All Classes and Interfaces

A file list filter that can be configured to always accept (pass) directories.
Abstract implementation of FileInfo; provides a setter for the remote directory and a generic toString implementation.
A convenience base class for any FileListFilter whose criteria can be evaluated against each File in isolation.
Convenience base class for implementing FileLockers that check a lock before accepting a file.
Base class for transformers that convert a File payload.
Base class for File payload transformer parsers.
Base class charged with knowing how to connect to a remote file system, scan it for new files and then download the files.
Factors out the common logic between the FTP and SFTP adapters.
A FileListFilter that only passes files matched by one or more FileListFilter if a corresponding marker file is also present to indicate a file transfer is complete.
Stores "seen" files in a MetadataStore to survive application restarts.
Filters a listing of files by qualifying their 'name' against a regular expression (an instance of Pattern).
Abstract base class for parsing remote file inbound channel adapters.
Base class for Outbound Gateways that perform remote file operations.
Enumeration of commands supported by the gateways.
Enumeration of options supported by various commands.
Abstract base class for parsing remote file streaming inbound channel adapters.
A message source that produces a message with an InputStream payload referencing a remote file.
Base class for filters that support ant style path expressions, which are less powerful but more readable than regular expressions.
Simple implementation of FileListFilter that always returns true.
FileListFilter that passes files only one time.
File tailer that delegates to the Apache Commons Tailer.
A SessionFactory implementation that caches Sessions for reuse without requiring reconnection each time the Session is retrieved from the factory.
The CompositeFileListFilter extension which chains the result of the previous filter to the next one.
RemoteFileTemplate callback with the underlying client instance providing access to lower level methods.
RemoteFileTemplate callback with the underlying client instance providing access to lower level methods where no result is returned.
Simple FileListFilter that predicates its matches against all of the configured FileListFilter.
Default directory scanner and base class for other directory scanners.
Default implementation of the filename generator strategy.
The default implementation of SessionFactoryLocator using a simple map lookup and an optional default to fall back on.
SessionFactory that delegates to a SessionFactory retrieved from a SessionFactoryLocator.
Strategy for scanning directories.
The FileListFilter modification which can accept a Consumer which can be called when the filter discards the file.
A SpEL expression based AbstractFileListFilter implementation.
An AbstractAggregatingMessageGroupProcessor implementation for file content collecting previously splitted by the FileSplitter with the markers option turned on.
A convenient component to utilize a FileSplitter.FileMarker-based aggregation logic.
When writing file, this enumeration indicates what action shall be taken in case the destination file already exists.
Pre-defined header names to be used when storing or retrieving File-related values to/from integration Message Headers.
Parser for the <inbound-channel-adapter> element of the 'file' namespace.
A MessageSourceSpec for a FileReadingMessageSource.
Represents a remote file info - an abstraction over the underlying implementation.
Strategy interface for filtering a group of files.
A FileLocker is a strategy that can ensure that files are only processed a single time.
A ReleaseStrategy which makes a decision based on the presence of FileSplitter.FileMarker.Mark.END message in the group and its FileHeaders.LINE_COUNT header.
Strategy interface for generating a file name from a message.
Namespace handler for Spring Integration's 'file' namespace.
Parser for the <outbound-channel-adapter/> element of the 'file' namespace.
Parser for the 'outbound-gateway' element of the file namespace.
MessageSource that creates messages from a file system directory.
The Spring Integration File components Factory.
Base class for file server events.
The AbstractMessageSplitter implementation to split the File Message payload to lines.
The MessageHandlerSpec for the FileSplitter.
File system implementation of AbstractMarkerFilePresentFileListFilter.
Base class for file tailing inbound adapters.
A payload transformer that copies a File's contents to a byte array.
Parser for the <file-to-bytes-transformer> element.
A payload transformer that copies a File's contents to a String.
Parser for the <file-to-string-transformer> element.
A MessageHandler implementation that transfers files to a remote server.
The MessageHandlerSpec for the FileTransferringMessageHandler.
Utilities for operations on Files.
A MessageHandler implementation that writes the Message payload to a file.
When using FileExistsMode.APPEND_NO_FLUSH, an implementation of this interface is called for each file that has pending data to flush and close when FileWritingMessageHandler.flushIfNeeded(FlushPredicate) is invoked.
When using FileExistsMode.APPEND_NO_FLUSH an implementation of this interface is called for each file that has pending data to flush when a trigger message is received.
Factory bean used to create FileWritingMessageHandlers.
The MessageHandlerSpec for the FileWritingMessageHandler.
A custom scanner that only returns the first maxNumberOfFiles elements from a directory listing.
FileListFilter implementation that ignores any hidden files.
Strategy for synchronizing from a remote File system to a local directory.
Callback for stream-based file retrieval using a RemoteFileOperations.
The FileListFilter implementation to filter those files which File.lastModified() is less than the LastModifiedFileListFilter.age in comparison with the current time.
Callback invoked by RemoteFileOperations.executeForMessage() - allows multiple operations on a session.
File locking strategy that uses java.nio.
A file tailing message producer that delegates to the OS tail program.
The DefaultDirectoryScanner extension which walks through the directory tree using Files.walk(Path, int, FileVisitOption...).
Implementation of AbstractRegexPatternMatchingFileListFilter for instances.
Strategy for performing operations on remote files.
Callback for using the same session for multiple RemoteFileTemplate operations.
The MessageHandlerSpec for the AbstractRemoteFileOutboundGateway.
A MessageSourceSpec for an AbstractRemoteFileStreamingMessageSource.
A general abstraction for dealing with remote files.
Utility methods for supporting remote file operations.
A FileListFilter that can be reset by removing a specific file from its state.
A FileListFilter that allows the caller to reverse (roll back) state changes.
A smart poller advice that rotates across multiple remote servers/directories.
A strategy for rotating advices to allow reconfiguring the message source before and/or after a poll.
A key for a thread-local store and its related directory pair.
Common abstraction for a Session with a remote File system.
Callback invoked by RemoteFileOperations.execute() - allows multiple operations on a session.
Simple convenience implementation of SessionCallback for cases where no result is returned.
Factory for acquiring Session instances.
A factory returning a SessionFactory based on some key.
A MapBuilder to producer a map that maps objects to SessionFactorys.
A SessionFactory that implements this interface is capable of supporting a shared session.
Filter that supports ant style path expressions, which are less powerful but more readable than regular expressions.
Standard rotation policy; iterates over key/directory pairs; when the end is reached, starts again at the beginning.
A MessageProducerSpec for file tailing adapters.