All Classes and Interfaces

AbstractConnectionFactoryConfigurer<T extends org.springframework.amqp.rabbit.connection.AbstractConnectionFactory>
Configures Rabbit ConnectionFactory with sensible defaults.
Abstract base class for a BeanFactoryPostProcessor that can be used to dynamically declare that all beans of a specific type should depend on specific other beans identified by name or type.
Abstract base class for error @Controller implementations.
Abstract base class for ErrorWebExceptionHandler implementations.
Abstract base class for nested conditions.
AbstractRabbitListenerContainerFactoryConfigurer<T extends org.springframework.amqp.rabbit.config.AbstractRabbitListenerContainerFactory<?>>
Configure RabbitListenerContainerFactory with sensible defaults.
Base ImportBeanDefinitionRegistrar used to auto-configure Spring Data Repositories.
Base class for @ConfigurationProperties of a AbstractTemplateViewResolver.
Base class for @ConfigurationProperties of a ViewResolver.
Condition that will match when all nested class conditions match.
RequestMatcherProvider that provides an AntPathRequestMatcher.
Condition that will match when any nested class condition matches.
Auto-configuration for Spring's AOP support.
EnableAutoConfiguration for ApplicationAvailabilityBean.
Auto-configuration to integrate with an Artemis broker.
Callback interface that can be implemented by beans wishing to customize the Artemis JMS server Configuration before it is used by an auto-configured EmbeddedActiveMQ instance.
Define the mode in which Artemis can operate.
A no-op implementation of the BindingRegistry.
Configuration properties for Artemis.
Configuration for an embedded Artemis server.
Indicates that a class provides configuration that can be automatically applied by Spring Boot.
A TypeFilter implementation that matches registered auto-configuration classes.
Event fired when auto-configuration classes are imported.
Filter that can be registered in spring.factories to limit the auto-configuration classes considered.
Listener that can be registered with spring.factories to receive details of imported auto-configurations.
DeferredImportSelector to handle auto-configuration.
Provides access to meta-data written by the auto-configure annotation processor.
Registers packages with AutoConfigurationPackages.
Class for storing auto-configuration packages for reference later (e.g.
Configurations representing auto-configuration @Configuration classes.
Hint for that an auto-configuration should be applied after other specified auto-configuration classes.
Hint that an auto-configuration should be applied before other specified auto-configuration classes.
Auto-configuration specific variant of Spring Framework's @Order annotation.
ApplicationListener to trigger early initialization in a background thread of time-consuming tasks.
Basic global error @Controller, rendering ErrorAttributes.
Auto-configuration for Spring Batch.
Qualifier annotation for a DataSource to be injected into Batch auto-configuration.
DataSourceScriptDatabaseInitializer for the Spring Batch database.
Configuration properties for Spring Batch.
Callback interface that can be implemented by beans wishing to customize the default setup for caches added to the manager through addCaches and for dynamically created caches.
Auto-configuration for the cache abstraction.
CacheManagerCustomizer<T extends org.springframework.cache.CacheManager>
Callback interface that can be implemented by beans wishing to customize the cache manager before it is fully initialized, in particular to tune its configuration.
Invokes the available CacheManagerCustomizer instances in the context for a given CacheManager.
Configuration properties for the cache abstraction.
Caffeine specific cache properties.
Couchbase specific cache properties.
Infinispan specific cache properties.
JCache (JSR-107) specific cache properties.
Redis-specific cache properties.
Supported cache types (defined in order of precedence).
Configures Rabbit CachingConnectionFactory with sensible defaults.
Auto-configuration for Cassandra.
Auto-configuration for Spring Data's Cassandra support.
Configuration properties for Cassandra.
Name of the algorithm used to compress protocol frames.
Pool properties.
Auto-configuration for Spring Data's reactive Cassandra support.
Auto-configuration for Spring Data's Cassandra Reactive Repositories.
Auto-configuration for Spring Data's Cassandra Repositories.
Auto-configuration for ClientHttpConnector.
Callback interface that can be implemented by beans wishing to customize the ClientResources through a ClientResources.Builder whilst retaining default auto-configuration.
Condition that matches if any properties are defined.
