Class SwitchUserWebFilter

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class SwitchUserWebFilter extends Object implements org.springframework.web.server.WebFilter
Switch User processing filter responsible for user context switching. A common use-case for this feature is the ability to allow higher-authority users (e.g. ROLE_ADMIN) to switch to a regular user (e.g. ROLE_USER).

This filter assumes that the user performing the switch will be required to be logged in as normal user (i.e. with a ROLE_ADMIN role). The user will then access a page/controller that enables the administrator to specify who they wish to become (see switchUserUrl).

Note: This URL will be required to have appropriate security constraints configured so that only users of that role can access it (e.g. ROLE_ADMIN).

On a successful switch, the user's SecurityContext will be updated to reflect the specified user and will also contain an additional SwitchUserGrantedAuthority which contains the original user. Before switching, a check will be made on whether the user is already currently switched, and any current switch will be exited to prevent "nested" switches.

To 'exit' from a user context, the user needs to access a URL (see exitUserUrl) that will switch back to the original user as identified by the ROLE_PREVIOUS_ADMINISTRATOR.

To configure the Switch User Processing Filter, create a bean definition for the Switch User processing filter and add to the filterChainProxy. Note that the filter must come after the in the chain, in order to apply the correct constraints to the switchUserUrl. Example:

 SwitchUserWebFilter filter = new SwitchUserWebFilter(userDetailsService, loginSuccessHandler, failureHandler);
 http.addFilterAfter(filter, SecurityWebFiltersOrder.AUTHORIZATION);
See Also:
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • SwitchUserWebFilter

      public SwitchUserWebFilter( userDetailsService, ServerAuthenticationSuccessHandler successHandler, @Nullable ServerAuthenticationFailureHandler failureHandler)
      Creates a filter for the user context switching
      userDetailsService - The UserDetailsService which will be used to load information for the user that is being switched to.
      successHandler - Used to define custom behaviour on a successful switch or exit user.
      failureHandler - Used to define custom behaviour when a switch fails.
    • SwitchUserWebFilter

      public SwitchUserWebFilter( userDetailsService, String successTargetUrl, @Nullable String failureTargetUrl)
      Creates a filter for the user context switching
      userDetailsService - The UserDetailsService which will be used to load information for the user that is being switched to.
      successTargetUrl - Sets the URL to go to after a successful switch / exit user request
      failureTargetUrl - The URL to which a user should be redirected if the switch fails
  • Method Details

    • filter

      public reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Void> filter(org.springframework.web.server.ServerWebExchange exchange, org.springframework.web.server.WebFilterChain chain)
      Specified by:
      filter in interface org.springframework.web.server.WebFilter
    • switchUser

      protected reactor.core.publisher.Mono<> switchUser(WebFilterExchange webFilterExchange)
      Attempt to switch to another user.
      webFilterExchange - The web filter exchange
      The new Authentication object if successfully switched to another user, Mono.empty() otherwise.
      Throws: - If the target user can not be found by username
    • exitSwitchUser

      protected reactor.core.publisher.Mono<> exitSwitchUser(WebFilterExchange webFilterExchange)
      Attempt to exit from an already switched user.
      webFilterExchange - The web filter exchange
      The original Authentication object.
      Throws: - If there is no Authentication associated with this request or the user is not switched.
    • getUsername

      protected String getUsername(org.springframework.web.server.ServerWebExchange exchange)
      Returns the name of the target user.
      exchange - The server web exchange
      the name of the target user.
    • setSecurityContextRepository

      public void setSecurityContextRepository(ServerSecurityContextRepository securityContextRepository)
      Sets the repository for persisting the SecurityContext. Default is WebSessionServerSecurityContextRepository
      securityContextRepository - the repository to use
    • setExitUserUrl

      public void setExitUserUrl(String exitUserUrl)
      Set the URL to respond to exit user processing. This is a shortcut for * setExitUserMatcher(ServerWebExchangeMatcher)
      exitUserUrl - The exit user URL.
    • setExitUserMatcher

      public void setExitUserMatcher(ServerWebExchangeMatcher exitUserMatcher)
      Set the matcher to respond to exit user processing.
      exitUserMatcher - The exit matcher to use
    • setSwitchUserUrl

      public void setSwitchUserUrl(String switchUserUrl)
      Set the URL to respond to switch user processing. This is a shortcut for setSwitchUserMatcher(ServerWebExchangeMatcher)
      switchUserUrl - The switch user URL.
    • setSwitchUserMatcher

      public void setSwitchUserMatcher(ServerWebExchangeMatcher switchUserMatcher)
      Set the matcher to respond to switch user processing.
      switchUserMatcher - The switch user matcher.