Interface ServletContextInitializer

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractFilterRegistrationBean, DelegatingFilterProxyRegistrationBean, DynamicRegistrationBean, FilterRegistrationBean, RegistrationBean, ServletListenerRegistrationBean, ServletRegistrationBean
Functional Interface:
This is a functional interface and can therefore be used as the assignment target for a lambda expression or method reference.

@FunctionalInterface public interface ServletContextInitializer
Interface used to configure a Servlet 3.0+ context programmatically. Unlike WebApplicationInitializer, classes that implement this interface (and do not implement WebApplicationInitializer) will not be detected by SpringServletContainerInitializer and hence will not be automatically bootstrapped by the Servlet container.

This interface is designed to act in a similar way to ServletContainerInitializer, but have a lifecycle that's managed by Spring and not the Servlet container.

For configuration examples see WebApplicationInitializer.

See Also:
  • WebApplicationInitializer
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    onStartup(jakarta.servlet.ServletContext servletContext)
    Configure the given ServletContext with any servlets, filters, listeners context-params and attributes necessary for initialization.
  • Method Details

    • onStartup

      void onStartup(jakarta.servlet.ServletContext servletContext) throws jakarta.servlet.ServletException
      Configure the given ServletContext with any servlets, filters, listeners context-params and attributes necessary for initialization.
      servletContext - the ServletContext to initialize
      jakarta.servlet.ServletException - if any call against the given ServletContext throws a ServletException