Class AbstractContextSource

All Implemented Interfaces:
org.springframework.beans.factory.InitializingBean, ContextSource, BaseLdapPathContextSource, BaseLdapPathSource
Direct Known Subclasses:
DirContextSource, LdapContextSource

public abstract class AbstractContextSource extends Object implements BaseLdapPathContextSource, org.springframework.beans.factory.InitializingBean
Abstract implementation of the ContextSource interface. By default, returns an authenticated DirContext implementation for both read-only and read-write operations. To have an anonymous environment created for read-only operations, set the anonymousReadOnly property to true.

Implementing classes need to implement getDirContextInstance(Hashtable) to create a DirContext instance of the desired type.

If an AuthenticationSource is set, this will be used for getting user principal and password for each new connection, otherwise a default one will be created using the specified userDn and password.

Note: When using implementations of this class outside of a Spring Context it is necessary to call afterPropertiesSet() when all properties are set, in order to finish up initialization.

See Also:
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • AbstractContextSource

      public AbstractContextSource()
  • Method Details

    • getContext

      public DirContext getContext(String principal, String credentials)
      Description copied from interface: ContextSource
      Gets a DirContext instance authenticated using the supplied principal and credentials. Typically to be used for plain authentication purposes. Note that this method will never make use of native Java LDAP pooling, even though this instance is configured to do so. This is to force password changes in the target directory to take effect as soon as possible.
      Specified by:
      getContext in interface ContextSource
      principal - The principal (typically a distinguished name of a user in the LDAP tree) to use for authentication.
      credentials - The credentials to use for authentication.
      an authenticated DirContext instance, never null.
    • getReadOnlyContext

      public DirContext getReadOnlyContext()
      Description copied from interface: ContextSource
      Gets a read-only DirContext. The returned DirContext must be possible to perform read-only operations on.
      Specified by:
      getReadOnlyContext in interface ContextSource
      A DirContext instance, never null.
    • getReadWriteContext

      public DirContext getReadWriteContext()
      Description copied from interface: ContextSource
      Gets a read-write DirContext instance.
      Specified by:
      getReadWriteContext in interface ContextSource
      A DirContext instance, never null.
    • setupAuthenticatedEnvironment

      protected void setupAuthenticatedEnvironment(Hashtable<String,Object> env, String principal, String credentials)
      Default implementation of setting the environment up to be authenticated. This method should typically NOT be overridden; any customization to the authentication mechanism should be managed by setting a different DirContextAuthenticationStrategy on this instance.
      env - the environment to modify.
      principal - the principal to authenticate with.
      credentials - the credentials to authenticate with.
      See Also:
    • assembleProviderUrlString

      public String assembleProviderUrlString(String[] ldapUrls)
      Assemble a valid url String from all registered urls to add as PROVIDER_URL to the environment.
      ldapUrls - all individual url Strings.
      the full url String
    • setBase

      public void setBase(String base)
      Set the base suffix from which all operations should origin. If a base suffix is set, you will not have to (and, indeed, must not) specify the full distinguished names in any operations performed.
      base - the base suffix.
    • getBaseLdapPath

      public DistinguishedName getBaseLdapPath()
      DistinguishedName and associated classes and methods are deprecated as of 2.0.
      Description copied from interface: BaseLdapPathSource
      Get the base LDAP path as a DistinguishedName.
      Specified by:
      getBaseLdapPath in interface BaseLdapPathSource
      the base LDAP path as a DistinguishedName. The path will be empty if no base path is specified.
    • getBaseLdapName

      public LdapName getBaseLdapName()
      Description copied from interface: BaseLdapPathSource
      Get the base LDAP path as a LdapName.
      Specified by:
      getBaseLdapName in interface BaseLdapPathSource
      the base LDAP path as a LdapName. The path will be empty if no base path is specified.
    • getBaseLdapPathAsString

      public String getBaseLdapPathAsString()
      Description copied from interface: BaseLdapPathSource
      Get the base LDAP path as a String.
      Specified by:
      getBaseLdapPathAsString in interface BaseLdapPathSource
      the base LDAP path as a An empty String will be returned if no base path is specified.
    • createContext

      protected DirContext createContext(Hashtable<String,Object> environment)
      Create a DirContext using the supplied environment.
      environment - the LDAP environment to use when creating the DirContext.
      a new DirContext implementation initialized with the supplied environment.
    • setContextFactory

      public void setContextFactory(Class<?> contextFactory)
      Set the context factory. Default is com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory.
      contextFactory - the context factory used when creating Contexts.
    • getContextFactory

      public Class<?> getContextFactory()
      Get the context factory.
      the context factory used when creating Contexts.
    • setDirObjectFactory

      public void setDirObjectFactory(Class<?> dirObjectFactory)
      Set the DirObjectFactory to use. Default is DefaultDirObjectFactory. The specified class needs to be an implementation of javax.naming.spi.DirObjectFactory. Note: Setting this value to null may have cause connection leaks when using ContextMapper methods in LdapTemplate.
      dirObjectFactory - the DirObjectFactory to be used. Null means that no DirObjectFactory will be used.
    • getDirObjectFactory

