All Classes and Interfaces

An exception similar to BadCredentialsException that indicates a Jwt that is invalid in some way.
The Registered Header Parameter Names defined by the JSON Web Token (JWT), JSON Web Signature (JWS) and JSON Web Encryption (JWE) specifications that may be contained in the JOSE Header of a JWT.
Super interface for cryptographic algorithms defined by the JSON Web Algorithms (JWA) specification and used by JSON Web Signature (JWS) to digitally sign or create a MAC of the contents and JSON Web Encryption (JWE) to encrypt the contents.
Super interface for cryptographic algorithms defined by the JSON Web Algorithms (JWA) specification and used by JSON Web Signature (JWS) to digitally sign or create a MAC of the contents of the JWS Protected Header and JWS Payload.
The cryptographic algorithms defined by the JSON Web Algorithms (JWA) specification and used by JSON Web Signature (JWS) to digitally sign or create a MAC of the contents of the JWS Protected Header and JWS Payload.
The JSON Web Signature (JWS) header is a JSON object representing the header parameters of a JSON Web Token, that describe the cryptographic operations used to digitally sign or create a MAC of the contents of the JWS Protected Header and JWS Payload.
A builder for JwsHeader.
An implementation of an AbstractOAuth2Token representing a JSON Web Token (JWT).
Helps configure a Jwt
A ClaimAccessor for the "claims" that may be contained in the JSON object JWT Claims Set of a JSON Web Token (JWT).
The Registered Claim Names defined by the JSON Web Token (JWT) specification that may be contained in the JSON object JWT Claims Set.
The JWT Claims Set is a JSON object representing the claims conveyed by a JSON Web Token.
A builder for JwtClaimsSet.
Validates a claim in a Jwt against a provided Predicate
Implementations of this interface are responsible for "decoding" a JSON Web Token (JWT) from it's compact claims representation format to a Jwt.
A factory for JwtDecoder(s).
An exception thrown when a JwtDecoder or ReactiveJwtDecoder's lazy initialization fails.
Allows creating a JwtDecoder from an OpenID Provider Configuration or Authorization Server Metadata Request based on provided issuer and method invoked.
Implementations of this interface are responsible for encoding a JSON Web Token (JWT) to it's compact claims representation format.
A holder of parameters containing the JWS headers and JWT Claims Set.
This exception is thrown when an error occurs while attempting to encode a JSON Web Token (JWT).
Base exception for all JSON Web Token (JWT) related errors.
Validates the "iss" claim in a Jwt, that is matches a configured value
An implementation of OAuth2TokenValidator for verifying claims in a Jwt-based access token
An exception that results from an unsuccessful OAuth2TokenValidatorResult
Provides factory methods for creating OAuth2TokenValidator<Jwt>
An enumeration of the cryptographic algorithms defined by the JSON Web Algorithms (JWA) specification and used by JSON Web Signature (JWS) to create a MAC of the contents of the JWS Protected Header and JWS Payload.
Converts a JWT claim set, claim by claim.
A low-level Nimbus implementation of JwtDecoder which takes a raw Nimbus configuration.
A builder for creating NimbusJwtDecoder instances based on a JWK Set uri.
A builder for creating NimbusJwtDecoder instances based on a public key.
A builder for creating NimbusJwtDecoder instances based on a SecretKey.
An implementation of a JwtEncoder that encodes a JSON Web Token (JWT) using the JSON Web Signature (JWS) Compact Serialization format.
An implementation of a ReactiveJwtDecoder that "decodes" a JSON Web Token (JWT) and additionally verifies it's digital signature if the JWT is a JSON Web Signature (JWS).
A builder for creating NimbusReactiveJwtDecoder instances based on a JWK Set uri.
A builder for creating NimbusReactiveJwtDecoder instances.
A builder for creating NimbusReactiveJwtDecoder instances based on a public key.
A builder for creating NimbusReactiveJwtDecoder instances based on a SecretKey.
Implementations of this interface are responsible for "decoding" a JSON Web Token (JWT) from it's compact claims representation format to a Jwt.
A factory for ReactiveJwtDecoder(s).
Allows creating a ReactiveJwtDecoder from an OpenID Provider Configuration or Authorization Server Metadata Request based on provided issuer and method invoked.
An enumeration of the cryptographic algorithms defined by the JSON Web Algorithms (JWA) specification and used by JSON Web Signature (JWS) to digitally sign the contents of the JWS Protected Header and JWS Payload.
A JwtDecoder that lazily initializes another JwtDecoder
A ReactiveJwtDecoder that lazily initializes another ReactiveJwtDecoder