Class AclEntryAfterInvocationCollectionFilteringProvider

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class AclEntryAfterInvocationCollectionFilteringProvider
    extends AbstractAclProvider

    Given a Collection of domain object instances returned from a secure object invocation, remove any Collection elements the principal does not have appropriate permission to access as defined by the AclService.

    The AclService is used to retrieve the access control list (ACL) permissions associated with each Collection domain object instance element for the current Authentication object.

    This after invocation provider will fire if any ConfigAttribute.getAttribute() matches the AbstractAclProvider.processConfigAttribute. The provider will then lookup the ACLs from the AclService and ensure the principal is Acl.isGranted() when presenting the AbstractAclProvider.requirePermission array to that method.

    If the principal does not have permission, that element will not be included in the returned Collection.

    Often users will setup a BasicAclEntryAfterInvocationProvider with a AbstractAclProvider.processConfigAttribute of AFTER_ACL_COLLECTION_READ and a AbstractAclProvider.requirePermission of BasePermission.READ. These are also the defaults.

    If the provided returnObject is null, a null Collection will be returned. If the provided returnObject is not a Collection, an AuthorizationServiceException will be thrown.

    All comparisons and prefixes are case sensitive.

    • Field Detail

      • logger

        protected static final org.apache.commons.logging.Log logger
    • Constructor Detail

      • AclEntryAfterInvocationCollectionFilteringProvider

        public AclEntryAfterInvocationCollectionFilteringProvider​(AclService aclService,
                                                                  java.util.List<Permission> requirePermission)
    • Method Detail

      • decide

        public java.lang.Object decide​( authentication,
                                       java.lang.Object object,
                                       java.util.Collection<> config,
                                       java.lang.Object returnedObject)