Callback interface that can be implemented by beans wishing to customize the ClusterEnvironment through a ClusterEnvironment.Builder whilst retaining default auto-configuration.
properties for reactive codecs.
Auto-configuration for Encoders and Decoders.
Configure ConcurrentKafkaListenerContainerFactory with sensible defaults.
@Conditional that only matches when beans meeting all the specified requirements are already contained in the BeanFactory.
@Conditional that only matches when the specified classes are on the classpath.
@Conditional that matches when the specified cloud platform is active.
@Conditional that only matches when web security is available and the user has not defined their own configuration.
@Conditional that checks whether the Spring resource handling chain is enabled.
Configuration annotation for a conditional element that depends on the value of a SpEL expression.
@Conditional that only matches when a GraphQL schema is defined for the application, through schema files or infrastructure beans.
@Conditional that matches based on the JVM version the application is running on.
Range options.
@Conditional that matches based on the availability of a JNDI InitialContext and the ability to lookup specific locations.
@Conditional that only matches when no beans meeting the specified requirements are already contained in the BeanFactory.
@Conditional that only matches when the specified classes are not on the classpath.
@Conditional that only matches when no Filter beans of the specified type are contained in the BeanFactory.
@Conditional that only matches when the application context is a not a web application context.
@Conditional that checks if the specified properties have a specific value.
@Conditional that only matches when a particular type of Spring Data repository has been enabled.
@Conditional that only matches when the specified resources are on the classpath.
@Conditional that only matches when a bean of the specified class is already contained in the BeanFactory and a single candidate can be determined.
@Conditional that matches when the application is a traditional WAR deployment.
@Conditional that matches when the application is a web application.
Available application types.
Records condition evaluation details for reporting and logging.
Provides access to a single Condition and ConditionOutcome.
Provides access to a number of ConditionEvaluationReport.ConditionAndOutcome items.
ApplicationContextInitializer that writes the ConditionEvaluationReport to the log.
A condition evaluation report message that can logged or printed.
A message associated with a ConditionOutcome.
Render styles.
Outcome for a condition match, including log message.
Callback interface that can be implemented by beans wishing to customize the Config through a Config.ConfigBuilder whilst retaining default auto-configuration.
Auto-configuration for @ConfigurationProperties beans.
Callback interface that can be implemented by beans wishing to customize the auto-configured RabbitMQ ConnectionFactory.
Callback interface that can be implemented by beans wishing to customize the ConnectionFactoryOptions through a ConnectionFactoryOptions.Builder whilst retaining default auto-configuration.
Auto-configuration for Couchbase.
Callback interface that can be implemented by beans wishing to customize the CouchbaseCacheManager.CouchbaseCacheManagerBuilder before it is used to build the auto-configured CouchbaseCacheManager.
Auto-configuration for Spring Data's Couchbase support.
Configuration properties for Spring Data Couchbase.
Configuration properties for Couchbase.
Auto-configuration for Spring Data's Reactive Couchbase support.
Auto-configuration for Spring Data's Couchbase Reactive Repositories.
Auto-configuration for Spring Data's Couchbase Repositories.
Callback interface that can be implemented by beans wishing to customize the CqlSession through a CqlSessionBuilder whilst retaining default auto-configuration.
A custom SpringLiquibase extension that closes the underlying DataSource once the database has been migrated.
Register the DataSourcePoolMetadataProvider instances for the supported data sources.
Base class for configuration of a data source.
XA Specific datasource settings.
Auto-configuration for JdbcTransactionManager.
Formatters for dates, times, and date-times.
Callback interface that can be implemented by beans wishing to customize the DefaultConfiguration whilst retaining default auto-configuration.
Callback interface that can be implemented by beans wishing to customize the DefaultCookieSerializer configuration.
Default ErrorViewResolver implementation that attempts to resolve error views using well known conventions.
Basic global WebExceptionHandler, rendering ErrorAttributes.
Default implementation of JerseyApplicationPath that derives the path from JerseyProperties or the @ApplicationPath annotation.
Configure DefaultJmsListenerContainerFactory with sensible defaults.
Callback interface for customizing DefaultKafkaConsumerFactory beans.
