Interface LoadBalancedRetryPolicy

public interface LoadBalancedRetryPolicy
Retry logic to use for the LoadBalancerClient.
Ryan Baxter
  • Method Details

    • canRetrySameServer

      boolean canRetrySameServer(LoadBalancedRetryContext context)
      Return true to retry the failed request on the same server. This method may be called more than once when executing a single operation.
      context - The context for the retry operation.
      True to retry the failed request on the same server; false otherwise.
    • canRetryNextServer

      boolean canRetryNextServer(LoadBalancedRetryContext context)
      Return true to retry the failed request on the next server from the load balancer. This method may be called more than once when executing a single operation.
      context - The context for the retry operation.
      True to retry the failed request on the next server from the load balancer; false otherwise.
    • close

      void close(LoadBalancedRetryContext context)
      Called when the retry operation has ended.
      context - The context for the retry operation.
    • registerThrowable

      void registerThrowable(LoadBalancedRetryContext context, Throwable throwable)
      Called when the execution fails.
      context - The context for the retry operation.
      throwable - The throwable from the failed execution.
    • retryableStatusCode

      boolean retryableStatusCode(int statusCode)
      If an exception is not thrown when making a request, this method will be called to see if the client would like to retry the request based on the status code returned. For example, in Cloud Foundry, the router will return a 404 when an app is not available. Since HTTP clients do not throw an exception when a 404 is returned, retryableStatusCode allows clients to force a retry.
      statusCode - The HTTP status code.
      True if a retry should be attempted; false to just return the response.