All Classes and Interfaces

Base class for DatabaseInitializerDetectors that detect database initializer beans by type.
Base class for DependsOnDatabaseInitializationDetectors that detect by type beans that depend upon database initialization.
Abstract base class for BindHandler implementations.
Abstract base class for ConfigurableWebServerFactory implementations.
A base DataSourcePoolMetadata implementation.
Abstract base class for most FailureAnalyzer implementations.
AbstractFilterRegistrationBean<T extends jakarta.servlet.Filter>
Abstract base ServletContextInitializer to register Filters in a Servlet 3.0+ container.
Abstract base class for a FailureAnalyzer that handles some kind of injection failure.
Base class for parsers wrapped or implemented in this package.
Abstract base class for LoggingSystem implementations.
Maintains a mapping between native levels and LogLevel.
Abstract base class for ReactiveWebServerFactory implementations.
Base class for an InitializingBean that performs SQL database initialization using schema (DDL) and data (DML) scripts.
Scripts to be used to initialize the database.
Abstract base class for ConfigurableServletWebServerFactory implementations.
ConfigurableReactiveWebApplicationContext that accepts annotated classes as input - in particular @Configuration-annotated classes, but also plain @Component classes and JSR-330 compliant classes using javax.inject annotations.
ReactiveWebServerApplicationContext that accepts annotated classes as input - in particular @Configuration-annotated classes, but also plain @Component classes and JSR-330 compliant classes using javax.inject annotations.
GenericWebApplicationContextthat accepts annotated classes as input - in particular @Configuration-annotated classes, but also plain @Component classes and JSR-330 compliant classes using javax.inject annotations.
ServletWebServerApplicationContext that accepts annotated classes as input - in particular @Configuration -annotated classes, but also plain @Component classes and JSR-330 compliant classes using javax.inject annotations.
AnsiElement implementation for ANSI 8-bit foreground or background color codes.
Ansi background colors.
Ansi colors.
An ANSI encodable element.
Generates ANSI encoded output, automatically attempting to detect if the terminal supports ANSI.
An ApplicationListener that configures AnsiOutput depending on the value of the property spring.output.ansi.enabled.
PropertyResolver for AnsiStyle, AnsiColor, AnsiBackground and Ansi8BitColor elements.
Ansi styles.
Provides access to the arguments that were used to run a SpringApplication.
Provides availability state information for the application.
Bean that provides an ApplicationAvailability implementation by listening for change events.
Strategy interface for creating the ConfigurableApplicationContext used by a SpringApplication.
OncePerRequestFilter to add an X-Application-Context header that contains the ApplicationContext ID.
Event published when a SpringApplication is starting up and the ApplicationContext is prepared and ApplicationContextInitializers have been called but before any bean definitions are loaded.
ApplicationContext backed RequestMatcher.
ApplicationContext backed ServerWebExchangeMatcher.
A specialization of FormattingConversionService configured by default with converters and formatters appropriate for most Spring Boot applications.
Event published when a SpringApplication is starting up and the Environment is first available for inspection and modification.
Event published by a SpringApplication when it fails to start.
Provides access to the application home directory.
An application process ID.
An ApplicationListener that saves application PID into file.
Event published as when a SpringApplication is starting up and the ApplicationContext is fully prepared but not refreshed.
Event published as late as conceivably possible to indicate that the application is ready to service requests.
Interface used to indicate that a bean should run when it is contained within a SpringApplication.
Event published once the application context has been refreshed but before any application and command line runners have been called.
Event published as early as conceivably possible as soon as a SpringApplication has been started - before the Environment or ApplicationContext is available, but after the ApplicationListeners have been registered.
Provides access to an application specific temporary directory.
ApplicationEvent sent when the AvailabilityState of the application changes.
Tagging interface used on ApplicationAvailability states.
Interface class for writing a banner programmatically.
An enumeration of possible values for configuring the Banner.
Really basic JSON parser for when you have nothing else available.
An AbstractFailureAnalyzer that performs analysis of failures caused by a BeanNotOfRequiredTypeException.
Source that can be bound by a Binder.
Restrictions that can be applied when binding values.