Callback interface for customizing DefaultKafkaProducerFactory beans.
Configure DirectRabbitListenerContainerFactoryConfigurer with sensible defaults.
Auto-configuration for the Spring DispatcherServlet.
Interface that can be used by auto-configurations that need path details for the default DispatcherServlet.
ServletRegistrationBean for the auto-configured DispatcherServlet.
Callback interface that can be implemented by beans wishing to customize the DriverConfigLoader through a DriverConfigLoaderBuilderCustomizer whilst retaining default auto-configuration.
Auto-configuration for Elasticsearch's Java client.
Auto-configuration for Spring Data's Elasticsearch support.
Configuration properties for Elasticsearch.
Auto-configuration for Spring Data's Elasticsearch Repositories.
Auto-configuration for Elasticsearch REST clients.
Configuration for embedded data sources.
Auto-configuration for Embedded LDAP.
Configuration properties for Embedded LDAP.
Auto-configuration for embedded servlet and reactive web servers customizations.
Nested configuration if Jetty is being used.
Nested configuration if Netty is being used.
Nested configuration if Tomcat is being used.
Nested configuration if Undertow is being used.
Enable auto-configuration of the Spring Application Context, attempting to guess and configure beans that you are likely to need.
Callback interface that can be used to customize the auto-configured EntityManagerFactoryBuilder.
BeanFactoryPostProcessor that can be used to dynamically declare that all EntityManagerFactory beans should "depend on" one or more specific beans.
Configures the base packages used by auto-configuration when scanning for entity classes.
An entity scanner that searches the classpath from an @EntityScan specified packages.
Class for storing @EntityScan specified packages for reference later (e.g.
Callback interface that can be implemented by beans wishing to customize the auto-configured Environment that is created by an EnvironmentBuilder.
Auto-configuration to render errors through an MVC error controller.
Configuration properties for web error handling.
Include error attributes options.
Include Stacktrace attribute options.
Interface that can be implemented by beans that resolve error views.
Auto-configuration to render errors through a WebFlux WebExceptionHandler.
Auto-configuration for Flyway database migrations.
Callback interface that can be implemented by beans wishing to customize the flyway configuration.
Qualifier annotation for a DataSource to be injected in to Flyway.
InitializingBean used to trigger Flyway migration through the FlywayMigrationStrategy.
Strategy used to initialize Flyway migration.
Configuration properties for Flyway database migrations.
Auto-configuration for FreeMarker.
@ConfigurationProperties for configuring FreeMarker.
TemplateAvailabilityProvider that provides availability information for FreeMarker view templates.
Auto-configuration for creating a Spring GraphQL base infrastructure.
Configuration properties for GraphQL endpoint's CORS support.
properties for Spring GraphQL.
Auto-configuration that creates a GraphQlSourceBuilderCustomizers to detect Spring Data repositories with Query By Example support and register them as DataFetchers for any queries with a matching return type.
Auto-configuration that creates a GraphQlSourceBuilderCustomizers to detect Spring Data repositories with Querydsl support and register them as DataFetchers for any queries with a matching return type.
Auto-configuration that creates a GraphQlSourceBuilderCustomizers to detect Spring Data repositories with Query By Example support and register them as DataFetchers for any queries with a matching return type.
Auto-configuration that creates a GraphQlSourceBuilderCustomizers to detect Spring Data repositories with Querydsl support and register them as DataFetchers for any queries with a matching return type.
Auto-configuration for enabling Spring GraphQL over RSocket.
Callback interface that can be implemented by beans wishing to customize properties of Builder whilst retaining default auto-configuration.
Auto-configuration for enabling Spring GraphQL over WebFlux.
Auto-configuration for enabling Security support for Spring GraphQL with WebFlux.
Auto-configuration for enabling Spring GraphQL over Spring MVC.
Auto-configuration for enabling Security support for Spring GraphQL with MVC.
Auto-configuration support for Groovy templates in MVC.
TemplateAvailabilityProvider that provides availability information for Groovy view templates.
@ConfigurationProperties for configuring Groovy templates.
Callback interface that can be implemented by beans wishing to further customize the Gson through GsonBuilder retaining its default auto-configuration.
Configuration properties to configure Gson.
