Class CloudFlux<T>

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    org.reactivestreams.Publisher<T>, reactor.core.CorePublisher<T>

    public abstract class CloudFlux<T>
    extends reactor.core.publisher.Flux<T>
    INTERNAL USAGE ONLY. This functionality will be ported to reactor-core and will be removed in a future release.
    Tim Ysewyn
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      static <I> reactor.core.publisher.Flux<I> firstNonEmpty​(Iterable<? extends org.reactivestreams.Publisher<? extends I>> sources)
      Pick the first Publisher to emit an onNext/onError signal and replay all signals from that Publisher, effectively behaving like the fastest of these competing sources.
      static <I> reactor.core.publisher.Flux<I> firstNonEmpty​(org.reactivestreams.Publisher<? extends I>... sources)
      Pick the first Publisher to emit an onNext/onError signal and replay all signals from that Publisher, effectively behaving like the fastest of these competing sources.
      • Methods inherited from class reactor.core.publisher.Flux

        all, any, as, blockFirst, blockFirst, blockLast, blockLast, buffer, buffer, buffer, buffer, buffer, buffer, buffer, buffer, buffer, buffer, buffer, bufferTimeout, bufferTimeout, bufferTimeout, bufferTimeout, bufferUntil, bufferUntil, bufferUntilChanged, bufferUntilChanged, bufferUntilChanged, bufferWhen, bufferWhen, bufferWhile, cache, cache, cache, cache, cache, cache, cancelOn, cast, checkpoint, checkpoint, checkpoint, collect, collect, collectList, collectMap, collectMap, collectMap, collectMultimap, collectMultimap, collectMultimap, collectSortedList, collectSortedList, combineLatest, combineLatest, combineLatest, combineLatest, combineLatest, combineLatest, combineLatest, combineLatest, combineLatest, concat, concat, concat, concat, concatDelayError, concatDelayError, concatDelayError, concatDelayError, concatMap, concatMap, concatMapDelayError, concatMapDelayError, concatMapDelayError, concatMapIterable, concatMapIterable, concatWith, concatWithValues, contextWrite, contextWrite, count, create, create, defaultIfEmpty, defer, deferContextual, deferWithContext, delayElements, delayElements, delaySequence, delaySequence, delaySubscription, delaySubscription, delaySubscription, delayUntil, dematerialize, distinct, distinct, distinct, distinct, distinctUntilChanged, distinctUntilChanged, distinctUntilChanged, doAfterTerminate, doFinally, doFirst, doOnCancel, doOnComplete, doOnDiscard, doOnEach, doOnError, doOnError, doOnError, doOnNext, doOnRequest, doOnSubscribe, doOnTerminate, elapsed, elapsed, elementAt, elementAt, empty, error, error, error, expand, expand, expandDeep, expandDeep, filter, filterWhen, filterWhen, first, first, firstWithSignal, firstWithSignal, firstWithValue, firstWithValue, flatMap, flatMap, flatMap, flatMap, flatMapDelayError, flatMapIterable, flatMapIterable, flatMapSequential, flatMapSequential, flatMapSequential, flatMapSequentialDelayError, from, fromArray, fromIterable, fromStream, fromStream, generate, generate, generate, getPrefetch, groupBy, groupBy, groupBy, groupBy, groupJoin, handle, hasElement, hasElements, hide, ignoreElements, index, index, interval, interval, interval, interval, join, just, just, last, last, limitRate, limitRate, limitRequest, log, log, log, log, log, log, map, mapNotNull, materialize, merge, merge, merge, merge, merge, merge, mergeComparing, mergeComparing, mergeComparing, mergeComparingDelayError, mergeComparingWith, mergeDelayError, mergeOrdered, mergeOrdered, mergeOrdered, mergeOrderedWith, mergePriority, mergePriority, mergePriority, mergePriorityDelayError, mergeSequential, mergeSequential, mergeSequential, mergeSequential, mergeSequential, mergeSequential, mergeSequentialDelayError, mergeSequentialDelayError, mergeSequentialDelayError, mergeWith, metrics, name, never, next, ofType, onAssembly, onAssembly, onBackpressureBuffer, onBackpressureBuffer, onBackpressureBuffer, onBackpressureBuffer, onBackpressureBuffer, onBackpressureBuffer, onBackpressureBuffer, onBackpressureDrop, onBackpressureDrop, onBackpressureError, onBackpressureLatest, onErrorComplete, onErrorComplete, onErrorComplete, onErrorContinue, onErrorContinue, onErrorContinue, onErrorMap, onErrorMap, onErrorMap, onErrorResume, onErrorResume, onErrorResume, onErrorReturn, onErrorReturn, onErrorReturn, onErrorStop, onTerminateDetach, or, parallel, parallel, parallel, publish, publish, publish, publish, publishNext, publishOn, publishOn, publishOn, push, push, range, reduce, reduce, reduceWith, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeatWhen, replay, replay, replay, replay, replay, replay, retry, retry, retryWhen, sample, sample, sampleFirst, sampleFirst, sampleTimeout, sampleTimeout, scan, scan, scanWith, share, shareNext, single, single, singleOrEmpty, skip, skip, skip, skipLast, skipUntil, skipUntilOther, skipWhile, sort, sort, startWith, startWith, startWith, subscribe, subscribe, subscribe, subscribe, subscribe, subscribe, subscribe, subscribe, subscribeOn, subscribeOn, subscriberContext, subscriberContext, subscribeWith, switchIfEmpty, switchMap, switchMap, switchOnFirst, switchOnFirst, switchOnNext, switchOnNext, tag, take, take, take, take, takeLast, takeUntil, takeUntilOther, takeWhile, then, then, thenEmpty, thenMany, timed, timed, timeout, timeout, timeout, timeout, timeout, timeout, timeout, timestamp, timestamp, toIterable, toIterable, toIterable, toStream, toStream, toString, transform, transformDeferred, transformDeferredContextual, using, using, usingWhen, usingWhen, window, window, window, window, window, window, window, windowTimeout, windowTimeout, windowTimeout, windowTimeout, windowUntil, windowUntil, windowUntil, windowUntilChanged, windowUntilChanged, windowUntilChanged, windowWhen, windowWhile, windowWhile, withLatestFrom, zip, zip, zip, zip, zip, zip, zip, zip, zip, zip, zip, zip, zip, zipWith, zipWith, zipWith, zipWith, zipWithIterable, zipWithIterable
    • Constructor Detail

