All Classes and Interfaces

Convenience class for testing Spring Integration request-response message scenarios.
The base class for response validators used for RequestResponseScenarios
A matcher that evaluates against the result of invoking a function, wrapped by the Supplier The goal is to defer the computation until the matcher needs to be actually evaluated.
Are the MessageHeaders of a Message containing any entry or multiple that match?
Use to take a heap dump programmatically.
A JUnit method Rule that changes the Log4J 2 logger level for a set of classes or packages while a test method is running.
Test classes annotated with this will change logging levels between tests.
JUnit condition that adjusts and reverts log levels before/after each test.
Rule to prevent long running tests from running on every build; set environment variable RUN_LONG_INTEGRATION_TESTS on a CI nightly build to ensure coverage.
JUnit Jupiter condition to prevent long running tests from running on every build; set environment variable RUN_LONG_INTEGRATION_TESTS on a CI nightly build to ensure coverage.
Matchers that examine the contents of a Map.
Matcher to make assertions about message equality easier.
Predicate to make assertions about message equality easier.
Validate a message.
Mockito matcher factory for Message matcher creation.
Matcher to make assertions about message equality easier.
Is the payload of a Message equal to a given value or is matching a given matcher?
Validate a message payload.
Defines a Spring Integration request response test scenario.
Convenience class for a single RequestResponseScenario test
A GenericApplicationContext extension with some support methods to register Spring Integration beans in the application context at runtime.