Auto-configuration for H2's web console.
Configuration properties for H2's console.
properties for Spring HATEOAS.
Auto-configuration for Hazelcast IMDG.
Callback interface that can be implemented by beans wishing to customize the Hazelcast server configuration.
SpringBootCondition used to check if the Hazelcast configuration is available.
Additional configuration to ensure that EntityManagerFactory beans depend on the hazelcastInstance bean.
Configuration properties for the hazelcast integration.
Configuration properties for Hazelcast backed Spring Session.
Auto-configuration for Hibernate JPA.
Configuration properties for Hibernate.
Callback interface that can be implemented by beans wishing to customize the Hibernate properties before it is used by an auto-configured EntityManagerFactory.
Settings to apply when configuring Hibernate.
Auto-configuration for configuring the encoding to use in web applications.
Auto-configuration for HttpHandler.
Bean used to manage the HttpMessageConverters used in a Spring Boot application.
Auto-configuration for HttpMessageConverters.
Auto-configuration for Spring HATEOAS's @EnableHypermediaSupport.
Import and apply the specified auto-configuration classes.
Infinispan cache configuration.
Auto-configuration for InfluxDB.
Callback interface that can be implemented by beans wishing to further customize InfluxDB whilst retaining default auto-configuration.
Provide the OkHttpClient.Builder to use to customize the auto-configured InfluxDB instance.
Configuration properties for InfluxDB.
Auto-configuration for Spring Integration.
Integration component scan configuration.
Basic Spring Integration configuration.
Integration JDBC configuration.
Spring Integration JMX configuration.
Integration management configuration.
Integration RSocket configuration.
Expose a standard ThreadPoolTaskScheduler if the user has not enabled task scheduling explicitly.
DataSourceScriptDatabaseInitializer for the Spring Integration database.
Configuration properties for Spring Integration.
Condition for creating JwtDecoder by oidc issuer location.
Callback interface that can be implemented by beans wishing to further customize the ObjectMapper through Jackson2ObjectMapperBuilder retaining its default auto-configuration.
Auto configuration for Jackson.
Configuration properties to configure Jackson.
Callback interface that can be implemented by beans wishing to customize the cache manager before it is used, in particular to create additional caches.
Configuration properties for JDBC.
JdbcTemplate settings.
Auto-configuration for Spring Data's JDBC Repositories.
DataSourceScriptDatabaseInitializer for the Spring Session JDBC database.
Configuration properties for JDBC backed Spring Session.
Auto-configuration for JdbcTemplate and NamedParameterJdbcTemplate.
Callback interface that can be implemented by beans wishing to customize the JedisClientConfiguration through a JedisClientConfiguration.JedisClientConfigurationBuilder whilst retaining default auto-configuration.
Interface that can be used by auto-configurations that need path details Jersey's application path that serves as the base URI for the application.
Auto-configuration for Jersey.
@ConfigurationProperties for Jersey.
Customization for Jetty-specific features common for both Servlet and Reactive servers.
WebSocket customizer for JettyServletWebServerFactory.
Auto-configuration for Spring JMS.
Factory to create a JmsPoolConnectionFactory from properties defined in JmsPoolConnectionFactoryProperties.
Configuration properties for connection factory pooling.
Configuration properties for JMS.
Translate the acknowledge modes defined on the Session.
Auto-configuration to enable/disable Spring's @EnableMBeanExport mechanism based on configuration properties.
Configuration properties for JMX.
Auto-configuration for JMS provided from JNDI.
Auto-configuration for a JNDI located DataSource.
Spring ApplicationEvent encapsulating a JobExecution.
ExitCodeGenerator for JobExecutionEvents.
ApplicationRunner to launch Spring Batch jobs.
Define the supported Quartz JobStore.
Transforms SQLException into a Spring-specific DataAccessException.
Configuration properties for the JOOQ database library.
Base Auto-configuration for JPA.
External configuration properties for a JPA EntityManagerFactory created by Spring.
Auto-configuration for Spring Data's JPA Repositories.
Auto-configuration for JSON-B.
TemplateAvailabilityProvider that provides availability information for JSP view templates.
Auto-configuration for Apache Kafka.
