All Classes and Interfaces

AbstractAuthenticationFilterConfigurer<B extends HttpSecurityBuilder<B>,T extends AbstractAuthenticationFilterConfigurer<B,T,F>,F extends>
Base class for configuring AbstractAuthenticationFilterConfigurer.
A base class for registering RequestMatcher's.
A base SecurityBuilder that allows SecurityConfigurer to be applied to it.
AbstractDaoAuthenticationConfigurer<B extends ProviderManagerBuilder<B>,C extends AbstractDaoAuthenticationConfigurer<B,C,U>,U extends>
Allows configuring a DaoAuthenticationProvider
Adds a convenient base class for SecurityConfigurer instances that operate on HttpSecurity.
AbstractLdapAuthenticationManagerFactory<T extends>
Creates an AuthenticationManager that can perform LDAP authentication.
A base class for registering RequestMatcher's.
A base SecurityBuilder that ensures the object being built is only built one time.
Thrown when is two or more times.
Configures Anonymous authentication (i.e.
Exports the authentication Configuration
Registers the central ProviderManager used by the namespace configuration, and allows the configuration of an alias, allowing users to reference it in their beans and clearly see where the name is coming from.
Provider which doesn't provide any service.
SecurityBuilder used to create an AuthenticationManager.
Factory bean for the namespace AuthenticationManager, which allows a more meaningful error message to be reported in the NoSuchBeanDefinitionException, if the user has forgotten to declare the <authentication-manager> element.
Wraps a UserDetailsService bean with a DaoAuthenticationProvider and registers the latter with the ProviderManager.
Adds a URL based authorization using AuthorizationManager.
A class used to get all the WebSecurityConfigurer instances from the current ApplicationContext but ignoring the parent.
Contains globally used default Bean IDs for beans created by the namespace support in Spring Security 2.
Used as a factory bean to create config attribute values for the requires-channel attribute.
Adds channel security (i.e.
Common OAuth2 Providers that can be used to create builders pre-configured with sensible defaults for the HttpSecurity.oauth2Login() flow.
Checks for the presence of a ContextSource instance.
Parser for the CorsFilter.
Adds CorsFilter to the Spring Security filter chain.
Parser for the CsrfFilter.
Adds CSRF protection for the methods as specified by CsrfConfigurer.requireCsrfProtectionMatcher(RequestMatcher).
Callback interface that accepts a single input argument and returns no result.
DaoAuthenticationConfigurer<B extends ProviderManagerBuilder<B>,U extends>
Allows configuring a DaoAuthenticationProvider
Adds a Filter that will generate a login page if one is not specified otherwise when using EnableWebSecurity.
Contains all the element names used by Spring Security 3 namespace support.
Creates a DefaultSpringSecurityContextSource used to perform LDAP authentication and starts and in-memory LDAP server.
The EnableGlobalAuthentication annotation signals that the annotated class can be used to configure a global instance of AuthenticationManagerBuilder.
Enables Spring Security Method Security.
Add this annotation to a Configuration class to have Spring Security RSocketSecurity support added.
Add this annotation to a Configuration class to have Spring Security WebFlux support added.
Use EnableWebSecurity instead which will automatically add the Spring MVC related Security items.
Add this annotation to an @Configuration class to have the Spring Security configuration defined in any WebSecurityConfigurer or more likely by exposing a SecurityFilterChain bean:
Allows configuring WebSocket Authorization.
Adds exception handling for Spring Security related exceptions to an application.
Sets the filter chain Map for a FilterChainProxy bean declaration.
Use `use-authorization-manager` property instead
Adds form based authentication.
A SecurityConfigurer that can be exposed as a bean to configure the global AuthenticationManagerBuilder.
Use PrePostMethodSecurityConfiguration, SecuredMethodSecurityConfiguration, or Jsr250MethodSecurityConfiguration instead
Allows providing defaults for GrantedAuthority
Parser for the HeadersFilter.
Adds the Security HTTP headers to the response.
Adds HTTP basic based authentication.
Injects the supplied HttpFirewall bean reference into the FilterChainProxy.
