All Classes and Interfaces

Abstract base class for a TypeExcludeFilter that can be customized using an annotation.
EnumerablePropertySource to adapt annotations marked with @PropertyMapping.
Annotation that can be applied to a test class to configure a test CacheManager if none has been defined yet.
Auto-configuration imports for typical Data Cassandra tests.
Auto-configuration imports for typical Data Couchbase tests.
Auto-configuration imports for typical Data Elasticsearch tests.
Auto-configuration imports for typical Data JDBC tests.
Auto-configuration imports for typical Data JPA tests.
Auto-configuration imports for typical Data LDAP tests.
Auto-configuration imports for typical Data MongoDB tests.
Auto-configuration imports for typical Data Neo4j tests.
Auto-configuration imports for typical Data R2DBC tests.
Auto-configuration imports for typical Data redis tests.
Auto-configuration imports for typical Spring GraphQL tests.
Annotation that can be applied to a test class to enable a GraphQlTester.
Annotation that can be applied to a test class to enable a HttpGraphQlTester.
Auto-configuration imports for typical jdbc tests.
Auto-configuration imports for typical jOOQ tests.
Auto-configuration imports for typical JSON tests.
Annotation that can be applied to a test class to enable and configure auto-configuration of JSON testers.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
since 3.0.0 for removal in 3.2.0 in favor of @AutoConfigureObservability
Annotation that can be applied to a test class to enable and configure auto-configuration of MockMvc.
Annotation that can be applied to a test class to enable and configure auto-configuration of a single MockRestServiceServer.
Annotation that can be applied to a test class to enable auto-configuration of MockWebServiceClient.
Annotation that can be applied to a test class to enable and configure auto-configuration of a single MockWebServiceServer.
Annotation that can be applied to a test class to enable auto-configuration for observability.
Annotation that can be applied to a test class to enable and configure auto-configuration of Spring REST Docs.
Annotation that can be applied to a test class to configure a test database to use instead of the application-defined or auto-configured DataSource.
What the test database can replace.
Annotation that can be applied to a test class to enable auto-configuration of a TestEntityManager.
Annotation that can be applied to a test class to enable and configure auto-configuration of web clients.
Auto-configuration imports for typical Spring WebFlux tests.
Auto-configuration imports for typical Spring MVC tests.
Annotation that can be applied to a test class to enable and configure auto-configuration of web service clients.
Annotation that can be applied to a test class to enable and configure auto-configuration of web service servers endpoints.
Annotation that can be applied to a test class to enable a WebTestClient.
An ApplicationContextFailureProcessor that prints the ConditionEvaluationReport when the context cannot be prepared.
Annotation that can be used for a Cassandra test that focuses only on Cassandra components.
Annotation that can be used for a Data Couchbase test that focuses only on Data Couchbase components.
Annotation that can be used for a Data Elasticsearch test that focuses only on Data Elasticsearch components.
Annotation that can be used for a Data JDBC test that focuses only on Data JDBC components.
TypeExcludeFilter for @DataJdbcTest.
Annotation for a JPA test that focuses only on JPA components.
TypeExcludeFilter for @DataJpaTest.
Annotation that can be used for an LDAP test that focuses only on LDAP components.
TypeExcludeFilter for @DataLdapTest.
Annotation that can be used for a MongoDB test that focuses only on MongoDB components.
TypeExcludeFilter for @DataMongoTest.
Annotation that can be used for a Neo4j test that focuses only on Neo4j components.
TypeExcludeFilter for @DataNeo4jTest.
Annotation that can be used for a R2DBC test that focuses only on Data R2DBC components.
Annotation for a Data Redis test that focuses only on Redis components.
TypeExcludeFilter for @DataRedisTest.
Utility to load TypeFilters from @Filter annotations.
Annotation to perform GraphQL tests focusing on GraphQL request execution without a Web layer, and loading only a subset of the application configuration.
Auto-configuration for GraphQlTester.
TypeExcludeFilter for @GraphQlTest.
Auto-configuration for HttpGraphQlTester.
Annotation for a JDBC test that focuses only on JDBC-based components.
TypeExcludeFilter for @JdbcTest.
Annotation for a jOOQ test that focuses only on jOOQ-based components.
TypeExcludeFilter for @JooqTest.
Annotation for a JSON test that focuses only on JSON serialization.
Auto-configuration for Json testers.
TypeExcludeFilter for @JsonTest.
Auto-configuration for MockMvc.
A customizer for a ConfigurableMockMvcBuilder.
MVC print options specified from @AutoConfigureMockMvc.
Auto-configuration for HtmlUnit WebClient MockMVC integration.
Auto-configuration for Selenium WebDriver MockMVC integration.
Auto-configuration for MockRestServiceServer support.
Auto-configuration for MockWebServiceClient support.
Auto-configuration for MockWebServiceServer support.
TestExecutionListener to verify and reset MockWebServiceServer.
Annotation that can be used to override @EnableAutoConfiguration.
Indicates that attributes from a test annotation should be mapped into a @PropertySource.
Annotation for a Spring rest client test that focuses only on beans that use RestTemplateBuilder.
TypeExcludeFilter for @RestClientTest.
Auto-configuration for Spring REST Docs.
A MockMvcBuilderCustomizer that configures Spring REST Docs.
A customizer for MockMvcRestDocumentationConfigurer.
Configuration properties for Spring REST Docs.
A customizer for RestAssuredRestDocumentationConfigurer.
A TestExecutionListener for Spring REST Docs that removes the need for a @Rule when using JUnit or manual before and after test calls when using TestNG.
A customizer for WebTestClientRestDocumentationConfigurer.
Enum used to control when @PropertyMapping is skipped.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
since 3.0.0 for removal in 3.2.0 in favor of ApplicationContextFailureProcessor
MockMvcBuilderCustomizer for a typical Spring Boot application.
WebTestClientBuilderCustomizer for a typical Spring Boot application.
AnnotationCustomizableTypeExcludeFilter that can be used to any test annotation that uses the standard includeFilters, excludeFilters and useDefaultFilters attributes.
Auto-configuration for a test database.
Alternative to EntityManager for use in JPA tests.
Auto-configuration for TestEntityManager.
Annotation that can be on tests to define a set of TypeExcludeFilter classes that should be applied to @SpringBootApplication component scanning.
Auto-configuration for a web-client RestTemplate.
A special scope used for WebDriver beans.
TestExecutionListener to reset the WebDriverScope.
Annotation that can be used for a Spring WebFlux test that focuses only on Spring WebFlux components.
TypeExcludeFilter for @WebFluxTest.
Annotation that can be used for a Spring MVC test that focuses only on Spring MVC components.
TypeExcludeFilter for @WebMvcTest.
TypeExcludeFilter for @WebServiceClientTest.
Auto-configuration for a web-client WebServiceTemplate.
Annotation that can be used for a typical Spring web service client test.
Annotation that can be used for a typical Spring web service server test.
TypeExcludeFilter for @WebServiceServerTest.
Auto-configuration for WebTestClient.