      • CloudFlux

        public CloudFlux()
    • Method Detail

      • firstNonEmpty

        public static <I> reactor.core.publisher.Flux<I> firstNonEmpty​(org.reactivestreams.Publisher<? extends I>... sources)
        Pick the first Publisher to emit an onNext/onError signal and replay all signals from that Publisher, effectively behaving like the fastest of these competing sources. If all the sources complete empty, a single completion signal is sent. Note that if all the sources are empty (never emit an element, ie. no onNext) AND at least one is also infinite (no onComplete/onError signal), the resulting Flux will be infinite and empty (like Flux.never()).
        Type Parameters:
        I - The type of values in both source and output sequences
        sources - The competing source publishers
        a new Flux behaving like the fastest of its sources
      • firstNonEmpty

        public static <I> reactor.core.publisher.Flux<I> firstNonEmpty​(Iterable<? extends org.reactivestreams.Publisher<? extends I>> sources)
        Pick the first Publisher to emit an onNext/onError signal and replay all signals from that Publisher, effectively behaving like the fastest of these competing sources. If all the sources complete empty, a single completion signal is sent. Note that if all the sources are empty (never emit an element, ie. no onNext) AND at least one is also infinite (no onComplete/onError signal), the resulting Flux will be infinite and empty (like Flux.never()).
        Type Parameters:
        I - The type of values in both source and output sequences
        sources - The competing source publishers
        a new Flux behaving like the fastest of its sources