All Classes and Interfaces

Jackson module to enable aggregate reference resolution for non-aggregate root types.
Controller exposing semantic documentation for the resources exposed using the Application Level Profile Semantics format.
HttpMessageConverter to render Alps and RootResourceInformation instances as application/alps+json.
A value object to for Links representing associations.
Annotation to bind the backend id of an entity.
SPI to allow the customization of how entity ids are exposed in URIs generated.
The default BackendIdConverter that will simply use ids as they are.
HandlerMethodArgumentResolver to resolve entity ids for injection int handler method arguments annotated with BackendId.
Annotation to declare a controller that declares request mappings to be augmented with a base URI in the Spring Data REST configuration.
A RequestMappingHandlerMapping that augments the request mappings
Value object to be able to extract the lookup path within a configured base URI that forms a URI namespace.
Contextual mapping for he translation of JSON Pointer segments into property references on persistent types.
Factory to create BindContext instances.
A helper class to encapsulate ConstraintViolation errors.
Components that are aware of CORS configuration.
Value object to capture a Pageable as well whether it is the default one configured.
DefaultedPageable implementation of ExcerptProjector that uses the given ProjectionFactory and considers the given ResourceMappings.
A service to collect all standard links that need to be added to a certain object.
Resolves a domain class from a web request.
Component to apply an ObjectNode to an existing domain object.
Configuration to tweak enum serialization.
A value object to represent ETags.
HandlerMethodArgumentResolver to resolve If-Match headers for optimistic locking handling ETag.
An exception being thrown in case the ETag calculated for a particular object does not match an expected one.
A helper that renders an Exception JSON-friendly.
Interface for a component that can provide excerpt projections.
Value object to prepare HttpHeaders for PersistentEntityResource and PersistentEntity instances.
HandlerMethodArgumentResolver to provide HttpMethod instances for innjection into MVC controller methods.
Value object to wrap a ServerHttpRequest to provide a slightly more abstract API to find out about the request method.
HttpInputMessage based on a plain InputStream, i.e. exposing no headers.
Helper class to register datatype modules based on their presence in the classpath.
Translator for Sort arguments that is aware of Jackson-Mapping on domain classes.
Translates Sort orders from Jackson-mapped field names to PersistentProperty names.
Value object to abstract Jackson based bean metadata of a given type.
Custom Spring Data REST Jackson serializers.
Enum deserializer that uses a resource bundle to resolve enum values.
An enum serializer to translate raw enum values into values resolved through a resource bundle.
Convert JsonNodes containing JSON Patch to/from Patch objects.
Model class to render JSON schema documents.
Value object to abstract a Map of JSON Schema definitions.
A JsonSchema.JsonSchemaProperty representing enumerations.
A JSON Schema property
Callback interface to customize the JsonSchema.JsonSchemaProperty created by default for a given type.
A service to collect all standard links that need to be added to a certain object.
HandlerMethodArgumentResolver to resolve DefaultedPageable from a PageableHandlerMethodArgumentResolver applying field to property mapping.
HandlerMethodArgumentResolver to resolve Pageable from a PageableArgumentResolver applying field to property mapping.
HandlerMethodArgumentResolver to resolve Sort from a SortHandlerMethodArgumentResolver applying field to property mapping.
Interface to abstract the access of TemplateVariables for pagination and sorting.
Represents a Patch.
A strategy interface for producing Patch instances from a patch document representation (such as JSON Patch) and rendering a Patch to a patch document representation.
Exception thrown if an error occurs in the course of applying a Patch.
Abstract base class representing and providing support methods for patch operations.
Jackson 2 module to serialize and deserialize PersistentEntityResources.
A BeanDeserializerModifier that registers a custom PersistentEntityJackson2Module.UriStringDeserializer for association properties of PersistentEntitys.
Advanced customization of the CreatorProperty instances customized to additionally register them with the ValueInstantiator backing the BeanDeserializerModifier.
Custom JsonDeserializer to interpret String values as URIs and resolve them using a UriToEntityConverter.
Projector looking up a projection by name for the given source type.
A Spring HATEOAS EntityModel subclass that holds a reference to the entity's PersistentEntity metadata.
Builder to create PersistentEntityResource instances.
RepresentationModelAssembler to create PersistentEntityResources for arbitrary domain objects.
Converter to create JsonSchema instances for PersistentEntitys.
Profile-based controller exposing multiple forms of metadata.
RepresentationModelProcessor to add a profile link to the root resource to point to multiple forms of metadata.
BeanPostProcessor to make sure all excerpt projections defined in RepositoryResourceMappings are registered with the RepositoryRestConfiguration.
Interface for a component being able to create projections for objects.
Controller for the root resource exposing links to the repository resources.
EntityLinks implementation that is able to create Link for domain classes managed by Spring Data REST.
LinkBuilder to be able to create links pointing to repositories.
Dedicated resource type to represent the links pointing to collection resources exposed for repositories.
Component to configure and customize the setup of Spring Data REST.
Annotation to demarcate Spring MVC controllers provided by Spring Data REST.
Special DispatcherServlet subclass that certain exporter components can recognize.
Exception handler for Spring Data REST controllers.
RequestMappingHandlerAdapter implementation that adds a couple argument resolvers for controller method parameters used in the REST exporter controller.
RequestMappingHandlerMapping implementation that will only find a handler method if a Repository is exported under that URL path segment.
Main application configuration for Spring Data REST.
A custom RepresentationModel type to be able to write custom RepresentationModelProcessors to add additional links to ones automatically exposed for Spring Data repository query methods.
Indicates a resource was not found.
Configuration class registering required components that declare request mappings as beans.
Constants to refer to supported media types.
Meta-information about the root repository resource.
HandlerMethodArgumentResolver to create RootResourceInformation for injection into Spring MVC controller methods.
Converter to create Alps Descriptor instances for a RootResourceInformation.
SPI to be able to register extensions that add static resource routes.
Converter to render all Links contained in a RepresentationModel as text/uri-list and parse a request of that media type back into a RepresentationModel instance.
Utility methods to work with requests and URIs.