All Classes and Interfaces

Now used by only-deprecated classes.
Represents an application authentication event.
Abstract application event which indicates authentication failure for some reason.
Base class for Authentication objects.
Authorization events have moved.
Use the use-authorization-manager attribute for <method-security> and <intercept-methods> instead or use annotation-based or AuthorizationManager-based authorization
An AuthenticationProvider implementation that retrieves user details from a JAAS login configuration.
Use the use-authorization-manager attribute for <method-security> and <intercept-methods> instead or use annotation-based or AuthorizationManager-based authorization
Base implementation of the facade which isolates Spring Security's requirements for evaluating security expressions from the implementation of the underlying expression objects.
Use instead for filter security, for messaging security, or AuthorizationManagerBeforeMethodInterceptor and AuthorizationManagerAfterMethodInterceptor for method security.
Abstract superclass for all session related events.
A base AuthenticationProvider that allows subclasses to override and work with UserDetails objects.
A base ReactiveAuthenticationManager that allows subclasses to override and work with UserDetails objects.
Thrown if an Authentication object does not hold a required authority.
Thrown if an authentication request is rejected because the account has expired.
Base class for authentication exceptions which are caused by a particular user account status (locked, disabled etc).
Use delegation with AuthorizationManager
Use delegation with AuthorizationManager
Use delegation with AuthorizationManager
Used only by now-deprecated classes.
Allows finding parameter names using the value attribute of any number of Annotation instances.
An AuthenticationProvider implementation that validates AnonymousAuthenticationTokens.
Represents an anonymous Authentication.
This class will be removed from the public API.
This class will be removed from the public API.
Interface to be implemented by classes that can map a list of security attributes (such as roles or group names) to a collection of Spring Security GrantedAuthoritys.
An AuthorizationManager that determines if the current user is authenticated.
Representation of an authenticated Principal once an Authentication request has been successfully authenticated by the AuthenticationManager.authenticate(Authentication) method.
A ReactiveAuthorizationManager that determines if the current user is authenticated.
Represents the token for an authentication request or for an authenticated principal once the request has been processed by the AuthenticationManager.authenticate(Authentication) method.
Authentication is now separated from authorization.
Thrown if an authentication request is rejected because there is no Authentication object in the SecurityContext.
Provides a Authentication.getDetails() object for a given web request.
Abstract superclass for all exceptions related to an Authentication object being invalid for whatever reason.
Application event which indicates authentication failure due to invalid credentials being presented.
Application event which indicates authentication failure due to the user's credentials having expired.
Application event which indicates authentication failure due to the user's account being disabled.
Application event which indicates authentication failure due to the user's account having expired.
Application event which indicates authentication failure due to the user's account having been locked.
Application event which indicates authentication failure due to there being no registered AuthenticationProvider that can process the request.
Application event which indicates authentication failure due to the CAS user's ticket being generated by an untrusted proxy.
Application event which indicates authentication failure due to there being a problem internal to the AuthenticationManager.
Processes an Authentication request.
An interface for resolving an AuthenticationManager based on the provided context
An Observation.Context used during authentications
An ObservationConvention for translating authentications into KeyValues.
Annotation that is used to resolve Authentication.getPrincipal() to a method argument.
Indicates a class can process a specific Authentication implementation.
Thrown if an authentication request could not be processed due to a system problem.
Application event which indicates successful authentication.
Evaluates Authentication tokens
Basic implementation of AuthenticationTrustResolver.
Interface that allows for retrieving a UserDetails object based on an Authentication object.
Represents an AuthorizationDecision based on a collection of authorities
An AuthorizationManager that determines if the current user is authorized by evaluating if the Authentication contains a specified authority.
The AuthorityGranter interface is used to map a given principal to role names.
A ReactiveAuthorizationManager that determines if the current user is authorized by evaluating if the Authentication contains a specified authority.
Utility method for manipulating GrantedAuthority collections etc.
An ApplicationEvent which indicates failed authorization.
A contract for publishing authorization events
An ApplicationEvent which indicates successful authorization.
Ordering of Spring Security's authorization Advisors
An Authorization manager which can determine if an Authentication has access to a specific object.
