Class OpenSamlLogoutRequestValidatorParametersResolver

All Implemented Interfaces:

public final class OpenSamlLogoutRequestValidatorParametersResolver extends Object implements Saml2LogoutRequestValidatorParametersResolver
An OpenSAML-based implementation of Saml2LogoutRequestValidatorParametersResolver
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • resolve

      public Saml2LogoutRequestValidatorParameters resolve(jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, authentication)
      Construct the parameters necessary for validating an asserting party's <saml2:LogoutRequest> based on the given HttpServletRequest

      Uses the configured RequestMatcher to identify the processing request, including looking for any indicated registrationId.

      If a registrationId is found in the request, it will attempt to use that, erroring if no RelyingPartyRegistration is found.

      If no registrationId is found in the request, it will look for a currently logged-in user and use the associated registrationId.

      In the event that neither the URL nor any logged in user could determine a registrationId, this code then will try and derive a RelyingPartyRegistration given the <saml2:LogoutRequest>'s Issuer value.

      Specified by:
      resolve in interface Saml2LogoutRequestValidatorParametersResolver
      request - the HTTP request
      authentication - the current user, if any; may be null
      a Saml2LogoutRequestValidatorParameters instance, or null if one could not be resolved
      Saml2AuthenticationException - if the RequestMatcher specifies a non-existent registrationId
    • setRequestMatcher

      public void setRequestMatcher( requestMatcher)
      The request matcher to use to identify a request to process a <saml2:LogoutRequest>. By default, checks for /logout/saml2/slo and /logout/saml2/slo/{registrationId}.

      Generally speaking, the URL does not need to have a registrationId in it since either it can be looked up from the active logged in user or it can be derived through the Issuer in the <saml2:LogoutRequest>.

      requestMatcher - the RequestMatcher to use