All Classes and Interfaces

A SessionRepositoryCustomizer implementation that applies IBM DB2 specific optimized SQL statements to JdbcIndexedSessionRepository.
Add this annotation to an @Configuration class to expose the SessionRepositoryFilter as a bean named springSessionRepositoryFilter and backed by a relational database.
Spring @Configuration class used to configure and initialize a JDBC based HttpSession provider implementation in Spring Session.
A SessionRepository implementation that uses Spring's JdbcOperations to store sessions in a relational database.
Utility class for schema files.
A SessionRepositoryCustomizer implementation that applies MySQL specific optimized SQL statements to JdbcIndexedSessionRepository.
A SessionRepositoryCustomizer implementation that applies Oracle specific optimized SQL statements to JdbcIndexedSessionRepository.
A SessionRepositoryCustomizer implementation that applies PostgreSQL specific optimized SQL statements to JdbcIndexedSessionRepository.
Qualifier annotation for a DataSource to be injected in JdbcIndexedSessionRepository.
A SessionRepositoryCustomizer implementation that applies SQL Server specific optimized SQL statements to JdbcIndexedSessionRepository.