A MethodInterceptor which can determine if an Authentication has access to the result of an MethodInvocation using an AuthorizationManager
A MethodInterceptor which can determine if an Authentication has access to the returned object from the MethodInvocation using the configured ReactiveAuthorizationManager.
A MethodInterceptor which uses a AuthorizationManager to determine if an Authentication may invoke the given MethodInvocation
A MethodInterceptor which can determine if an Authentication has access to the MethodInvocation using the configured ReactiveAuthorizationManager.
A factory class to create an AuthorizationManager instances.
An Observation.Context used during authorizations
An ObservationConvention for translating authorizations into KeyValues.
Thrown if an authorization request could not be processed due to a system problem.
Thrown if an authentication request is rejected because the credentials are invalid.
Stores a security system related configuration attribute.
Jackson module for spring-security-core.
Indicates that the implementing object contains sensitive data, which can be erased using the eraseCredentials method.
Thrown if an authentication request is rejected because the account's credentials have expired.
Annotation that is used to resolve the SecurityContext as a method argument.
Exception that is thrown because of a cycle in the role hierarchy definition
An AuthenticationProvider implementation that retrieves user details from a UserDetailsService.
The default strategy for publishing authentication events.
Creates a LoginContext using the Configuration provided to it.
This LoginExceptionResolver simply wraps the LoginException with an AuthenticationServiceException.
The standard implementation of MethodSecurityExpressionHandler.
Spring Security's default ParameterNameDiscoverer which tries a number of ParameterNameDiscoverer depending on what is found on the classpath.
The default implementation of Token.
An interface that allows delayed access to a SecurityContext that may be generated.
Used for delegating to a number of SmartApplicationListener instances.
Use the use-authorization-manager attribute for <method-security> and <intercept-methods> instead or use annotation-based or AuthorizationManager-based authorization
A ReactiveAuthenticationManager that delegates to other ReactiveAuthenticationManager instances using the result from the first non empty result.
An AsyncTaskExecutor which wraps each Runnable in a DelegatingSecurityContextRunnable and each Callable in a DelegatingSecurityContextCallable.
Wraps a delegate Callable with logic for setting up a SecurityContext before invoking the delegate Callable and then removing the SecurityContext after the delegate has completed.
Wraps a delegate Runnable with logic for setting up a SecurityContext before invoking the delegate Runnable and then removing the SecurityContext after the delegate has completed.
An SchedulingTaskExecutor which wraps each Runnable in a DelegatingSecurityContextRunnable and each Callable in a DelegatingSecurityContextCallable.
An TaskExecutor which wraps each Runnable in a DelegatingSecurityContextRunnable.
An implementation of TaskScheduler invoking it whenever the trigger indicates a next execution time.
A null PermissionEvaluator which denies all access.
Thrown if an authentication request is rejected because the account is disabled.
Represents an AuthorizationDecision based on a Expression
Use AuthorizationManager interceptors instead
Offers static methods for directly manipulating fields.
Indicates that a object stores GrantedAuthority objects.
Mapping interface which can be injected into the authentication layer to convert the authorities loaded from storage into those which will be used in the Authentication object.
Represents an authority granted to an Authentication object.
Allows management of groups of authorities and their members.
An in memory representation of a JAAS configuration.
An in memory implementation of Spring's Resource interface.
Non-persistent implementation of UserDetailsManager which is backed by an in-memory map.
Thrown if an authentication request is rejected because the credentials are not sufficiently trusted.
Indicates an interactive authentication was successful.
Use delegation with AuthorizationManager
Thrown if an authentication request could not be processed due to a system problem that occurred internally.
The JaasAuthenticationCallbackHandler is similar to the interface in that it defines a handle method.
Parent class for events fired by the JaasAuthenticationProvider.
Fired when LoginContext.login throws a LoginException, or if any other exception is thrown during that time.
An AuthenticationProvider implementation that retrieves user details from a JAAS login configuration.
Fired by the JaasAuthenticationProvider after successfully logging the user into the LoginContext, handling all callbacks, and calling all AuthorityGranters.
UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken extension to carry the Jaas LoginContext that the user was logged into
GrantedAuthority which, in addition to the assigned role, holds the principal that an AuthorityGranter used as a reason to grant this authority.
The most basic Callbacks to be handled when using a LoginContext from JAAS, are the NameCallback and PasswordCallback.
