All Classes and Interfaces

Base class for the standard LdapAuthenticationProvider and the ActiveDirectoryLdapAuthenticationProvider.
Base class for the authenticator implementations.
Thrown as a translation of an AuthenticationException when attempting to authenticate against Active Directory using ActiveDirectoryLdapAuthenticationProvider.
Specialized LDAP authentication provider which uses Active Directory configuration conventions.
Use UnboundIdContainer instead because ApacheDS 1.x is no longer supported with no GA version to replace it.
An authenticator which binds as a user.
The default strategy for obtaining user role information from the directory.
This implementation appends a name component to the userDnBase context using the usernameAttributeName property.
ContextSource implementation which uses Spring LDAP's LdapContextSource as a base class.
Provides lifecycle services for an embedded LDAP server.
LdapUserSearch implementation which uses an Ldap filter to locate the user.
UserDetails implementation whose properties are based on a subset of the LDAP schema for inetOrgPerson.
An AuthenticationProvider implementation that authenticates against an LDAP server.
The strategy interface for locating and authenticating an Ldap user.
Obtains a list of granted authorities for an Ldap user.
An authority that contains at least a DN and a role name for an LDAP entry but can also contain other desired attributes to be fetched during an LDAP authority search.
Jackson module for spring-security-ldap.
Captures the information for a user's LDAP entry.
A UserDetails implementation which is used internally by the Ldap services.
Variation of essence pattern.
An Ldap implementation of UserDetailsManager.
The context mapper used by the LDAP authentication provider to create an LDAP user object.
LDAP implementation of UserDetailsService based around an LdapUserSearch and an LdapAuthoritiesPopulator.
Constructs an Ldap Distinguished Name from a username.
Obtains a user's information from the LDAP directory given a login name.
LDAP Utility methods.
A LDAP authority populator that can recursively search static nested groups.
An LdapAuthenticator which compares the login password with the value stored in the directory using a remote LDAP "compare" operation.
Extended version of the DefaultSpringSecurityContextSource which adds support for the use of PasswordPolicyControl to make use of user account data stored in the directory.
A Password Policy request control.
Obtains the PasswordPolicyControl from a context for use by other classes.
Transforms a control object to a PasswordPolicyResponseControl object, if appropriate.
Defines status codes for use with PasswordPolicyException, with error codes (for message source lookup) and default messages.
Generic exception raised by the ppolicy package.
Represents the response control received when a PasswordPolicyControl is used when binding to a directory.
UserDetails implementation whose properties are based on the LDAP schema for Person.
An AuthenticationSource to retrieve authentication information stored in Spring Security's SecurityContextHolder.
Extension of Spring LDAP's LdapTemplate class which adds extra functionality required by Spring Security.
Operations to map a UserDetails object to and from a Spring LDAP DirContextOperations implementation.
Simple LdapAuthoritiesPopulator which delegates to a UserDetailsService, using the name which was supplied at login as the username.