      public Class<?> getDirObjectFactory()
      Get the DirObjectFactory to use.
      the DirObjectFactory to be used. null means that no DirObjectFactory will be used.
    • afterPropertiesSet

      public void afterPropertiesSet()
      Checks that all necessary data is set and that there is no compatibility issues, after which the instance is initialized. Note that you need to call this method explicitly after setting all desired properties if using the class outside of a Spring Context.
      Specified by:
      afterPropertiesSet in interface org.springframework.beans.factory.InitializingBean
    • setPassword

      public void setPassword(String password)
      Set the password (credentials) to use for getting authenticated contexts.
      password - the password.
    • getPassword

      public String getPassword()
      Gets the password (credentials) to use for getting authenticated contexts.
      the password
    • setUserDn

      public void setUserDn(String userDn)
      Set the user distinguished name (principal) to use for getting authenticated contexts.
      userDn - the user distinguished name.
    • getUserDn

      public String getUserDn()
      Gets the user distinguished name (principal) to use for getting authenticated contexts.
      the user distinguished name.
    • setUrls

      public void setUrls(String[] urls)
      Set the urls of the LDAP servers. Use this method if several servers are required.
      urls - the urls of all servers.
    • getUrls

      public String[] getUrls()
      Get the urls of the LDAP servers.
      the urls of all servers.
    • setUrl

      public void setUrl(String url)
      Set the url of the LDAP server. Utility method if only one server is used.
      url - the url of the LDAP server.
    • setPooled

      public void setPooled(boolean pooled)
      Set whether the pooling flag should be set, enabling the built-in LDAP connection pooling. Default is false. The built-in LDAP connection pooling suffers from a number of deficiencies, e.g. no connection validation. Also, enabling this flag when using TLS connections will explicitly not work. Consider using the Spring LDAP PoolingContextSource as an alternative instead of enabling this flag.

      Note that since LDAP pooling is system wide, full configuration of this needs be done using system parameters as specified in the LDAP/JNDI documentation. Also note, that pooling is done on user dn basis, i.e. each individually authenticated connection will be pooled separately. This means that LDAP pooling will be most efficient using anonymous connections or connections authenticated using one single system user.

      pooled - whether Contexts should be pooled.
    • isPooled

      public boolean isPooled()
      Get whether the pooling flag should be set.
      whether Contexts should be pooled.
    • setBaseEnvironmentProperties

      public void setBaseEnvironmentProperties(Map<String,Object> baseEnvironmentProperties)
      If any custom environment properties are needed, these can be set using this method.
      baseEnvironmentProperties - the base environment properties that should always be used when creating new Context instances.
    • getAnonymousEnv

      protected Hashtable<String,Object> getAnonymousEnv()
    • getAuthenticatedEnv

      protected Hashtable<String,Object> getAuthenticatedEnv(String principal, String credentials)
    • setAuthenticationSource

      public void setAuthenticationSource(AuthenticationSource authenticationSource)
      Set the authentication source to use when retrieving user principal and credentials.
      authenticationSource - the AuthenticationSource that will provide user info.
    • getAuthenticationSource

      public AuthenticationSource getAuthenticationSource()
      Get the authentication source.
      the AuthenticationSource that will provide user info.
    • setCacheEnvironmentProperties

      public void setCacheEnvironmentProperties(boolean cacheEnvironmentProperties)
      Set whether environment properties should be cached between requsts for anonymous environment. Default is true; setting this property to false causes the environment Hashmap to be rebuilt from the current property settings of this instance between each request for an anonymous environment.
      cacheEnvironmentProperties - true causes that the anonymous environment properties should be cached, false causes the Hashmap to be rebuilt for each request.
    • setAnonymousReadOnly

      public void setAnonymousReadOnly(boolean anonymousReadOnly)
      Set whether an anonymous environment should be used for read-only operations. Default is false.
      anonymousReadOnly - true if an anonymous environment should be used for read-only operations, false otherwise.
    • isAnonymousReadOnly

      public boolean isAnonymousReadOnly()
      Get whether an anonymous environment should be used for read-only operations.
      true if an anonymous environment should be used for read-only operations, false otherwise.
    • setAuthenticationStrategy

      public void setAuthenticationStrategy(DirContextAuthenticationStrategy authenticationStrategy)
      Set the DirContextAuthenticationStrategy to use for preparing the environment and processing the created DirContext instances.
      authenticationStrategy - the DirContextAuthenticationStrategy to use; default is SimpleDirContextAuthenticationStrategy.
    • setReferral

      public void setReferral(String referral)
      Set the method to handle referrals. Default is 'ignore'; setting this flag to 'follow' will enable referrals to be automatically followed. Note that this might require particular name server setup in order to work (the referred URLs will need to be automatically found using standard DNS resolution).
      referral - the value to set the system property Context.REFERRAL to, customizing the way that referrals are handled.
    • getDirContextInstance

      protected abstract DirContext getDirContextInstance(Hashtable<String,Object> environment) throws NamingException
      Implement in subclass to create a DirContext of the desired type (e.g. InitialDirContext or InitialLdapContext).
      environment - the environment to use when creating the instance.
      a new DirContext instance.
      NamingException - if one is encountered when creating the instance.