Class RedisStoreWritingMessageHandler

All Implemented Interfaces:
org.reactivestreams.Subscriber<org.springframework.messaging.Message<?>>, org.springframework.beans.factory.Aware, org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanFactoryAware, org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanNameAware, org.springframework.beans.factory.DisposableBean, org.springframework.beans.factory.InitializingBean, org.springframework.context.ApplicationContextAware, org.springframework.core.Ordered, org.springframework.integration.context.ExpressionCapable, org.springframework.integration.context.Orderable, org.springframework.integration.IntegrationPattern,,,, org.springframework.messaging.MessageHandler, reactor.core.CoreSubscriber<org.springframework.messaging.Message<?>>

public class RedisStoreWritingMessageHandler extends org.springframework.integration.handler.AbstractMessageHandler
Implementation of MessageHandler which writes Message data into a Redis store identified by a key String. It supports the collection types identified by RedisCollectionFactoryBean.CollectionType. It supports batch updates or single item entry. "Batch updates" means that the payload of the Message may be a Map or Collection. With such a payload, individual items from it are added to the corresponding Redis store. See handleMessageInternal(Message) for more details. You can instead choose to persist such a payload as a single item if the extractPayloadElements property is set to false (default is true).
  • Nested Class Summary

    Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface
  • Field Summary

    Fields inherited from class org.springframework.integration.context.IntegrationObjectSupport


    Fields inherited from interface


    Fields inherited from interface org.springframework.core.Ordered

  • Constructor Summary

    RedisStoreWritingMessageHandler( connectionFactory)
    Constructs an instance using the provided RedisConnectionFactory.
    RedisStoreWritingMessageHandler(<String,?> redisTemplate)
    Constructs an instance using the provided RedisTemplate.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    protected void
    handleMessageInternal(org.springframework.messaging.Message<?> message)
    Will extract the payload from the Message and store it in the collection identified by the key (which may be determined by an expression).
    protected void
    setCollectionType( collectionType)
    Sets the collection type for this handler as per RedisCollectionFactoryBean.CollectionType.
    setExtractPayloadElements(boolean extractPayloadElements)
    Sets the flag signifying that if the payload is a "multivalue" (i.e., Collection or Map), it should be saved using addAll/putAll semantics.
    Specifies the key for the Redis store.
    setKeyExpression(org.springframework.expression.Expression keyExpression)
    Specifies a SpEL Expression to be used to determine the key for the Redis store.
    Specifies a SpEL Expression to be used to determine the key for the Redis store.
    setMapKeyExpression(org.springframework.expression.Expression mapKeyExpression)
    Sets the expression used as the key for Map and Properties entries.
    Sets the expression used as the key for Map and Properties entries.
    setZsetIncrementExpression(org.springframework.expression.Expression zsetIncrementScoreExpression)
    Set the expression used as the INCR flag for the ZADD command in case of ZSet collection.
    setZsetIncrementExpressionString(String zsetIncrementScoreExpression)
    Set the expression used as the INCR flag for the ZADD command in case of ZSet collection.

    Methods inherited from class org.springframework.integration.handler.AbstractMessageHandler

    handleMessage, onComplete, onError, onNext, onSubscribe, setObservationConvention

    Methods inherited from class org.springframework.integration.handler.MessageHandlerSupport

    buildSendTimer, destroy, getIntegrationPatternType, getManagedName, getManagedType, getMetricsCaptor, getObservationRegistry, getOrder, getOverrides, isLoggingEnabled, isObserved, registerMetricsCaptor, registerObservationRegistry, sendTimer, setLoggingEnabled, setManagedName, setManagedType, setOrder, setShouldTrack, shouldTrack

    Methods inherited from class org.springframework.integration.context.IntegrationObjectSupport

    afterPropertiesSet, extractTypeIfPossible, generateId, getApplicationContext, getApplicationContextId, getBeanDescription, getBeanFactory, getBeanName, getChannelResolver, getComponentName, getConversionService, getExpression, getIntegrationProperties, getIntegrationProperty, getMessageBuilderFactory, getTaskScheduler, isInitialized, setApplicationContext, setBeanFactory, setBeanName, setChannelResolver, setComponentName, setConversionService, setMessageBuilderFactory, setPrimaryExpression, setTaskScheduler, toString

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

    Methods inherited from interface reactor.core.CoreSubscriber


    Methods inherited from interface


    Methods inherited from interface

    getBeanName, getComponentName
  • Constructor Details

    • RedisStoreWritingMessageHandler

      public RedisStoreWritingMessageHandler(<String,?> redisTemplate)
      Constructs an instance using the provided RedisTemplate. The RedisTemplate must be fully initialized.
      redisTemplate - The Redis template.
    • RedisStoreWritingMessageHandler

      public RedisStoreWritingMessageHandler( connectionFactory)
      Constructs an instance using the provided RedisConnectionFactory. It will use either a StringRedisTemplate if extractPayloadElements is true (default) or a RedisTemplate with StringRedisSerializers for keys and hash keys and JdkSerializationRedisSerializers for values and hash values, when it is false.
      connectionFactory - The connection factory.
      See Also:
  • Method Details