RuntimeHintsRegistrar that can be used to register ReflectionHints for Bindable types, discovering any nested type it may expose through a property.
Strategy interface used to determine a specific constructor to use when binding.
Context information for use by BindHandlers.
A container object which Binds objects from one or more ConfigurationPropertySources.
Exception thrown when binding fails.
Callback interface that can be used to handle additional logic during element binding.
Configuration property binding methods.
A container object to return the result of a Binder bind operation.
Error thrown when validation fails during a bind operation.
A simple bootstrap context that is available during startup and Environment post-processing up to the point that the ApplicationContext is prepared.
ApplicationEvent published by a BootstrapContext when it's closed.
A simple object registry that is available during startup and Environment post-processing up to the point that the ApplicationContext is prepared.
Supplier used to provide the actual instance when needed.
The scope of an instance.
Callback interface that can be used to initialize a BootstrapRegistry before it is used.
Bean to record and provide bound @ConfigurationProperties.
BindHandler that can be used to track bound configuration properties.
ApplicationStartup implementation that buffers steps and records their timestamp as well as their processing time.
Provide build-related information such as group and artifact.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
since 3.1.0 for removal in 3.3.0 in favor of registering a SslBundle backed by a PemSslStoreBundle.
Utility class that can be used to create ClientHttpRequestFactory instances configured using given ClientHttpRequestFactorySettings.
Settings that can be applied when creating a ClientHttpRequestFactory.
An EnvironmentPostProcessor that knows where to find VCAP (a.k.a.
Simple detection for well known cloud platforms.
Callback interface that can be used to customize codecs configuration for an HTTP client and/or server with a CodecConfigurer.
Log4j2 LogEventPatternConverter colors output using the AnsiOutput class.
Logback CompositeConverter colors output using the AnsiOutput class.
Interface used to indicate that a bean should run when it is contained within a SpringApplication.
DataSourcePoolMetadata for an Apache Commons DBCP2 DataSource.
A DataSourcePoolMetadataProvider implementation that returns the first DataSourcePoolMetadata that is found by one of its delegate.
Simple server-independent abstraction for compression configuration.
Caching implementation of the MetadataReaderFactory interface backed by a ConcurrentReferenceHashMap, caching MetadataReader per Spring Resource handle (i.e.
Configuration data that has been loaded from a ConfigDataResource and may ultimately contribute property sources to Spring's Environment.
Option flags that can be applied.
A set of ConfigData.Option flags.
Strategy interface used to supply ConfigData.Options for a given PropertySource.
EnvironmentPostProcessor that loads and applies ConfigData to Spring's Environment.
EventListener to listen to Environment updates triggered by the ConfigDataEnvironmentPostProcessor.
Abstract base class for configuration data exceptions.
Strategy class that can be used to load ConfigData for a given ConfigDataResource.
Context provided to ConfigDataLoader methods.
A user specified location that can be resolved to one or more config data resources.
ConfigDataNotFoundException thrown when a ConfigDataLocation cannot be found.
Strategy interface used to resolve locations into one or more resources.
Context provided to ConfigDataLocationResolver methods.
Action to take when an uncaught ConfigDataNotFoundException is thrown.
ConfigDataNotFoundException thrown when a ConfigData cannot be found.
A single resource from which ConfigData can be loaded.
ConfigDataNotFoundException thrown when a ConfigDataResource cannot be found.
ConfigDataLoader for config tree locations.
ConfigDataLocationResolver for config tree locations.
ConfigDataResource backed by a config tree directory.
PropertySource backed by a directory tree that contains files for each value.
Property source options.
A value returned from the property source which exposes the contents of the property file.
A BootstrapContext that also provides configuration methods through the BootstrapRegistry interface.
ConfigurableWebServerFactory for Jetty-specific features.
Interface to provide configuration for a reactive web application.
Specialization of ConfigurableEnvironment for reactive application contexts.
A configurable RSocketServerFactory.
A configurable ServletWebServerFactory.
ConfigurableWebServerFactory for Tomcat-specific features.
ConfigurableWebServerFactory for Undertow-specific features.
