All Packages

Package Summary
Core Spring Boot classes.
Administration support for Spring Boot applications.
Support classes to provide ANSI color output.
Support for describing the availability of Spring Boot applications.
Fluent 'builder' style API to construct a SpringApplication.
Low level support for Cloud deployments.
Classes related to Spring's ApplicationContext.
Classes related to Spring's ApplicationContext annotations.
External configuration support allowing '' to be loaded and used within a Spring Boot application.
ApplicationEvents triggered by Spring Boot.
Logging integration with Spring's Application Context.
ApplicationStartup implementation for buffering steps and measuring their processing time.
Support for external configuration properties.
Support for @ConfigurationProperties binding.
General BindHandler implementations.
Binding validation support.
Sources for external configuration properties.
Support for type conversion.
Support for failure analysis and reporting.
Internal FailureAnalyzer implementations.
Spring Environment support.
Support for providing information about an application.
Custom enhancements and support for the Jackson project.
Support for Java Database Connectivity (JDBC).
Support for initialization of an SQL database using a JDBC DataSource.
Support for accessing JDBC DataSource metadata.
Support for Java Message Service (JMS).
Support for parsing JSON.
Support and abstractions across several logging libraries.
Support for 'Java Util Logging'.
Support for the Log4j 2 logging library.
Support for the Logback logging library.
Support for item origin tracking.
JPA Support classes.
Hibernate Support classes.
Support for R2DBC connectivity.
Support for initialization of an SQL database using an R2DBC ConnectionFactory.
Support classes for Reactor integration.
RSocket integrations with Spring Framework's ApplicationContext.
Support for RSocket-based messaging.
Reactor Netty based RSocket server implementation.
Support for RSocket servers.
Classes and utilities for reactive Spring Security.
Classes and utilities for Servlet-based Spring Security.
Support for initialization of an SQL database.
Infrastructure for establishing database initialization bean dependencies.
Management of trust material that can be used to establish an SSL connection.
SSL trust material provider for Java KeyStores.
SSL trust material provider for PEM-encoded certificates.
General system support classes.
Utilities and classes related to task execution and scheduling.
Support classes for reading annotation and class-level metadata.
Contains miscellaneous utility classes.
Utilities and classes related to validation.
Utilities and classes related to bean validation.
Web client utilities.
Support for web-based codecs.
Web integrations with Spring's ApplicationContext.
Embedded reactive and servlet web server implementations backed by Jetty.
Embedded reactive web server implementation backed by Netty.
Embedded reactive and servlet web server implementations backed by Tomcat.
Embedded reactive and servlet web server implementations backed by Undertow.
Spring Web error handling infrastructure.
Reactive based web integrations with Spring's ApplicationContext.
Spring WebFlux error handling infrastructure.
Spring Boot specific WebFilter implementations.
Spring WebFlux WebClient support abstractions.
Additional Views for use with WebFlux.
Reactive web server abstractions.
Support for embedded web servers.
Classes and utilities designed to work with the jakarta.servlet specification.
Servlet based web integrations with Spring's WebApplicationContext.
Spring MVC error handling infrastructure.
Spring Boot specific Filter implementations.
Servlet web server abstractions.
Support classes for Servlet-based web servers.
Additional Views for use with Web MVC.
Web Services client utilities.