Configuration properties for Spring for Apache Kafka.
Properties for non-blocking, topic-based retries.
High (and some medium) priority Streams properties and a general properties bucket.
Condition for creating a jwt decoder using a public key value.
Configuration properties for LDAP.
Auto-configuration for Spring Data's LDAP Repositories.
Callback interface that can be implemented by beans wishing to customize the LettuceClientConfiguration through a LettuceClientConfiguration.LettuceClientConfigurationBuilder whilst retaining default auto-configuration.
Auto-configuration relating to the application context's lifecycle.
Configuration properties for lifecycle processing.
Auto-configuration for Liquibase.
Qualifier annotation for a DataSource to be injected in to Liquibase.
Configuration properties to configure SpringLiquibase.
Configuration properties for email support.
Auto configuration for email support.
Auto configuration for testing mail service connectivity on startup.
Auto-configuration for MessageSource.
Configuration properties for Message Source.
A factory for a blocking MongoClient.
Base class for setup that is common to MongoDB client factories.
Callback interface that can be implemented by beans wishing to customize the MongoClientSettings through a MongoClientSettings.Builder whilst retaining default auto-configuration.
Auto-configuration for Spring Data's mongo support.
Configuration properties for Mongo.
A MongoClientSettingsBuilderCustomizer that applies properties from a MongoProperties to a MongoClientSettings.
Auto-configuration for Reactive Mongo.
Auto-configuration for Spring Data's reactive mongo support.
Auto-configuration for Spring Data's Mongo Reactive Repositories.
Auto-configuration for Spring Data's Mongo Repositories.
Configuration properties for Mongo-backed Spring Session.
Auto-configuration for multipart uploads.
Properties to be used in configuring a MultipartConfigElement.
Auto-configuration for Mustache.
@ConfigurationProperties for Mustache.
Mustache TemplateLoader implementation that uses a prefix, suffix and the Spring Resource abstraction to load a template from a file, classpath, URL etc.
TemplateAvailabilityProvider that provides availability information for Mustache view templates.
Auto-configuration for Spring Data Neo4j.
Configuration properties for Spring Data Neo4j.
Configuration properties for Neo4j.
Auto-configuration for Spring Data's reactive Neo4j support.
Auto-configuration for Spring Data's Neo4j Reactive Repositories.
Auto-configuration for Spring Data's Neo4j Repositories.
@ConfigurationProperties for the Netty engine.
Customization for Netty-specific features.
Condition that will match when none of the nested class conditions match.
Auto-configuration for OAuth client support.
OAuth 2.0 client properties.
A single client registration.
Adapter class to convert OAuth2ClientProperties to a ClientRegistration.
Auto-configuration for OAuth2 resource server support.
OAuth 2.0 resource server properties.
Condition that checks if the database initialization of a particular component should be considered.
Condition that checks if a property whose value is a list is defined in the environment.
Extension of MetadataNamingStrategy that supports a parent ApplicationContext.
Abstract base class for TemplateAvailabilityProvider implementations that find templates from paths.
Factory that can be used to create a ServerWebExchangeMatcher for commonly used paths.
Factory that can be used to create a RequestMatcher for commonly used paths.
The request matcher used to match against h2 console path.
Auto-configuration for Spring's persistence exception translation.
PlatformTransactionManagerCustomizer<T extends org.springframework.transaction.PlatformTransactionManager>
Callback interface that can be implemented by beans wishing to customize PlatformTransactionManagers whilst retaining default auto-configuration.
Auto-configuration for various project information.
Configuration properties for project information.
Build specific info properties.
Git specific info properties.
Auto-configuration for PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer.
Auto-configuration for Quartz Scheduler.
Qualifier annotation for a DataSource to be injected into Quartz auto-configuration.
DataSourceScriptDatabaseInitializer for the Quartz Scheduler database.
Configuration properties for the Quartz Scheduler integration.
Qualifier annotation for a TransactionManager to be injected into Quartz auto-configuration.
Auto-configuration for DatabaseClient.
Configuration properties for R2DBC.
Auto-configuration for Spring Data R2DBC Repositories.
Auto-configuration for R2dbcTransactionManager.
Auto-configuration for RabbitTemplate.