SPI interface to be implemented by most if not all web server application contexts.
A configurable WebServerFactory.
Annotation for externalized configuration.
Provides access to @ConfigurationProperties bean details, regardless of if the annotation was used directly or on a @Bean factory method.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
since 3.0.8 for removal in 3.3.0 in favor of BindMethod
Exception thrown when @ConfigurationProperties binding fails.
Allows additional functionality to be applied to the BindHandler used by the ConfigurationPropertiesBindingPostProcessor.
Qualifier for beans that are needed to configure the binding of @ConfigurationProperties (e.g.
BeanPostProcessor to bind PropertySources to beans annotated with @ConfigurationProperties.
Configures the base packages used when scanning for @ConfigurationProperties classes.
A single configuration property obtained from a ConfigurationPropertySource consisting of a name, value and optional origin.
Interface that can be used to control configuration property source caches.
A configuration property name composed of elements separated by dots.
The various forms that a non-indexed element value can take.
Maintains a mapping of ConfigurationPropertyName aliases.
Provides access to ConfigurationPropertySources.
The state of content from a ConfigurationPropertySource.
A set of @Configuration classes that can be registered in ApplicationContext.
ApplicationContextInitializer to report warnings for common misconfiguration mistakes.
A single check that can be applied.
ConfigurationWarningsApplicationContextInitializer.Check for @ComponentScan on problematic package.
BeanDefinitionRegistryPostProcessor to report warnings.
Builder for ConnectionFactory.
Decorator for connection factories.
A ConnectorStartFailedException is thrown when a Tomcat Connector fails to start, for example due to a port clash or incorrect SSL configuration.
Annotation that can be used to indicate which constructor to use when binding configuration properties using constructor arguments rather than by calling setters.
Helper class to programmatically bind configuration properties that use constructor injection.
ApplicationContextInitializer that sets the Spring ApplicationContext ID.
Cookie properties.
SameSite values.
Strategy interface that can be used with ConfigurableServletWebServerFactory implementations in order to supply custom Cookie.SameSite values for specific cookies.
Log4j2 LogEventPatternConverter to convert a CorrelationIdFormatter pattern into formatted output using data from the MDC.
Logback DynamicConverter to convert a CorrelationIdFormatter pattern into formatted output using data from the MDC and Environment.
Utility class that can be used to format a correlation identifier for logging based on W3C recommendations.
Enumeration of common database drivers.
Configures beans that depend upon SQL database initialization with dependencies upon beans that perform database initialization.
Supported database initialization modes.
Settings for initializing an SQL database.
Detects beans that initialize an SQL database.
Internal utility to help when dealing with data object property names.
Annotation that can be used to change the default unit used when converting a DataSize.
Convenience class for building a DataSource.
Provides access meta-data that is commonly available from most pooled DataSource implementations.
Provide a DataSourcePoolMetadata based on a DataSource.
InitializingBean that performs DataSource initialization using schema (DDL) and data (DML) scripts.
Unwraps a DataSource that may have been proxied or wrapped in a custom Wrapper such as DelegatingDataSource.
Default implementation of ApplicationArguments.
Default ConfigurableBootstrapContext implementation.
Default implementation of ErrorAttributes.
Default implementation of ErrorAttributes.
MapPropertySource containing default properties contributed directly to a SpringApplication.
Default SslBundleRegistry implementation.
Annotation that can be used to specify the default value when binding to an immutable property.
Deferred Log that can be used to store messages that shouldn't be written until the logging system is fully initialized.
Factory that can be used to create multiple DeferredLog instances that will switch over when appropriate.
A DeferredLogFactory implementation that manages a collection DeferredLog instances.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
since 3.2.0 for removal in 3.4.0 as property based initialization is no longer recommended
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
since 3.2.0 for removal in 3.4.0 as property based initialization is no longer recommended
A ServletContextInitializer to register DelegatingFilterProxys in a Servlet 3.0+ container.
Declares a field or method parameter should be converted to collection using the specified delimiter.
Indicate that a bean's creation and initialization depends upon database initialization having completed.
Detects beans that depend on database initialization.
Indicates that a getter in a @ConfigurationProperties object is deprecated.
