
public abstract class MessageUtils extends Object
Dave Syer, Oleg Zhurakousky
  • Field Details


      public static String MESSAGE_TYPE
      Value for 'message-type' typically use as header key.

      public static String TARGET_PROTOCOL
      Value for 'target-protocol' typically use as header key.

      public static String SOURCE_TYPE
      Value for 'target-protocol' typically use as header key.
  • Constructor Details

    • MessageUtils

      public MessageUtils()
  • Method Details

    • create

      public static Object create(Object handler, Object payload, Map<String,Object> headers)
      <<<<<<< HEAD Create a message for the handler. If the handler is a wrapper for a function in an isolated class loader, then the message will be created with the target class loader (therefore the Message class must be on the classpath of the target class loader).
      handler - the function that will be applied to the message
      payload - the payload of the message
      headers - the headers for the message
      a message with the correct class loader
    • unpack

      public static org.springframework.messaging.Message<?> unpack(Object handler, Object message)
      Convert a message from the handler into one that is safe to consume in the caller's class loader. If the handler is a wrapper for a function in an isolated class loader, then the message will be created with the target class loader (therefore the Message class must be on the classpath of the target class loader).
      handler - the function that generated the message
      message - the message to convert
      a message with the correct class loader
    • toCaseInsensitiveHeadersStructure

      public static MessageUtils.MessageStructureWithCaseInsensitiveHeaderKeys toCaseInsensitiveHeadersStructure(org.springframework.messaging.Message<?> message)
      Returns (payload, headers) structure identical to `message` while substituting headers with case insensitive map.