All Classes and Interfaces

AbstractRedisHttpSessionConfiguration<T extends org.springframework.session.SessionRepository<? extends org.springframework.session.Session>>
Base configuration class for Redis based SessionRepository implementations.
Ensures that Redis Keyspace events for Generic commands and Expired events are enabled.
Allows specifying a strategy for configuring and validating Redis.
Add this annotation to an @Configuration class to expose the SessionRepositoryFilter as a bean named springSessionRepositoryFilter and backed by RedisSessionRepository.
Add this annotation to an @Configuration class to expose the SessionRepositoryFilter as a bean named springSessionRepositoryFilter and backed by RedisIndexedSessionRepository.
Add this annotation to an @Configuration class to expose the WebSessionManager as a bean named webSessionManager and backed by Reactive Redis.
A ReactiveSessionRepository that is implemented using Spring Data's ReactiveRedisOperations.
Exposes the SessionRepositoryFilter as a bean named springSessionRepositoryFilter backed by RedisSessionRepository.
Exposes the SessionRepositoryFilter as a bean named springSessionRepositoryFilter backed by RedisIndexedSessionRepository.
A SessionRepository that is implemented using Spring Data's RedisOperations.
A SessionRepository implementation that uses Spring Data's RedisOperations to store sessions is Redis.
Exposes the WebSessionManager as a bean named webSessionManager.
Qualifier annotation for a RedisConnectionFactory to be injected in RedisIndexedSessionRepository.
Annotation used to inject the Redis accessor used by Spring Session's Redis session repository.