Interface that can be implemented by ImportSelector and ImportBeanDefinitionRegistrar implementations when they can determine imports early.
Enumeration of filter dispatcher types, identical to DispatcherType and used in configuration as the servlet API may not be present.
Annotation that can be used to indicate the format to use when converting a Duration.
Duration format styles.
Annotation that can be used to change the default unit used when converting a Duration.
DynamicRegistrationBean<D extends jakarta.servlet.Registration.Dynamic>
Base class for Servlet 3.0+ dynamic based registration beans.
Connection details for embedded databases.
Connection details for embedded databases compatible with R2DBC.
Enable support for @ConfigurationProperties annotated beans.
Configuration properties for server HTTP encoding.
Type of HTTP message to consider for encoding configuration.
Convenient builder for JPA EntityManagerFactory instances.
Allows for customization of the application's Environment prior to the application context being refreshed.
SmartApplicationListener used to trigger EnvironmentPostProcessors registered in the spring.factories file.
Factory interface used by the EnvironmentPostProcessorApplicationListener to create the EnvironmentPostProcessor instances.
Options controlling the contents of ErrorAttributes.
Error attributes that can be included in an error response.
Provides access to error attributes which can be logged or presented to the user.
Provides access to error attributes which can be logged or presented to the user.
Marker interface used to identify a @Controller that should be used to render errors.
Simple server-independent abstraction for error pages.
A Servlet Filter that provides an ErrorPageRegistry for non-embedded applications (i.e.
Interface to be implemented by types that register ErrorPages.
BeanPostProcessor that applies all ErrorPageRegistrars from the bean factory to ErrorPageRegistry beans.
Interface for a registry that holds ErrorPages.
Marker interface that indicates that a WebExceptionHandler is used to render errors.
Event fired when an application exit code has been determined from an ExitCodeGenerator.
Strategy interface that can be used to provide a mapping between exceptions and exit codes.
Interface used to generate an 'exit code' from a running command line SpringApplication.
ThrowablePatternConverter that adds some additional whitespace around the stack trace.
ExtendedThrowableProxyConverter that adds some additional whitespace around the stack trace.
The result of analyzing a failure.
Reports a FailureAnalysis to the user.
A FailureAnalyzer is used to analyze a failure and provide diagnostic information that can be displayed to the user.
An ApplicationListener that halts application startup if the system file encoding does not match an expected value set in the environment.
Custom MethodValidationPostProcessor that applies exclusion filters.
FilterRegistrationBean<T extends jakarta.servlet.Filter>
A ServletContextInitializer to register Filters in a Servlet 3.0+ container.
Subclass of GenericApplicationContext, suitable for reactive web environments.
Provide git-related information such as commit id and time.
A callback for the result of a graceful shutdown request.
The result of a graceful shutdown request.
Thin wrapper to adapt Gson to a JsonParser.
Lifecycle for a HikariDataSource allowing it to participate in checkpoint-restore.
Simple server-independent abstraction for HTTP/2 configuration.
Factory used by UndertowServletWebServer to add HttpHandlers.
WebServiceMessageSender builder that can detect a suitable HTTP library based on the classpath.
BindHandler that can be used to ignore binding errors.
BindHandler that can be used to ignore top-level ConverterNotFoundExceptions.
Contains @Configuration import candidates, usually auto-configurations.
Exception thrown when an attempt is made to resolve a property against an inactive ConfigData property source.
Exception thrown when the application has configured an incompatible set of ConfigurationProperties keys.
Base class for components exposing unstructured data with dedicated methods for well known keys.
Property entry.
Simple factory used to instantiate objects by injecting available parameters.
Callback used to register available parameters.
Strategy for handling a failure that occurs when instantiating a type.
Exception thrown if an invalid property is found when processing config data.
Exception thrown when ConfigurationPropertyName has invalid characters.
Exception thrown when a configuration property value is invalid.
A ConfigurationPropertySource with a fully Iterable set of entries.
Thin wrapper to adapt Jackson 2 ObjectMapper to JsonParser.
Information about the Java environment the application is running in.
Information about the Java Runtime Environment the application is running in.
