Interface FlywayConnectionDetails

All Superinterfaces:

public interface FlywayConnectionDetails extends ConnectionDetails
Details required for Flyway to establish a connection to an SQL service using JDBC.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    default String
    The name of the JDBC driver class.
    JDBC URL for the database or null if no Flyway-specific configuration is required.
    Password for the database or null if no Flyway-specific configuration is required.
    Username for the database or null if no Flyway-specific configuration is required.
  • Method Details

    • getUsername

      String getUsername()
      Username for the database or null if no Flyway-specific configuration is required.
      the username for the database or null
    • getPassword

      String getPassword()
      Password for the database or null if no Flyway-specific configuration is required.
      the password for the database or null
    • getJdbcUrl

      String getJdbcUrl()
      JDBC URL for the database or null if no Flyway-specific configuration is required.
      the JDBC URL for the database or null
    • getDriverClassName

      default String getDriverClassName()
      The name of the JDBC driver class. Defaults to the class name of the driver specified in the JDBC URL or null when no JDBC URL is configured.
      the JDBC driver class name or null
      See Also:
      • getJdbcUrl()
      • DatabaseDriver.fromJdbcUrl(String)
      • DatabaseDriver.getDriverClassName()