All Classes and Interfaces

A MessageSource implementation that retrieves the current value of a JMX attribute each time AbstractMessageSource.receive() is invoked.
Enables default exporting for Spring Integration components in an existing application, as well as well all @ManagedResource annotated beans.
The AnnotationJmxAttributeSource extension to resolve ManagedResources via IntegrationManagedResource on classes.
@Configuration class that registers a IntegrationMBeanExporter bean.
MBean exporter for Spring Integration components in an existing application.
Constants for JMX related Message Header keys.
The JMX Integration infrastructure beanFactory initializer.
Namespace handler for Spring Integration's jmx namespace.
Parser for the 'mbean-export' element of the integration JMX namespace.
A MessageSource implementation that retrieves a snapshot of a filtered subset of the MBean tree.
A JMX NotificationListener implementation that will send Messages containing the JMX Notification instances as their payloads.
An AbstractMessageHandler implementation to publish an incoming message as a JMX Notification.
Simple class used for the actual MBean instances to be registered.
A MessageHandler implementation for invoking JMX operations based on the Message sent to its AbstractMessageHandler.handleMessage(Message) method.