Information about the Java Vendor of the Java Runtime the application is running in.
Information about the Java Virtual Machine the application is running in.
LoggingSystemFactory that returns JavaLoggingSystem if possible.
Known Java versions.
ReactiveWebServerFactory that can be used to create JettyWebServers.
Callback interface that can be used to customize a Jetty Server.
ServletWebServerFactory that can be used to create a JettyWebServer.
WebServer that can be used to control a Jetty web server.
SslStoreBundle backed by a Java keystore.
Details for an individual trust or key store in a JksSslStoreBundle.
@Component that provides JsonSerializer, JsonDeserializer or KeyDeserializer implementations to be registered with Jackson when JsonComponentModule is in use.
The various scopes under which a serializer/deserializer can be registered.
Spring Bean and Jackson Module to register @JsonComponent annotated beans.
Provides a mixin class implementation that registers with Jackson when using JsonMixinModule.
Spring Bean and Jackson Module to find and register @JsonMixin-annotated classes.
Provide the mapping of json mixin class to consider.
Helper base class for JsonDeserializer implementations that deserialize objects.
Helper base class for JsonSerializer implementations that serialize objects.
IllegalArgumentException thrown when source JSON is invalid.
Parser that can read JSON formatted strings into Maps or Lists.
Factory to create a JsonParser.
Configuration for the server's JSP servlet.
Utility that can be used to invoke lambdas in a safe way.
Represents a single callback that can be invoked in a lambda safe way.
Represents a collection of callbacks that can be invoked in a lambda safe way.
The result of a callback which may be a value, null or absent entirely if the callback wasn't suitable.
Abstract base class for lambda safe callbacks.
BeanFactoryPostProcessor to set lazy-init on bean definitions that are not excluded and have not already had a value explicitly set.
Filter that can be used to exclude beans definitions from having their lazy-init set by the LazyInitializationBeanFactoryPostProcessor.
"Liveness" state of the application.
LoggingSystemFactory that returns Log4J2LoggingSystem if possible.
LoggingSystemFactory that returns LogbackLoggingSystem if possible.
A reference to a log output file.
Immutable class that represents the configuration of a LoggingSystem's logger.
Supported logger configuration scopes.
Logger level configuration.
A single logger group.
Logger groups configured through the Spring Environment.
An ApplicationListener that configures the LoggingSystem.
FailureAnalysisReporter that logs the failure analysis.
Context passed to the LoggingSystem during initialization.
Common abstraction over logging systems.
Factory class used by LoggingSystem.get(ClassLoader) to find an actual implementation.
Utility to set system properties that can later be used by log configuration files.
Logging system properties that can later be used by log configuration files.
Logging levels supported by a LoggingSystem.
A ConfigurationPropertySource backed by a Map and using standard name mapping rules.
ObjectFactory that can be used to create a MessageInterpolator.
A filter for excluding types from method validation.
Simple server-independent abstraction for mime mappings.
A single mime mapping.
Exception thrown when there is no WebServerFactory bean of the required type defined in a WebServerApplicationContext.
Factory that can be used to create a MultipartConfigElement.
Spring WebFlux View using the Mustache template engine.
Spring MVC View using the Mustache template engine.
Spring WebFlux ViewResolver for Mustache.
Spring MVC ViewResolver for Mustache.
Exception thrown when more than one mutually exclusive configuration property has been configured.
Annotation that can be used to specify the name when binding to an immutable property.
Meta-annotation that should be added to annotations that indicate a field is a nested type.
Indicates that a field in a @ConfigurationProperties object should be treated as if it were a nested type.
ReactiveWebServerFactory that can be used to create NettyWebServers.
Function that can add new routes to an HttpServerRoutes instance.
RSocketServer that is based on a Reactor Netty server.
RSocketServerFactory that can be used to create RSocketServers backed by Netty.
Mapping function that can be used to customize a Reactor Netty server instance.
WebServer that can be used to control a Reactor Netty web server.
Exception indicating that an SslBundle was referenced with a name that does not match any registered bundle.
BindHandler to enforce that all configuration properties under the root name have been bound.
