All Classes and Interfaces

Abstract base class for password encoders
Encryptor that uses AES encryption.
Implementation of PasswordEncoder that uses the Argon2 hashing function.
Use java.util.Base64
A StringKeyGenerator that generates base64-encoded String keys.
BCrypt implements OpenBSD-style Blowfish password hashing using the scheme described in "A Future-Adaptable Password Scheme" by Niels Provos and David Mazieres.
Implementation of PasswordEncoder that uses the BCrypt strong hashing function.
Stores the default bcrypt version for use in configuration.
An Encryptor equivalent to AesBytesEncryptor using AesBytesEncryptor.CipherAlgorithm.CBC that uses Bouncy Castle instead of JCE.
An Encryptor equivalent to AesBytesEncryptor using AesBytesEncryptor.CipherAlgorithm.GCM that uses Bouncy Castle instead of JCE.
Service interface for symmetric data encryption.
A generator for unique byte array-based keys.
A password encoder that delegates to another PasswordEncoder based upon a prefixed identifier.
Static helper for encoding data.
Factory for commonly used encryptors.
Hex data encoder.
Factory for commonly used key generators.
Digest based password encoding is not considered secure.
Digest based password encoding is not considered secure.
Digest based password encoding is not considered secure.
This PasswordEncoder is not secure.
Service interface for encoding passwords.
Used for creating PasswordEncoder instances
A PasswordEncoder implementation that uses PBKDF2 with : a configurable random salt value length (default is 16 bytes) a configurable number of iterations (default is 310000) a configurable key derivation function (see Pbkdf2PasswordEncoder.SecretKeyFactoryAlgorithm) a configurable secret appended to the random salt (default is empty) The algorithm is invoked on the concatenated bytes of the salt, secret and password.
The Algorithm used for creating the SecretKeyFactory
Implementation of PasswordEncoder that uses the SCrypt hashing function.
Digest based password encoding is not considered secure.
A generator for unique string keys.
Service interface for symmetric encryption of text strings.
UTF-8 Charset encoder/decoder.