Class JdbcMutableAclService

All Implemented Interfaces:
AclService, MutableAclService

public class JdbcMutableAclService extends JdbcAclService implements MutableAclService
Provides a base JDBC implementation of MutableAclService.

The default settings are for HSQLDB. If you are using a different database you will probably need to set the sidIdentityQuery and classIdentityQuery properties appropriately. The other queries, SQL inserts and updates can also be customized to accomodate schema variations, but must produce results consistent with those expected by the defaults.

See the appendix of the Spring Security reference manual for more information on the expected schema and how it is used. Information on using PostgreSQL is also included.

  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • createAcl

      public MutableAcl createAcl(ObjectIdentity objectIdentity) throws AlreadyExistsException
      Description copied from interface: MutableAclService
      Creates an empty Acl object in the database. It will have no entries. The returned object will then be used to add entries.
      Specified by:
      createAcl in interface MutableAclService
      objectIdentity - the object identity to create
      an ACL object with its ID set
      AlreadyExistsException - if the passed object identity already has a record
    • createEntries

      protected void createEntries(MutableAcl acl)
      Creates a new row in acl_entry for every ACE defined in the passed MutableAcl object.
      acl - containing the ACEs to insert
    • createObjectIdentity

      protected void createObjectIdentity(ObjectIdentity object, Sid owner)
      Creates an entry in the acl_object_identity table for the passed ObjectIdentity. The Sid is also necessary, as acl_object_identity has defined the sid column as non-null.
      object - to represent an acl_object_identity for
      owner - for the SID column (will be created if there is no acl_sid entry for this particular Sid already)
    • createOrRetrieveClassPrimaryKey

      protected Long createOrRetrieveClassPrimaryKey(String type, boolean allowCreate, Class idType)
      Retrieves the primary key from acl_class, creating a new row if needed and the allowCreate property is true.
      type - to find or create an entry for (often the fully-qualified class name)
      allowCreate - true if creation is permitted if not found
      the primary key or null if not found
    • createOrRetrieveSidPrimaryKey

      protected Long createOrRetrieveSidPrimaryKey(Sid sid, boolean allowCreate)
      Retrieves the primary key from acl_sid, creating a new row if needed and the allowCreate property is true.
      sid - to find or create
      allowCreate - true if creation is permitted if not found
      the primary key or null if not found
      IllegalArgumentException - if the Sid is not a recognized implementation.
    • createOrRetrieveSidPrimaryKey

      protected Long createOrRetrieveSidPrimaryKey(String sidName, boolean sidIsPrincipal, boolean allowCreate)
      Retrieves the primary key from acl_sid, creating a new row if needed and the allowCreate property is true.
      sidName - name of Sid to find or to create
      sidIsPrincipal - whether it's a user or granted authority like role
      allowCreate - true if creation is permitted if not found
      the primary key or null if not found
    • deleteAcl

      public void deleteAcl(ObjectIdentity objectIdentity, boolean deleteChildren) throws ChildrenExistException
      Description copied from interface: MutableAclService
      Removes the specified entry from the database.
      Specified by:
      deleteAcl in interface MutableAclService
      objectIdentity - the object identity to remove
      deleteChildren - whether to cascade the delete to children
      ChildrenExistException - if the deleteChildren argument was false but children exist
    • deleteEntries

      protected void deleteEntries(Long oidPrimaryKey)
      Deletes all ACEs defined in the acl_entry table belonging to the presented ObjectIdentity primary key.
      oidPrimaryKey - the rows in acl_entry to delete
    • deleteObjectIdentity

      protected void deleteObjectIdentity(Long oidPrimaryKey)
      Deletes a single row from acl_object_identity that is associated with the presented ObjectIdentity primary key.

      We do not delete any entries from acl_class, even if no classes are using that class any longer. This is a deadlock avoidance approach.

      oidPrimaryKey - to delete the acl_object_identity
    • retrieveObjectIdentityPrimaryKey

      protected Long retrieveObjectIdentityPrimaryKey(ObjectIdentity oid)
      Retrieves the primary key from the acl_object_identity table for the passed ObjectIdentity. Unlike some other methods in this implementation, this method will NOT create a row (use createObjectIdentity(ObjectIdentity, Sid) instead).
      oid - to find
      the object identity or null if not found
    • updateAcl

      public MutableAcl updateAcl(MutableAcl acl) throws NotFoundException
      This implementation will simply delete all ACEs in the database and recreate them on each invocation of this method. A more comprehensive implementation might use dirty state checking, or more likely use ORM capabilities for create, update and delete operations of MutableAcl.
      Specified by:
      updateAcl in interface MutableAclService
      acl - to modify
      NotFoundException - if the relevant record could not be found (did you remember to use MutableAclService.createAcl(ObjectIdentity) to create the object, rather than creating it with the new keyword?)
    • updateObjectIdentity

      protected void updateObjectIdentity(MutableAcl acl)
      Updates an existing acl_object_identity row, with new information presented in the passed MutableAcl object. Also will create an acl_sid entry if needed for the Sid that owns the MutableAcl.
      acl - to modify (a row must already exist in acl_object_identity)
      NotFoundException - if the ACL could not be found to update.
    • setClassIdentityQuery

      public void setClassIdentityQuery(String classIdentityQuery)
      Sets the query that will be used to retrieve the identity of a newly created row in the acl_class table.
      classIdentityQuery - the query, which should return the identifier. Defaults to call identity()
    • setSidIdentityQuery

      public void setSidIdentityQuery(String sidIdentityQuery)
      Sets the query that will be used to retrieve the identity of a newly created row in the acl_sid table.
      sidIdentityQuery - the query, which should return the identifier. Defaults to call identity()
    • setDeleteEntryByObjectIdentityForeignKeySql

      public void setDeleteEntryByObjectIdentityForeignKeySql(String deleteEntryByObjectIdentityForeignKey)
    • setDeleteObjectIdentityByPrimaryKeySql

      public void setDeleteObjectIdentityByPrimaryKeySql(String deleteObjectIdentityByPrimaryKey)
    • setInsertClassSql

      public void setInsertClassSql(String insertClass)
    • setInsertEntrySql

      public void setInsertEntrySql(String insertEntry)
    • setInsertObjectIdentitySql

      public void setInsertObjectIdentitySql(String insertObjectIdentity)
    • setInsertSidSql

      public void setInsertSidSql(String insertSid)
    • setClassPrimaryKeyQuery

      public void setClassPrimaryKeyQuery(String selectClassPrimaryKey)
    • setObjectIdentityPrimaryKeyQuery

      public void setObjectIdentityPrimaryKeyQuery(String selectObjectIdentityPrimaryKey)
    • setSidPrimaryKeyQuery

      public void setSidPrimaryKeyQuery(String selectSidPrimaryKey)
    • setUpdateObjectIdentity

      public void setUpdateObjectIdentity(String updateObjectIdentity)
    • setForeignKeysInDatabase

      public void setForeignKeysInDatabase(boolean foreignKeysInDatabase)
      foreignKeysInDatabase - if false this class will perform additional FK constrain checking, which may cause deadlocks (the default is true, so deadlocks are avoided but the database is expected to enforce FKs)
    • setAclClassIdSupported

      public void setAclClassIdSupported(boolean aclClassIdSupported)
      setAclClassIdSupported in class JdbcAclService
    • setSecurityContextHolderStrategy

      public void setSecurityContextHolderStrategy( securityContextHolderStrategy)
      Sets the SecurityContextHolderStrategy to use. The default action is to use the SecurityContextHolderStrategy stored in SecurityContextHolder.