ConnectionFactory capable of providing access to the ConnectionFactoryOptions from which it was built.
CharacterEncodingFilter that also implements Ordered.
An Ordered Filter.
FormContentFilter that also implements Ordered.
HiddenHttpMethodFilter that also implements Ordered.
HiddenHttpMethodFilter that also implements Ordered.
RequestContextFilter that also implements Ordered.
An Ordered WebFilter.
Interface that uniquely represents the origin of an item.
An interface that may be implemented by an object that can lookup Origin information from a given key.
Interface to provide access to the origin of an item.
OriginLookup backed by a Map containing OriginTrackedValues.
Decorator that can be used to add Origin information to a Resource or WritableResource.
Variant of OriginTrackedResource for WritableResource instances.
A wrapper for an Object value and Origin.
Information about the Operating System the application is running on.
ApplicationContextInitializer for setting the parent context.
ApplicationEvent fired when a parent context is available.
Listener that closes the application context if its parent is closed.
ApplicationListener to close the context.
PEM encoded content that can provide certificates and private keys.
An individual trust or key store that has been loaded from PEM content.
SslStoreBundle backed by PEM-encoded certificates and private keys.
Details for an individual trust or key store in a PemSslStoreBundle.
Annotation that can be used to indicate the format to use when converting a Period.
A standard set of Period units.
Annotation that can be used to change the default unit used when converting a Period.
Optional strategy that used by a Binder to resolve property placeholders.
Utility class that can resolve placeholder text with the actual DatabaseDriver platform.
A PortInUseException is thrown when a web server fails to start due to a port already being in use.
Provides access to environment profiles that have either been set directly on the Environment or will be set based on configuration data property values.
Strategy to load '.properties' files into a PropertySource.
Utility that can be used to map values from a supplied source to a destination.
A source that is in the process of being mapped.
An operation that can be applied to a PropertyMapper.Source.
Strategy interface located through SpringFactoriesLoader and used to load a PropertySource.
Origin from a PropertySource.
PlaceholdersResolver to resolve placeholders from PropertySources.
An InitializingBean that initializes a database represented by an R2DBC ConnectionFactory.
PropertySource that returns a random value for any property that starts with "random.".
Interface to provide configuration for a reactive web application.
A GenericReactiveWebApplicationContext that can be used to bootstrap itself from a contained ReactiveWebServerFactory bean.
Factory interface that can be used to create a reactive WebServer.
Event to be published after the WebServer is ready.
EnvironmentPostProcessor to enable the Reactor global features as early as possible in the startup process.
"Readiness" state of the application.
Base class for Servlet 3.0+ based registration beans.
Banner implementation that prints from a source text Resource.
Callback interface that can be used to customize a RestClient.Builder.
Builder that can be used to configure and create a RestTemplate.
Callback interface that can be used to customize a RestTemplate.
RestTemplateRequestCustomizer<T extends org.springframework.http.client.ClientHttpRequest>
Callback interface that can be used to customize the ClientHttpRequest sent from a RestTemplate.
Logback rolling policy system properties that can later be used by log configuration files.
Logback Configurator, registered through META-INF/services, that sets the root log level to Level.INFO.
UriBuilderFactory to set the root for URI that starts with '/'.
UriTemplateHandler to set the root for URI that starts with '/'.
ApplicationContextInitializer that sets Environment properties for the ports that RSocketServer servers are actually listening on.
Simple interface that represents a fully configured RSocket server.
Choice of transport protocol for the RSocket server.
Bootstrap an RSocketServer and start it with the application context.
Callback interface that can be used to customize a RSocketServer.
Exceptions thrown by an RSocket server.
Factory interface that can be used to create a reactive RSocketServer.
Event to be published after the application context is refreshed and the RSocketServer is ready.
Callback interface that can be used to customize codecs configuration for an RSocket client and/or server with RSocketStrategies.
An enumeration of the available schema management options.
Strategy interface to determine the SchemaManagement of a DataSource.
ApplicationContextInitializer that sets Environment properties for the ports that WebServer servers are actually listening on.
Enables scanning for Servlet components (filters, servlets, and listeners).
