Class SimpleFunctionRegistry.FunctionInvocationWrapper

All Implemented Interfaces:
Runnable, Consumer<Object>, Function<Object,Object>, Supplier<Object>
Enclosing class:

public class SimpleFunctionRegistry.FunctionInvocationWrapper extends Object implements Function<Object,Object>, Consumer<Object>, Supplier<Object>, Runnable
  • Method Details

    • isSkipOutputConversion

      public boolean isSkipOutputConversion()
    • isPrototype

      public boolean isPrototype()
    • setSkipInputConversion

      public void setSkipInputConversion(boolean skipInputConversion)
    • setSkipOutputConversion

      public void setSkipOutputConversion(boolean skipOutputConversion)
    • getEnhancer

      public Function<Object,Object> getEnhancer()
      !!! INTERNAL USE ONLY !!! This is primarily to support s-c-Stream's ability to access un-converted payload (e.g., to evaluate expression on some attribute of a payload) It is not intended to remain here and will be removed as soon as particular elements of stream will be refactored to address this.
    • setEnhancer

      public void setEnhancer(Function<Object,Object> enhancer)
      !!! INTERNAL USE ONLY !!! This is primarily to support s-c-Stream's ability to access un-converted payload (e.g., to evaluate expression on some attribute of a payload) It is not intended to remain here and will be removed as soon as particular elements of stream will be refactored to address this.
    • getTarget

      public Object getTarget()
    • getOutputType

      public Type getOutputType()
    • getInputType

      public Type getInputType()
    • getItemType

      public Type getItemType(Type type)
      Return the actual Type of the item of the provided type. This method is context specific and is not a general purpose utility method. The context is that the provided Type may represent the input/output of a function where such type could be wrapped in Message, Flux or Mono, so this method returns generic value of such type or itself if not wrapped.
      type - typically input or output Type of the function (see getInputType() or getOutputType().
      the type of the item if wrapped otherwise the provided type.
    • getFunctionType

      @Deprecated public Type getFunctionType()
      since 3.1
      Use individual getInputType(), getOutputType() and their variants as well as other supporting operations instead.
    • getRawOutputType

      public Class<?> getRawOutputType()
    • getRawInputType

      public Class<?> getRawInputType()
    • apply

      public Object apply(Object input)
      Specified by:
      apply in interface Function<Object,Object>
    • get

      public Object get()
      Specified by:
      get in interface Supplier<Object>
    • accept

      public void accept(Object input)
      Specified by:
      accept in interface Consumer<Object>
    • run

      public void run()
      Specified by:
      run in interface Runnable
    • isConsumer

      public boolean isConsumer()
    • isSupplier

      public boolean isSupplier()
    • isFunction

      public boolean isFunction()
    • isInputTypePublisher

      public boolean isInputTypePublisher()
    • isOutputTypePublisher

      public boolean isOutputTypePublisher()
    • isInputTypeMessage

      public boolean isInputTypeMessage()
    • isOutputTypeMessage

      public boolean isOutputTypeMessage()
    • isRoutingFunction

      public boolean isRoutingFunction()
    • andThen

      public <V> Function<Object,V> andThen(Function<? super Object,? extends V> after)
      Specified by:
      andThen in interface Function<Object,Object>
    • getFunctionDefinition

      public String getFunctionDefinition()
      Returns the definition of this function.
      function definition
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object