All Classes and Interfaces

Abstract MessageChannel backed by an Apache Kafka topic.
Spec for a message channel backed by an Apache Kafka topic.
Factory class for Apache Kafka components.
Parser for a channel backed by an Apache Kafka topic.
An extension of ErrorMessagePublisher that can be used in a CommonErrorHandler for recovering Kafka delivery failures.
Parser for the inbound channel adapter.
Spec for a polled Apache Kafka inbound channel adapter.
Implementations of this interface will generally support a retry template for retrying incoming deliveries and this supports adding common attributes to the retry context.
Inbound gateway.
Inbound gateway parser.
A MessagingGatewaySpec implementation for the KafkaInboundGateway.
A ConcurrentMessageListenerContainer configuration KafkaInboundGatewaySpec extension.
Headers specifically for Spring Integration components.
Message-driven channel adapter.
The listener mode for the container, record or batch.
Parser for the message driven channel adapter.
A MessageProducerSpec implementation for the KafkaMessageDrivenChannelAdapter.
A ConcurrentMessageListenerContainer configuration KafkaMessageDrivenChannelAdapterSpec extension.
A helper class in the Builder pattern style to delegate options to the ConcurrentMessageListenerContainer.
Polled message source for Apache Kafka.
AcknowledgmentCallback for Kafka.
AcknowledgmentCallbackFactory for KafkaAckInfo.
Information for building an KafkaAckCallback.
The namespace handler for the Apache Kafka namespace.
Parser for the outbound channel adapter.
Parser for the outbound gateway.
A MessageHandlerSpec implementation for the KafkaProducerMessageHandler as a gateway.
A KafkaTemplate-based KafkaProducerMessageHandlerSpec extension.
An IntegrationComponentSpec implementation for the KafkaTemplate.
Utilities to assist with parsing XML.
Spec for a point to point channel backed by an Apache Kafka topic.
Spec for a pollable channel.
A Message Handler for Apache Kafka; when supplied with a ReplyingKafkaTemplate it is used as the handler in an outbound gateway.
Creates a ProducerRecord from a Message and/or properties derived from configuration and/or the message.
A MessageHandlerSpec implementation for the KafkaProducerMessageHandler.
A KafkaTemplate-based KafkaProducerMessageHandlerSpec extension.
Spec for a publish/subscribe channel backed by an Apache Kafka topic.
An exception that is the payload of an ErrorMessage when a send fails.
Spec for a subscribable channel.
An IntegrationComponentSpec implementation for the KafkaTemplate.
Pollable channel backed by an Apache Kafka topic.
Publish/subscribe channel backed by an Apache Kafka topic.
ErrorMessageStrategy extension that adds the raw record as a header to the ErrorMessage.
Subscribable channel backed by an Apache Kafka topic.