Class JsonMapper

    • Constructor Detail

      • JsonMapper

        public JsonMapper()
    • Method Detail

      • fromJson

        public <T> T fromJson​(Object json,
                              Type type)
      • doFromJson

        protected abstract <T> T doFromJson​(Object json,
                                            Type type)
      • toJson

        public byte[] toJson​(Object value)
      • toString

        public abstract String toString​(Object value)
      • isJsonString

        public static boolean isJsonString​(Object value)
        Performs a simple validation on an object to see if it appears to be a JSON string. NOTE: the validation is very rudimentary and simply checks that the object is a String and begins and ends with matching pairs of "{}" or "[]" or "\"\"" and therefore may not handle some corner cases. Primarily intended for internal of the framework.
        value - candidate object to evaluate
        true if and object appears to be a valid JSON string, otherwise false.
      • isJsonStringRepresentsCollection

        public static boolean isJsonStringRepresentsCollection​(Object value)
      • isJsonStringRepresentsMap

        public static boolean isJsonStringRepresentsMap​(Object value)