The most basic Callbacks to be handled when using a LoginContext from JAAS, are the NameCallback and PasswordCallback.
UserDetailsService implementation which retrieves the user details (username, password, enabled flag, and authorities) from a database using JDBC queries.
Jdbc user management service, based on the same table structure as its parent class, JdbcDaoImpl.
An AuthorizationManager which can determine if an Authentication may invoke the MethodInvocation by evaluating if the Authentication contains a specified authority from the JSR-250 security annotations.
Basic implementation of TokenService that is compatible with clusters and across machine restarts, without requiring database persistence.
An API for notifying when the SecurityContext changes.
Thrown if an authentication request is rejected because the account is locked.
Logging is now embedded in Spring Security components.
Outputs authentication-related application events to Commons Logging.
The JaasAuthenticationProvider takes an instance of LoginExceptionResolver to resolve LoginModule specific exceptions to Spring Security AuthenticationExceptions.
Application event which indicates successful logout
This class implements the Attributes2GrantedAuthoritiesMapper and MappableAttributesRetriever interfaces based on the supplied Map.
Use the use-authorization-manager attribute for <method-security> and <intercept-methods> instead or use annotation-based or AuthorizationManager-based authorization
Interface to be implemented by classes that can retrieve a list of mappable security attribute strings (for example the list of all available J2EE roles in a web or EJB application).
A Map based implementation of ReactiveUserDetailsService
An expression-based AuthorizationManager that determines the access by evaluating the provided expression against the MethodInvocation.
This class will be removed from the public API.
A context object that contains a MethodInvocation and the result of that MethodInvocation.
Static utility methods for creating MethodInvocations usable within Spring Security.
Extended expression-handler facade which adds methods which are specific to securing method invocations.
Interface which must be implemented if you want to use filtering in method security expressions.
Use the use-authorization-manager attribute for <method-security> and <intercept-methods> instead or use annotation-based or AuthorizationManager-based authorization
Use EnableMethodSecurity or publish interceptors directly
Does not perform any caching.
An AuthenticationManager that observes the authentication
An AuthorizationManager that observes the authorization
An ReactiveAuthenticationManager that observes the authentication
An ReactiveAuthorizationManager that observes the authentication
A SecurityContextChangedListener that adds events to an existing Observation If no Observation is present when an event is fired, then the event is unrecorded.
use @{code}
An annotation that can be used along with AnnotationParameterNameDiscoverer to specify parameter names.
Allows permissions to be pre-cached when using pre or post filtering with expressions
Strategy used in expression evaluation to determine whether a user has a permission or permissions for a given domain object.
Annotation for specifying a method access-control expression which will be evaluated after a method has been invoked.
An AuthorizationManager which can determine if an Authentication may return the result from an invoked MethodInvocation by evaluating an expression from the PostAuthorize annotation.
A ReactiveAuthorizationManager which can determine if an Authentication has access to the returned object from the MethodInvocation by evaluating an expression from the PostAuthorize annotation.
Annotation for specifying a method filtering expression which will be evaluated after a method has been invoked.
A MethodInterceptor which filters a returnedObject from the MethodInvocation by evaluating an expression from the PostFilter annotation.
A MethodInterceptor which filters the returned object from the MethodInvocation by evaluating an expression from the PostFilter annotation.
Annotation for specifying a method access-control expression which will be evaluated to decide whether a method invocation is allowed or not.
An AuthorizationManager which can determine if an Authentication may invoke the MethodInvocation by evaluating an expression from the PreAuthorize annotation.
A ReactiveAuthorizationManager which can determine if an Authentication has access to the MethodInvocation by evaluating an expression from the PreAuthorize annotation.
Annotation for specifying a method filtering expression which will be evaluated before a method has been invoked.
A MethodInterceptor which filters a method argument by evaluating an expression from the PreFilter annotation.
A MethodInterceptor which filters a reactive method argument by evaluating an expression from the PreFilter annotation.
Use delegation with AuthorizationManager
Iterates an Authentication request through a list of AuthenticationProviders.
Thrown by ProviderManager if no AuthenticationProvider could be found that supports the presented Authentication object.
Only used by now-deprecated classes.
Determines if the provided Authentication can be authenticated.
Adapts an AuthenticationManager to the reactive APIs.