A HttpSecurity is similar to Spring Security's XML <http> element in the namespace configuration.
Sets up HTTP security: filter stack and protected URLs.
Configures an AuthenticationManagerBuilder to have in memory authentication.
Configures an AuthenticationManagerBuilder to have JDBC authentication.
Adds support for J2EE pre authentication.
Configures LDAP AuthenticationProvider in the ProviderManagerBuilder.
Creates an AuthenticationManager that can perform LDAP authentication using bind authentication.
Creates an AuthenticationManager that can perform LDAP authentication using password comparison.
Ldap authentication provider namespace configuration.
Adds logout support.
Defines the RequestMatcher types supported by the namespace.
Use MessageMatcherDelegatingAuthorizationManager instead
Processes the top-level "method-security" element.
Use <intercept-methods>, <method-security>, or @EnableMethodSecurity
An AbstractHttpConfigurer for OAuth 2.0 Client support.
An AbstractHttpConfigurer for OAuth 2.0 Login, which leverages the OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code Grant Flow.
An AbstractHttpConfigurer for OAuth 2.0 Resource Server Support.
Allows initialization of Objects.
Spring Configuration that exports the default ObjectPostProcessor.
Stateful parser for the <password-encoder> element.
Adds password management support.
The standard order for PayloadInterceptor to be sorted.
Allows configuring a shared PortMapper instance used to determine the ports when redirecting between HTTP and HTTPS.
Interface for operating on a SecurityBuilder that creates a ProviderManager
Constructs an MapReactiveUserDetailsService from a resource using UserDetailsResourceFactoryBean.
Configures Remember Me authentication.
Adds request cache for Spring Security.
Adds RsaKeyConverters to the configured ConversionService or PropertyEditors
Allows configuring RSocket based security.
An AbstractHttpConfigurer for SAML 2.0 Login, which leverages the SAML 2.0 Web Browser Single Sign On (WebSSO) Flow.
Adds SAML 2.0 logout support.
An AbstractHttpConfigurer for SAML 2.0 Metadata.
Interface for building an Object
Allows for configuring a SecurityBuilder.
A base class for SecurityConfigurer that allows subclasses to only implement the methods they are interested in.
Allows persisting and restoring of the SecurityContext found on the SecurityContextHolder for each request by configuring the SecurityContextPersistenceFilter.
Parses elements from the "security" namespace (
A ServerHttpSecurity is similar to Spring Security's HttpSecurity but for WebFlux.
Implements select methods from the HttpServletRequest using the SecurityContext from the SecurityContextHolder.
Specifies the various session creation policies for Spring Security.
Allows configuring session management.
UserDetailsAwareConfigurer<B extends ProviderManagerBuilder<B>,U extends>
Base class that allows access to the UserDetailsService for using as a default value with AuthenticationManagerBuilder.
Base class for populating an AuthenticationManagerBuilder with a UserDetailsManager.
Constructs an InMemoryUserDetailsManager from a resource using UserDetailsResourceFactoryBean.
Creates a Collection<UserDetails> from a @{code Map} in the format of
Parses a Resource that is a Properties file in the format of: username=password[,enabled|disabled],roles...
UserDetailsServiceConfigurer<B extends ProviderManagerBuilder<B>,C extends UserDetailsServiceConfigurer<B,C,U>,U extends>
Allows configuring a UserDetailsService within a AuthenticationManagerBuilder.
Bean used to lookup a named UserDetailsService or AuthenticationUserDetailsService.
This is applied internally using SpringWebMvcImportSelector
The WebSecurity is created by WebSecurityConfiguration to create the FilterChainProxy known as the Spring Security Filter Chain (springSecurityFilterChain).
Uses a WebSecurity to create the FilterChainProxy that performs the web based security for Spring Security.
WebSecurityConfigurer<T extends SecurityBuilder<jakarta.servlet.Filter>>
Allows customization to the WebSecurity.
Callback interface for customizing WebSecurity.
Parses Spring Security's websocket namespace support.
The bean definition parser for a Well-Known URL for Changing Passwords.
Adds X509 based pre authentication to an application.