Configures RabbitConnectionFactoryBean with sensible defaults.
Configuration properties for Rabbit.
Configuration properties for DirectMessageListenerContainer.
Configuration properties for SimpleMessageListenerContainer.
Callback interface that can be used to customize a RetryTemplate used as part of the Rabbit infrastructure.
Define the available target for a RetryTemplate.
Configure RabbitStreamTemplate with sensible defaults.
Configure RabbitTemplate with sensible defaults.
Auto-configuration for Spring Data Elasticsearch's reactive client.
Auto-configuration for Spring Data's Elasticsearch Reactive Repositories.
A factory for a reactive MongoClient.
Auto-configuration for multipart support in Spring WebFlux.
Configuration properties for configuring multipart support in Spring Webflux.
Auto-configuration for Spring Security's Reactive OAuth2 client.
Auto-configuration for Reactive OAuth2 resource server support.
Auto-configuration for Spring Security in a reactive application.
Default user @Configuration for a reactive web application.
Auto-configuration for a reactive web server.
Registers a WebServerFactoryCustomizerBeanPostProcessor.
WebServerFactoryCustomizer to apply ServerProperties to reactive servers.
Configurations for Reactor Netty.
Mapper that allows for custom modification of a HttpClient before it is used as the basis for a ReactorClientHttpConnector.
Configuration properties for Reactor Netty.
Auto-configuration for Spring Data's Redis support.
Callback interface that can be used to customize a RedisCacheManager.RedisCacheManagerBuilder.
Configuration properties for Redis.
Type of Redis client to use.
Cluster properties.
Jedis client properties.
Lettuce client properties.
Pool properties.
Redis sentinel properties.
Auto-configuration for Spring Data's reactive Redis support.
Auto-configuration for Spring Data's Redis Repositories.
Configuration properties for Redis backed Spring Session.
Strategies for configuring and validating Redis.
Type of Redis session repository to auto-configure.
Auto-configuration for Spring Data Rest's MVC integration.
Configuration properties for Spring Data REST.
Type of Spring Data repositories to enable.
Interface that can be used to provide a RequestMatcher that can be used with Spring Security.
SpringBootCondition used to check if a resource can be found using a configurable property and optional default location(s).
Callback interface that can be implemented by beans wishing to customize Jersey's ResourceConfig before it is used.
Callback interface that can be used to customize ResourceHandlerRegistration.
Callback interface that can be implemented by beans wishing to further customize the RestClient through a RestClientBuilder whilst retaining default auto-configuration.
Auto-configuration for RestTemplate.
Configure RestTemplateBuilder with sensible defaults.
Auto-configuration for RSocketGraphQlClient.
Callback interface that can be used to customize a RSocketMessageHandler.
Auto-configuration for Spring RSocket support in Spring Messaging.
properties for RSocket support.
Auto-configuration for RSocketRequester.
Auto-configuration for Spring Security for an RSocket server.
Auto-configuration for RSocket servers.
Auto-configuration for RSocketStrategies.
Auto-configuration for Spring Security's SAML 2.0 authentication support.
SAML2 relying party properties.
Represents a remote Identity Provider.
Single sign on details for an Identity Provider.
Verification details for an Identity Provider.
Represents a SAML Relying Party.
Single logout details.
Callback interface that can be implemented by beans wishing to customize the Quartz SchedulerFactoryBean before it is fully initialized, in particular to tune its configuration.
Some named search strategies for beans in the bean factory hierarchy.
Auto-configuration for Spring Security.
Automatically adds Spring Security's integration with Spring Data.
Auto-configuration for Spring Security's Filter.
Configuration properties for Spring Security.
Auto-configuration for SendGrid.
@ConfigurationProperties for SendGrid.
@ConfigurationProperties for a web server (e.g.
Strategies for supporting forward headers.
Jetty properties.
Jetty access log properties.
Log format for Jetty access logs.
Jetty thread properties.
Netty properties.
Reactive server properties.
Servlet server properties.
Tomcat properties.
Tomcat access log properties.
Tomcat static resource properties.
Tomcat thread properties.
Undertow properties.
Undertow access log properties.
Undertow thread properties.
