callers who need access to the underlying instance.
Strategy interface for an interruption policy.
Marker interface that acts as a parent to all step domain listeners, such as: StepExecutionListener, ChunkListener, ItemReadListener, and ItemWriteListener
This AbstractListenerFactoryBean implementation is used to create a StepListener.
Exception to indicate a problem in a step listener.
Enumeration for StepListener meta data, which ties together the names of methods, their interfaces, annotation, and expected arguments.
Parser for a step listener element.
Basic no-op implementations of all StepListener interfaces.
Interface for locating a Step instance by name.
Convenience factory for Step instances given a StepLocator.
This FactoryBean is used by the batch namespace parser to create Step objects.
Registry keeping track of all the Step instances defined in a Job.
Convenient annotation for step-scoped beans.
Scope for step context.
Convenient aspect to wrap a single threaded step execution, where the implementation of the Step is not step scope aware (i.e.
State implementation that delegates to a FlowExecutor to execute the specified Step.
Central convenience class for framework use in managing the step scope context.
An extension to the Tasklet interface to allow users to add logic for stopping a tasklet.
Converter implementation from String to Date.
Converter implementation from String to LocalDate.
Converter implementation from String to LocalDateTime.
Converter implementation from String to LocalTime.
Central convenience class for framework use in managing the scope context.
Exception indicating failed execution of system command.
Tasklet that executes a system command.
Interface for exiting the JVM.
Maps the exit code of a system process to ExitStatus value returned by a system command.
Implementation of the JobLauncher interface based on a TaskExecutor.
A PartitionHandler that uses a TaskExecutor to execute the partitioned Step locally in multiple threads.
Strategy for processing in a step.
Parse a tasklet element for a step.
Simple implementation of executing the step as a call to a Tasklet, possibly repeated, and each call surrounded by a transaction.
Builder for tasklet step based on a custom tasklet (not item oriented).
Policy that checks the current thread to see if it has been interrupted.
Parse <job-listener/> elements in the batch namespace.
Parse <step-listener/> elements in the batch namespace.
Parser for the <step/> top level element in the Batch namespace.
Convenience wrapper for a checked exception so that it can cause a rollback and be extracted afterwards.
Indicates to the framework that a critical error has occurred and processing should immediately stop.