Annotation Type StreamListener

    public @interface StreamListener
    as of 3.1 in favor of functional programming model
    NOTE: It is no longer recommended to use StreamListener in favor of functional programming model. It will be deprecated and subsequently removed in the future

    Annotation that marks a method to be a listener to inputs declared via EnableBinding (e.g. channels). Annotated methods are allowed to have flexible signatures, which determine how the method is invoked and how their return results are processed. This annotation can be applied for two separate classes of methods.

    Declarative mode

    A method is considered declarative if all its method parameter types and return type (if not void) are binding targets or conversion targets from binding targets via a registered StreamListenerParameterAdapter. Only declarative methods can have binding targets or conversion targets as arguments and return type. Declarative methods must specify what inputs and outputs correspond to their arguments and return type, and can do this in one of the following ways.
    • By using either the Input or Output annotation for each of the parameters and the Output annotation on the method for the return type (if applicable). The use of annotations in this case is mandatory. In this case the StreamListener annotation must not specify a value.
    • By setting an Input bound target as the annotation value of StreamListener and using SendTo on the method for the return type (if applicable). In this case the method must have exactly one parameter, corresponding to an input.
    An example of declarative method signature using the former idiom is as follows:
     public @Output("joined") Flux<String> join(
           @Input("input1") Flux<String> input1,
           @Input("input2") Flux<String> input2) {
       // ... join the two input streams via functional operators
    An example of declarative method signature using the latter idiom is as follows:
     public Flux<String> convert(Flux<String> input) {
    Declarative methods are invoked only once, when the context is refreshed.

    Individual message handler mode

    Non declarative methods are treated as message handler based, and are invoked for each incoming message received from that target. In this case, the method can have a flexible signature, as described by MessageMapping. If the method returns a Message, the result will be automatically sent to a binding target, as follows:
    • A result of the type Message will be sent as-is
    • All other results will become the payload of a Message
    The output binding target where the return message is sent is determined by consulting in the following order:
    • The MessageHeaders of the resulting message.
    • The value set on the SendTo annotation, if present
    An example of individual message handler signature is as follows:
     public String convert(String input) {
                    return input.toUppercase();
    Marius Bogoevici, Ilayaperumal Gopinathan, Gary Russell
    See Also:
    MessageMapping, EnableBinding, SendTo
    • Optional Element Summary

      Optional Elements 
      Modifier and Type Optional Element Description
      String condition
      A condition that must be met by all items that are dispatched to this method.
      String copyHeaders
      When "true" (default), and a @SendTo annotation is present, copy the inbound headers to the outbound message (if the header is absent on the outbound message).
      String target
      The name of the binding target (e.g.
      String value
      The name of the binding target (e.g.
    • Element Detail

      • value

        String value
        The name of the binding target (e.g. channel) that the method subscribes to.
        the name of the binding target.
      • target

        String target
        The name of the binding target (e.g. channel) that the method subscribes to.
        the name of the binding target.
      • condition

        String condition
        A condition that must be met by all items that are dispatched to this method.
        a SpEL expression that must evaluate to a boolean value.
      • copyHeaders

        String copyHeaders
        When "true" (default), and a @SendTo annotation is present, copy the inbound headers to the outbound message (if the header is absent on the outbound message). Can be an expression (#{...}) or property placeholder. Must resolve to a boolean or a string that is parsed by Boolean.parseBoolean(). An expression that resolves to null is interpreted to mean false. The expression is evaluated during application initialization, and not for each individual message. Prior to version 1.3.0, the default value used to be "false" and headers were not propagated by default. Starting with version 1.3.0, the default value is "true".
        Boolean in a String format