Class GrantedAuthorityFromAssertionAttributesUserDetailsService

  • All Implemented Interfaces:<CasAssertionAuthenticationToken>

    public final class GrantedAuthorityFromAssertionAttributesUserDetailsService
    extends AbstractCasAssertionUserDetailsService
    Populates the GrantedAuthoritys for a user by reading a list of attributes that were returned as part of the CAS response. Each attribute is read and each value of the attribute is turned into a GrantedAuthority. If the attribute has no value then its not added.
    • Constructor Detail

      • GrantedAuthorityFromAssertionAttributesUserDetailsService

        public GrantedAuthorityFromAssertionAttributesUserDetailsService​(java.lang.String[] attributes)
    • Method Detail

      • loadUserDetails

        protected loadUserDetails​(org.jasig.cas.client.validation.Assertion assertion)
        Description copied from class: AbstractCasAssertionUserDetailsService
        Protected template method for construct a UserDetails via the supplied CAS assertion.
        Specified by:
        loadUserDetails in class AbstractCasAssertionUserDetailsService
        assertion - the assertion to use to construct the new UserDetails. CANNOT be NULL.
        the newly constructed UserDetails.
      • setConvertToUpperCase

        public void setConvertToUpperCase​(boolean convertToUpperCase)
        Converts the returned attribute values to uppercase values.
        convertToUpperCase - true if it should convert, false otherwise.