Class PartitionHandler

  • public class PartitionHandler
    extends Object
    Utility class to determine if a binding is configured for partitioning (based on the binder properties provided in the constructor) and what partition a message should be delivered to.
    Patrick Peralta, David Turanski, Gary Russell, Ilayaperumal Gopinathan, Mark Fisher, Marius Bogoevici, Oleg Zhurakousky
    • Constructor Detail

      • PartitionHandler

        public PartitionHandler​(org.springframework.expression.EvaluationContext evaluationContext,
                                ProducerProperties properties,
                                PartitionKeyExtractorStrategy partitionKeyExtractorStrategy,
                                PartitionSelectorStrategy partitionSelectorStrategy)
        since 3.0.2. Please use another constructor which allows you to pass an instance of beanFactory
        Construct a PartitionHandler.
        evaluationContext - evaluation context for binder
        properties - binder properties
        partitionKeyExtractorStrategy - PartitionKeyExtractor strategy
        partitionSelectorStrategy - PartitionSelector strategy
      • PartitionHandler

        public PartitionHandler​(org.springframework.expression.EvaluationContext evaluationContext,
                                ProducerProperties properties,
                                org.springframework.beans.factory.config.ConfigurableListableBeanFactory beanFactory)
        Construct a PartitionHandler.
        evaluationContext - evaluation context for binder
        properties - binder properties
        beanFactory - instance of ConfigurableListableBeanFactory
    • Method Detail

      • setPartitionCount

        public void setPartitionCount​(int partitionCount)
        Set the actual partition count (if different to the configured count).
        partitionCount - the count.
      • determinePartition

        public int determinePartition​(org.springframework.messaging.Message<?> message)
        Determine the partition to which to send this message.

        If a partition key extractor class is provided, it is invoked to determine the key. Otherwise, the partition key expression is evaluated to obtain the key value.

        If a partition selector class is provided, it will be invoked to determine the partition. Otherwise, if the partition expression is not null, it is evaluated against the key and is expected to return an integer to which the modulo function will be applied, using the partitionCount as the divisor. If no partition expression is provided, the key will be passed to the binder partition strategy along with the partitionCount. The default partition strategy uses key.hashCode(), and the result will be the mod of that value.

        message - the message.
        the partition