ApplicationContextInitializer for setting the servlet context.
Interface used to configure a Servlet 3.0+ context programmatically.
A collection ServletContextInitializers obtained from a ListableBeanFactory.
Adapter to convert a given Bean type into a RegistrationBean (and hence a ServletContextInitializer).
Jetty Configuration that calls ServletContextInitializers.
A ServletContextInitializer to register EventListeners in a Servlet 3.0+ container.
ServletRegistrationBean<T extends jakarta.servlet.Servlet>
A ServletContextInitializer to register Servlets in a Servlet 3.0+ container.
A WebApplicationContext that can be used to bootstrap itself from a contained ServletWebServerFactory bean.
Utility class to store and restore any user defined scopes.
Factory interface that can be used to create a WebServer.
Event to be published after the WebServer is ready.
Session properties.
Session cookie properties.
Available session tracking modes (mirrors SessionTrackingMode.
Configuration for shutting down a WebServer.
Builder that can be used to configure and create a SimpleAsyncTaskExecutor.
Callback interface that can be used to customize a SimpleAsyncTaskExecutor.
Builder that can be used to configure and create a SimpleAsyncTaskScheduler.
Callback interface that can be used to customize a SimpleAsyncTaskScheduler.
Simple 'Java Logging' Formatter.
Class that can be used to bootstrap and launch a Spring application from a Java main method.
Exception that can be thrown to silently exit a running SpringApplication without handling run failures.
Used to configure and run an augmented SpringApplication where additional configuration should be applied.
Provides access to details of a SpringApplication run using
An MBean contract to control and monitor a running SpringApplication over JMX.
Register a SpringApplicationAdminMXBean implementation to the platform MBeanServer.
Entry point for AOT processing of a SpringApplication.
Builder for SpringApplication and ApplicationContext instances with convenient fluent API and context hierarchy support.
Base class for ApplicationEvent related to a SpringApplication.
Low-level hook that can be used to attach a SpringApplicationRunListener to a SpringApplication in order to observe or modify its behavior.
An EnvironmentPostProcessor that parses JSON from spring.application.json or equivalently SPRING_APPLICATION_JSON and adds it as a map property source to the Environment.
Listener for the SpringApplication run method.
Interface that can be used to add or remove code that should run when the JVM is shutdown.
Indicates that a class provides Spring Boot application @Configuration.
Spring Boot ConfigurationFactory that customizes Log4J2's default configuration to: Prevent logger warnings from being printed when the application first starts.
Callback interface used to support custom reporting of SpringApplication startup errors.
Spring Boot PropertySource that disables Log4j2's shutdown hook.
An opinionated WebApplicationInitializer to run a SpringApplication from a traditional WAR deployment.
Exposes the Spring Boot version.
Hibernate ImplicitNamingStrategy that follows Spring recommended naming conventions.
Generic Hibernate AbstractJtaPlatform implementation that simply resolves the JTA UserTransaction and TransactionManager from the Spring-configured JtaTransactionManager implementation.
Simple server-independent abstraction for SSL configuration.
Client authentication types.
A bundle of trust material that can be used to establish an SSL connection.
A reference to a single key obtained via SslBundle.
Interface that can be used to register an SslBundle for a given name.
A managed set of SslBundle instances that can be retrieved by name.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
since 3.1.0 for removal in 3.3.0 in favor of SslBundleKey.assertContainsAlias(KeyStore)
A bundle of key and trust managers that can be used to establish an SSL connection.
Configuration options that should be applied when establishing an SSL connection.
NettyServerCustomizer that configures SSL for the given Reactor Netty server instance.
A bundle of key and trust stores that can be used to establish an SSL connection.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
since 3.1.0 for removal in 3.3.0 in favor of registering an SslBundle.
ConfigDataLoader for Resource backed locations.
ConfigDataLocationResolver for standard locations.
ConfigDataResource backed by a Resource.
Environment implementation to be used by Reactive-based web applications.
Represent the timeline of steps recorded by BufferingApplicationStartup.
Event on the current StartupTimeline.
Origin for an item loaded from the system environment.
