All Classes and Interfaces

Base class for components that want to access a source control management system.
Provides a jgit CredentialsProvider implementation that can provide the appropriate credentials to connect to an AWS CodeCommit repository.
EnvironmentEncryptor that can decrypt property values prefixed with {cipher} marker.
ResourceEncryptor implementation that can decrypt property values prefixed with {cipher} marker in a JSON file.
ResourceEncryptor implementation that can decrypt property values prefixed with {cipher} marker in a Properties file.
ResourceEncryptor implementation that can decrypt property values prefixed with {cipher} marker in a YAML file.
A BeanFactoryPostProcessor to register EnvironmentRepository BeanDefinitions based on the composite list configuration.
An EnvironmentRepository composed of multiple ordered EnvironmentRepositorys.
Will be removed in 4.0.0.
Normally you don't want the config server to be a config client itself, so this listener disables the config client unless is explicitly "true".
Bootstrap configuration to fetch external configuration from a (possibly remote) EnvironmentRepository.
Repository properties.
Encryption properties.
Auto configuration for text encryptors and environment encryptors (non-web stuff).
Service interface for decrypting properties in Environment object.
A delegating EnvironmentRepository that can decrypt the properties if an EnvironmentEncryptor is provided.
A PropertySourceLocator that reads from an EnvironmentRepository.
Default implementation of the EnvironmentWatch.
Configure JGit transport command to use a default SSH session factory based on local machines SSH config.
A CredentialsProvider factory for Git repositories.
A CredentialsProvider that will ignore any SSL validation errors that occur.
Adds Google Cloud Source OAuth2 support, if library is on classpath.
Provides credentials for Google Cloud Source repositories by adding a Authenticate http header.
Beans annotated with HostKeyAlgoSupported and Validated will have the constraints applied.
JSR-303 Cross Field validator that ensures that a MultipleJGitEnvironmentProperties bean for the constraints: - If host key algo is supported Beans annotated with HostKeyAlgoSupported and Validated will have the constraints applied.
Beans annotated with HostKeyAndAlgoBothExist and Validated will have the constraints applied.
JSR-303 Cross Field validator that ensures that a MultipleJGitEnvironmentProperties bean for the constraints: - If host key is set then host key algo must also be set - If host key algo is set then host key must also be set Beans annotated with HostKeyAndAlgoBothExist and Validated will have the constraints applied.
An EnvironmentRepository that picks up data from a relational database.
An EnvironmentRepository backed by a single git repository.
Wraps the static method calls to Git and CloneCommand allowing for easier unit testing.
A TextEncryptorLocator that pulls RSA key pairs out of a keystore.
Beans annotated with KnownHostsFileIsValid and Validated will have the constraints applied.
JSR-303 Cross Field validator that ensures that a MultipleJGitEnvironmentProperties bean for the constraints: - Verifies that known hosts file exists
A JGitEnvironmentProperties that matches patterns.
EnvironmentRepository that based on one or more git repositories.
A JGitEnvironmentProperties that matches patterns.
Simple implementation of EnvironmentRepository that uses a SpringApplication and configuration files located through the normal protocols.
A CredentialsProvider that uses a passphrase.
Simple implementation of EnvironmentRepository that just reflects an existing Spring Environment.
Beans annotated with PrivateKeyValidator and Validated will have the constraints applied.
JSR-303 Cross Field validator that ensures that an MultipleJGitEnvironmentProperties bean for the constraints: - Private key is present and can be correctly parsed using KeyPair Beans annotated with PrivateKeyValidator and Validated will have the constraints applied.
Configure JGit transport command to use a SSH session factory that is configured using properties defined in MultipleJGitEnvironmentProperties.
In a cloud environment local SSH config files such as `.known_hosts` may not be suitable for providing configuration settings due to ephemeral filesystems.
Properties for a proxy host.
Proxy for a given scheme.
An HTTP endpoint for serving up templated plain text resources from an underlying repository.
Interface for decrypting values in plain text files served through ResourceController.
Adds configuration to decrypt plain text files served through ResourceController.
Strategy for locating a search path for resource (e.g.
Locations POJO.
This class is adapted from EnvironmentVaultConfiguration and in order to provide configuration consistent with Spring Cloud Vault's property-based configuration.
Validate SSH related properties.
Check if Git repo properties refer to an SSH based transport then filter and extract the properties.
Subversion-backed EnvironmentRepository.
Auto configuration for vault encryptor.
VaultEnvironmentEncryptor that can decrypt property values prefixed with {vault} marker.
AppRole properties.
AWS-EC2 properties.
AWS-IAM properties.
Azure MSI properties.
GCP credential properties.
GCP-GCE properties.
GCP-IAM properties.
Kubernetes properties.
PCF properties.
SSL properties.
Prefer SpringVaultEnvironmentRepository instead of this environment repository implementation.
Prefer SpringVaultEnvironmentRepository instead of this environment repository implementation.
Rest template factory for Vault.
Strategy interface to obtain secrets from Vault's key-value secret backend.
Vault response POJO.