Interface InboundFileSynchronizer

All Known Implementing Classes:
Functional Interface:
This is a functional interface and can therefore be used as the assignment target for a lambda expression or method reference.

public interface InboundFileSynchronizer
Strategy for synchronizing from a remote File system to a local directory.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    void synchronizeToLocalDirectory​( localDirectory)
    Synchronize all available files to the local directory.
    default void synchronizeToLocalDirectory​( localDirectory, int maxFetchSize)
    Synchronize up to maxFetchSize files to the local directory.
  • Method Details

    • synchronizeToLocalDirectory

      void synchronizeToLocalDirectory​( localDirectory)
      Synchronize all available files to the local directory.
      localDirectory - the directory.
    • synchronizeToLocalDirectory

      default void synchronizeToLocalDirectory​( localDirectory, int maxFetchSize)
      Synchronize up to maxFetchSize files to the local directory.
      localDirectory - the directory.
      maxFetchSize - the maximum files to fetch.