Class CommonLoggingErrorHandler

    • Constructor Detail

      • CommonLoggingErrorHandler

        public CommonLoggingErrorHandler()
    • Method Detail

      • isAckAfterHandle

        public boolean isAckAfterHandle()
        Description copied from interface: CommonErrorHandler
        Return true if the offset should be committed for a handled error (no exception thrown).
        Specified by:
        isAckAfterHandle in interface CommonErrorHandler
        true to commit.
      • setAckAfterHandle

        public void setAckAfterHandle​(boolean ackAfterHandle)
        Description copied from interface: CommonErrorHandler
        Set to false to prevent the container from committing the offset of a recovered record (when the error handler does not itself throw an exception).
        Specified by:
        setAckAfterHandle in interface CommonErrorHandler
        ackAfterHandle - false to not commit.
      • handleRecord

        public void handleRecord​(java.lang.Exception thrownException,
                                 org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.ConsumerRecord<?,​?> record,
                                 org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.Consumer<?,​?> consumer,
                                 MessageListenerContainer container)
        Description copied from interface: CommonErrorHandler
        Handle the exception for a record listener when CommonErrorHandler.remainingRecords() returns false. Use this to handle just the single failed record; remaining records from the poll will be sent to the listener.
        Specified by:
        handleRecord in interface CommonErrorHandler
        thrownException - the exception.
        record - the record.
        consumer - the consumer.
        container - the container.
        See Also:
      • handleBatch

        public void handleBatch​(java.lang.Exception thrownException,
                                org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.ConsumerRecords<?,​?> data,
                                org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.Consumer<?,​?> consumer,
                                MessageListenerContainer container,
                                java.lang.Runnable invokeListener)
        Description copied from interface: CommonErrorHandler
        Handle the exception for a batch listener. The complete ConsumerRecords from the poll is supplied. The error handler needs to perform seeks if you wish to reprocess the records in the batch.
        Specified by:
        handleBatch in interface CommonErrorHandler
        thrownException - the exception.
        data - the consumer records.
        consumer - the consumer.
        container - the container.
        invokeListener - a callback to re-invoke the listener.
      • handleOtherException

        public void handleOtherException​(java.lang.Exception thrownException,
                                         org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.Consumer<?,​?> consumer,
                                         MessageListenerContainer container,
                                         boolean batchListener)
        Description copied from interface: CommonErrorHandler
        Called when an exception is thrown with no records available, e.g. if the consumer poll throws an exception.
        Specified by:
        handleOtherException in interface CommonErrorHandler
        thrownException - the exception.
        consumer - the consumer.
        container - the container.
        batchListener - true if the listener is a batch listener.