An EnvironmentPostProcessor that replaces the systemEnvironment SystemEnvironmentPropertySource with an SystemEnvironmentPropertySourceEnvironmentPostProcessor.OriginAwareSystemEnvironmentPropertySource that can track the SystemEnvironmentOrigin for every system environment property.
SystemEnvironmentPropertySource that also tracks Origin.
Access to system properties.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
since 3.2.0 for removal in 3.4.0 in favor of ThreadPoolTaskExecutorBuilder
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
since 3.2.0 for removal in 3.4.0 in favor of ThreadPoolTaskExecutorCustomizer
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
since 3.2.0 for removal in 3.4.0 in favor of ThreadPoolTaskSchedulerBuilder
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
since 3.2.0 for removal in 3.4.0 in favor of ThreadPoolTaskSchedulerCustomizer
Origin for an item loaded from a text resource.
A location (line and column number) within the resource.
Builder that can be used to configure and create a ThreadPoolTaskExecutor.
Callback interface that can be used to customize a ThreadPoolTaskExecutor.
Builder that can be used to configure and create a ThreadPoolTaskScheduler.
Callback interface that can be used to customize a ThreadPoolTaskScheduler.
Callback interface that can be used to customize a Tomcat Connector.
Callback interface that can be used to customize a Tomcat Context.
DataSourcePoolMetadata for a Tomcat DataSource.
Extension of Tomcat's ParallelWebappClassLoader that does not consider the system classloader.
TomcatProtocolHandlerCustomizer<T extends org.apache.coyote.ProtocolHandler>
Callback interface that can be used to customize the ProtocolHandler on the Connector.
ReactiveWebServerFactory that can be used to create a TomcatWebServer.
WebServer that can be used to control a Tomcat web server.
Provides exclusion TypeFilters that are loaded from the BeanFactory and automatically applied to SpringBootApplication scanning.
BindException thrown when ConfigurationPropertySource elements were left unbound.
Function used to determine if a ConfigurationPropertySource should be included when determining unbound elements.
Callback interface that can be used to customize an Undertow Undertow.Builder.
Callback interface that can be used to customize an Undertow DeploymentInfo.
ReactiveWebServerFactory that can be used to create UndertowWebServers.
WebServer that can be used to control an embedded Undertow server.
WebServer that can be used to control an Undertow web server.
Exception throw if a ConfigDataLocation is not supported.
RuntimeException thrown from DataSourceBuilder when an unsupported property is used.
Configurations representing user-defined @Configuration classes (i.e.
BindHandler to apply Validators to bound results.
A collection of ObjectErrors caused by bind validation failures.
Variant of ServletContextAwareProcessor for use with a ConfigurableWebApplicationContext.
An enumeration of possible types of web application.
Callback interface that can be used to customize a WebClient.Builder.
Interface to be implemented by types that register @WebListeners.
A registry that holds @WebListeners.
Simple interface that represents a fully configured web server (for example Tomcat, Jetty, Netty).
Interface to be implemented by application contexts that create and manage the lifecycle of an embedded WebServer.
Exceptions thrown by a web server.
Tagging interface for factories that create a WebServer.
Strategy interface for customizing web server factories.
BeanPostProcessor that applies all WebServerFactoryCustomizer beans from the bean factory to WebServerFactory beans.
SmartLifecycle to trigger WebServer graceful shutdown.
Event to be published when the WebServer is ready.
An ApplicationListener that saves embedded server port and management port into file.
SslBundle backed by Ssl or an SslStoreProvider.
Builder that can be used to configure and create a WebServiceTemplate.
Callback interface that can be used to customize a WebServiceTemplate.
ThrowablePatternConverter that adds some additional whitespace around the stack trace.
ThrowableProxyConverter that adds some additional whitespace around the stack trace.
Strategy interface used to wrap a JMS XAConnectionFactory enrolling it with a JTA TransactionManager.
Strategy interface used to wrap an XADataSource enrolling it with a JTA TransactionManager.
ServletWebServerApplicationContext which takes its configuration from XML documents, understood by an XmlBeanDefinitionReader.
Strategy to load '.yml' (or '.yaml') files into a PropertySource.