An interface for resolving a ReactiveAuthenticationManager based on the provided context
A reactive authorization manager which can determine if an Authentication has access to a specific object.
Allows getting and setting the Spring SecurityContext into a Context.
An API for changing a UserDetails password.
An API for finding the UserDetails by username.
An AuthenticationProvider implementation that validates RememberMeAuthenticationTokens.
Represents a remembered Authentication.
The simple interface of a role hierarchy.
This class defines a role hierarchy for use with various access checking components.
Utility methods for RoleHierarchy.
Used for creating Key converter instances
Authentication is now separated from authorization in Spring Security.
Authentication is now separated from authorization in Spring Security.
Authentication is now separated from authorization in Spring Security.
Authentication is now separated from authorization in Spring Security.
Java 5 annotation for describing service layer security attributes.
An AuthorizationManager which can determine if an Authentication may invoke the MethodInvocation by evaluating if the Authentication contains a specified authority from the Spring Security's Secured annotation.
Creates a SecureRandom instance.
Stores a ConfigAttribute as a String.
Interface defining the minimum security information associated with the current thread of execution.
An event that represents a change in SecurityContext
Associates a given SecurityContext with the current execution thread.
A strategy for storing security context information against a thread.
Base implementation of SecurityContext.
An implementation of LoginModule that uses a Spring Security SecurityContext to provide authentication.
Facade which isolates Spring Security's requirements for evaluating security expressions from the implementation of the underlying expression objects
Standard interface for expression root objects used with expression-based security.
Base root object for use in Spring Security expression evaluations.
This utility class will find all the SecurityModules in classpath.
Implemented by classes that store and can identify the ConfigAttributes that applies to a given secure object invocation.
Generic session creation event which indicates that a session (potentially represented by a security context) has begun.
Generic "session termination" event which indicates that a session (potentially represented by a security context) has ended.
Generic "session ID changed" event which indicates that a session identifier (potentially represented by a security context) has changed.
Represents a record of a session within the Spring Security framework.
Maintains a registry of SessionInformation instances.
Default implementation of SessionRegistry which listens for SessionDestroyedEvents published in the Spring application context.
Provides SHA512 digest methods.
This class implements the Attributes2GrantedAuthoritiesMapper interface by doing a one-to-one mapping from roles to Spring Security GrantedAuthorities.
Simple one-to-one GrantedAuthoritiesMapper which allows for case conversion of the authority name and the addition of a string prefix (which defaults to ROLE_ ).
Basic concrete implementation of a GrantedAuthority.
Jackson Mixin class helps in serialize/deserialize SimpleGrantedAuthority.
This class implements the MappableAttributesRetriever interface by just returning a list of mappable attributes as previously set using the corresponding setter method.
Represents the AOP Alliance MethodInvocation.
An implementation of AuthorizationEventPublisher that uses Spring's event publishing support.
Caches UserDetails instances in a Spring defined Cache.
Internal class used for checking version compatibility in a deployed application.
The default MessageSource used by Spring Security.
An Authentication implementation that is designed for use whilst unit testing.
A token issued by TokenService.
Provides a mechanism to allocate and rebuild secure, randomised tokens.
A marker for Authentications that should never be stored across requests, for example a bearer token authentication
A SecurityContext that is annotated with @Transient and thus should never be stored across requests.
Models core user information retrieved by a UserDetailsService.
Builds the user to be added.
Used by InMemoryUserDetailsManager to temporarily store the attributes associated with a user.
Property editor that creates a UserAttribute from a comma separated list of values.
Provides a cache of UserDetails objects.
Provides core user information.
This implementation for AuthenticationUserDetailsService wraps a regular Spring Security UserDetailsService implementation, to retrieve a UserDetails object based on the user name contained in an Authentication object.
Called by classes which make use of a UserDetailsService to check the status of the loaded UserDetails object.
An extension of the UserDetailsService which provides the ability to create new users and update existing ones.
An API for changing a UserDetails password.
A ReactiveAuthenticationManager that uses a ReactiveUserDetailsService to validate the provided username and password.
Core interface which loads user-specific data.
Thrown if an UserDetailsService implementation cannot locate a User by its username.
An Authentication implementation that is designed for simple presentation of a username and password.