    • setKey

      public void setKey(String key)
      Specifies the key for the Redis store. If an expression is needed, then call setKeyExpression(Expression) instead of this method (they are mutually exclusive). If neither setter is called, the default expression will be 'headers.RedisHeaders.KEY'.
      key - The key.
      See Also:
    • setKeyExpressionString

      public void setKeyExpressionString(String keyExpression)
      Specifies a SpEL Expression to be used to determine the key for the Redis store. If an expression is not needed, then a literal value may be passed to the setKey(String) method instead of this one (they are mutually exclusive). If neither setter is called, the default expression will be 'headers.RedisHeaders.KEY'.
      keyExpression - The key expression.
      See Also:
    • setKeyExpression

      public void setKeyExpression(org.springframework.expression.Expression keyExpression)
      Specifies a SpEL Expression to be used to determine the key for the Redis store. If an expression is not needed, then a literal value may be passed to the setKey(String) method instead of this one (they are mutually exclusive). If neither setter is called, the default expression will be 'headers.RedisHeaders.KEY'.
      keyExpression - The key expression.
      See Also:
    • setCollectionType

      public void setCollectionType( collectionType)
      Sets the collection type for this handler as per RedisCollectionFactoryBean.CollectionType.
      collectionType - The collection type.
    • setExtractPayloadElements

      public void setExtractPayloadElements(boolean extractPayloadElements)
      Sets the flag signifying that if the payload is a "multivalue" (i.e., Collection or Map), it should be saved using addAll/putAll semantics. Default is 'true'. If set to 'false' the payload will be saved as a single entry regardless of its type. If the payload is not an instance of "multivalue" (i.e., Collection or Map), the value of this attribute is meaningless as the payload will always be stored as a single entry.
      extractPayloadElements - true if payload elements should be extracted.
    • setMapKeyExpressionString

      public void setMapKeyExpressionString(String mapKeyExpression)
      Sets the expression used as the key for Map and Properties entries. Default is 'headers.RedisHeaders.MAP_KEY'
      mapKeyExpression - The map key expression.
    • setMapKeyExpression

      public void setMapKeyExpression(org.springframework.expression.Expression mapKeyExpression)
      Sets the expression used as the key for Map and Properties entries. Default is 'headers.RedisHeaders.MAP_KEY'
      mapKeyExpression - The map key expression.
    • setZsetIncrementExpressionString

      public void setZsetIncrementExpressionString(String zsetIncrementScoreExpression)
      Set the expression used as the INCR flag for the ZADD command in case of ZSet collection. Default is 'headers.RedisHeaders.ZSET_INCREMENT_SCORE'
      zsetIncrementScoreExpression - The ZADD INCR flag expression.
    • setZsetIncrementExpression

      public void setZsetIncrementExpression(org.springframework.expression.Expression zsetIncrementScoreExpression)
      Set the expression used as the INCR flag for the ZADD command in case of ZSet collection. Default is 'headers.RedisHeaders.ZSET_INCREMENT_SCORE'
      zsetIncrementScoreExpression - The ZADD INCR flag expression.
    • getComponentType

      public String getComponentType()
      Specified by:
      getComponentType in interface
      getComponentType in class org.springframework.integration.handler.MessageHandlerSupport
    • onInit

      protected void onInit()
      onInit in class org.springframework.integration.context.IntegrationObjectSupport
    • handleMessageInternal

      protected void handleMessageInternal(org.springframework.messaging.Message<?> message)
      Will extract the payload from the Message and store it in the collection identified by the key (which may be determined by an expression). The type of collection is specified by the collectionType property. The default CollectionType is LIST.

      The rules for storing the payload are:

      LIST/SET If the payload is of type Collection and extractPayloadElements is 'true' (default), the payload will be added using the addAll() method. If extractPayloadElements is set to 'false', then regardless of the payload type, the payload will be added using add().

      ZSET In addition to the rules described for LIST/SET, ZSET allows 'score' information to be provided. The score can be provided using the RedisHeaders.ZSET_SCORE message header when the payload is not a Map, or by sending a Map as the payload where each Map 'key' is a value to be saved and each corresponding Map 'value' is the score assigned to it. If extractPayloadElements is set to 'false' the map will be stored as a single entry. If the 'score' can not be determined, the default value (1) will be used.

      MAP/PROPERTIES You can also add items to a Map or Properties based store. If the payload itself is of type Map or Properties, it can be stored either as a batch or single item following the same rules as described above for other collection types. If the payload itself needs to be stored as a value of the map/property then the map key must be specified via the mapKeyExpression (default RedisHeaders.MAP_KEY Message header).

      Specified by:
      handleMessageInternal in class org.springframework.integration.handler.AbstractMessageHandler