Auto-configuration for servlet web servers.
Registers a WebServerFactoryCustomizerBeanPostProcessor.
WebServerFactoryCustomizer to apply ServerProperties and WebListenerRegistrars to servlet web servers.
Auto-configuration for Spring Session.
Configuration properties for Spring Session.
Servlet-related properties.
Configure SimpleRabbitListenerContainerFactoryConfigurer with sensible defaults.
Register a JMX component that allows to administer the current application.
Indicates a configuration class that declares one or more @Bean methods and also triggers auto-configuration and component scanning.
Base of all Condition implementations used with Spring Boot.
Auto-configuration for Spring Data's web support.
Configuration properties for Spring Data Web.
Pageable properties.
Sort properties.
Allows Spring Transaction to be used with JOOQ.
DataSourceScriptDatabaseInitializer for the primary SQL database.
Auto-configuration for initializing an SQL database.
Configuration properties for initializing an SQL database.
R2dbcScriptDatabaseInitializer for the primary SQL database.
Common locations for static resources.
Used to create a ServerWebExchangeMatcher for static resources in commonly used locations.
Used to create a RequestMatcher for static resources in commonly used locations.
The request matcher used to match against resource Locations.
The server web exchange matcher used to match against resource locations.
Callback interface for customizing StreamsBuilderFactoryBean beans.
Auto-configuration for TaskExecutor.
Configuration properties for task execution.
Auto-configuration for TaskScheduler.
Configuration properties for task scheduling.
Indicates the availability of view templates for a particular templating engine such as FreeMarker or Thymeleaf.
Collection of TemplateAvailabilityProvider beans that can be used to check which (if any) templating engine supports a given view.
Contains a location that templates can be loaded from.
Auto-configuration for Thymeleaf.
Properties for Thymeleaf.
TemplateAvailabilityProvider that provides availability information for Thymeleaf view templates.
WebServerFactoryCustomizer to apply ServerProperties to Tomcat reactive web servers.
WebServerFactoryCustomizer to apply ServerProperties to Tomcat web servers.
Customization for Tomcat-specific features common for both Servlet and Reactive servers.
WebSocket customizer for TomcatReactiveWebServerFactory.
WebSocket customizer for TomcatServletWebServerFactory.
Auto-configuration for Spring transaction.
Configuration properties that can be applied to an AbstractPlatformTransactionManager.
WebServerFactoryCustomizer to apply ServerProperties to Undertow Servlet web servers.
Customization for Undertow-specific features common for both Servlet and Reactive servers.
WebSocket customizer for UndertowServletWebServerFactory.
Auto-configuration for a Spring Security in-memory AuthenticationManager.
Auto-configuration to configure the validation infrastructure.
Callback interface that can be used to customize Configuration.
Validator implementation that delegates calls to another Validator.
Auto-configuration for WebClient.
WebClientCustomizer that configures codecs for the HTTP client.
FormattingConversionService dedicated to web applications for formatting and converting values to/from the web.
Auto-configuration for WebFlux.
Configuration equivalent to @EnableWebFlux.
properties for Spring WebFlux.
Interface to register key components of the WebFluxAutoConfiguration in place of the default ones provided by Spring WebFlux.
Auto-configuration for Web MVC.
Configuration equivalent to @EnableWebMvc.
properties for Spring MVC.
Matching strategy options.
Interface to register key components of the WebMvcConfigurationSupport in place of the default ones provided by Spring MVC.
Configuration properties for general web concerns.
Cache configuration.
Cache Control HTTP header configuration.
Configuration for the Spring Resource Handling chain.
Strategies for extracting and embedding a resource version in its URL path.
Version Strategy based on content hashing.
Version Strategy based on a fixed version string.
RuntimeHintsRegistrar for default locations of web resources.
Auto-configuration for Spring Web Services.
@ConfigurationProperties for Spring Web Services.
Auto-configuration for WebServiceTemplate.
Auto-configuration for WebSessionIdResolver.
Auto-configuration for WebSocket-based messaging.
Auto-configuration for WebSocket reactive server in Tomcat, Jetty or Undertow.
Auto configuration for WebSocket servlet server in embedded Tomcat, Jetty or Undertow.