All Classes and Interfaces

Abstract base class for WS-Addressing Action-mapped EndpointMapping implementations.
Abstract base class for WS-Addressing Action-mapped EndpointMapping implementations that map to MethodEndpoints.
Abstract base class for EndpointMapping implementations that handle WS-Addressing.
Abstract base class for AddressingVersion implementations.
Base class for WebApplicationInitializer implementations that register a MessageDispatcherServlet configured with annotated classes, e.g.
Abstract base for EndpointMapping implementations that map classes tagged with an annotation.
Abstract base class for DestinationProvider implementations that cache destination URI.
as of Spring Web Services 2.0, in favor of annotated endpoints
as of Spring Web Services 2.0, in favor of annotated endpoints
Abstract base class for EndpointExceptionResolvers.
Abstract base class for EndpointMapping implementations.
Subclass of AbstractValidatingInterceptor that creates a SOAP Fault whenever the request message cannot be validated.
as of Spring Web Services 2.0, in favor of annotated endpoints
Abstract base class for WebServiceConnection implementations that send request over HTTP.
Abstract base class for WebServiceMessageSender implementations that use HTTP.
Abstract base class for MethodArgumentResolver and MethodReturnValueHandler implementations that use JAXB2.
as of Spring Web Services 2.0, in favor of annotated endpoints
Abstract base class for EndpointInterceptor instances that log a part of a WebServiceMessage.
Abstract base class for endpoint mapping that are based on a Map.
as of Spring Web Services 2.0, in favor of annotated endpoints
Abstract base class for MessageContext instances.
Base class for WebApplicationInitializer implementations that register a MessageDispatcherServlet in the servlet context.
Abstract base class for EndpointAdapter implementations that support MethodEndpoints.
Abstract base class for MethodEndpoint mappings.
Abstract implementation of the MimeMessage interface.
Abstract base class for MethodArgumentResolver and MethodReturnValueHandler implementations based on RequestPayload and ResponsePayload annotations.
Abstract base class for MethodArgumentResolver and MethodReturnValueHandler implementations based on Sources.
Abstract base class for PortTypesProvider implementations.
Abstract base class for EndpointMappings that resolve qualified names as registration keys.
Abstract base class for WebServiceConnection implementations used for receiving requests.
as of Spring Web Services 2.0, in favor of annotated endpoints
Abstract base class for WebServiceConnection implementations used for sending requests.
Abstract base class for SOAP-based EndpointExceptionResolver implementations that depend on SoapFaultDefinition.
Abstract implementation of the SoapMessage interface.
as of Spring Web Services 2.0, in favor of annotated endpoints
as of Spring Web Services 2.0, in favor of annotated endpoints
as of Spring Web Services 2.0, in favor of annotated endpoints
Abstract base class for ClientInterceptor implementations that validate part of the message using a schema.
Abstract base class for EndpointInterceptor implementations that validate part of the message using a schema.
as of Spring Web Services 2.0, in favor of annotated endpoints
Abstract base class for WebServiceConnection implementations.
as of Spring Web Services 2.0, in favor of annotated endpoints
Marks an endpoint method as the handler for an incoming request.
WebServiceMessageCallback implementation that sets the WS-Addressing Action header on the message.
Marks an endpoint with a WS-Addressing Address.
Implements WS-Addressing 1.0 (May 2006).
Implements the August 2004 edition of the WS-Addressing specification.
Exception thrown in case on WS-Addressing errors.
Defines the contract for a specific version of the WS-Addressing specification.
Implementation of the EndpointMapping interface that uses the @Action annotation to map methods to a WS-Addressing Action header.
Represents an attachment to a MimeMessage
Exception thrown when a MIME attachment could not be accessed.
Strategy for adding Bindings to a Definition.
Implementation of the WebServiceConnection interface that is based on the Spring 3 ClientHttpRequest and ClientHttpResponse.
WebServiceMessageSender implementation based on the ClientHttpRequestFactory introduced in Spring 3.
Workflow interface that allows for customized client-side message interception.
Default implementation of the ClientInterceptor interface, for simplified implementation of pre-only/post-only interceptors.
Default implementation of the BindingsProvider and ServicesProvider interfaces.
Default implementation of MessageContext.
Default implementation of the MessagesProvider.
Default extension of AbstractMethodEndpointAdapter with support for pluggable argument resolvers and return value handlers.
Helper class for for loading default implementations of an interface.
Default implementation of the TransportContext interface.
Convenient implementation of Wsdl11Definition that creates a SOAP 1.1 or 1.2 binding based on naming conventions in one or more inlined XSD schemas.
Implementation of the SmartEndpointInterceptor interface that delegates to a delegate EndpointInterceptor.
Implementation of the SmartSoapEndpointInterceptor interface that delegates to a delegate SoapEndpointInterceptor.
EndpointMapping implement that adds SOAP actors or roles to a delegate endpoint.
A sub-class of WsConfigurationSupport that detects and delegates to all beans of type WsConfigurer allowing them to customize the configuration provided by WsConfigurationSupport.
Strategy interface for providing a WebServiceTemplate destination URI at runtime.
Thrown by a DestinationProvider when it cannot provide a destination.
Implementation of MethodArgumentResolver and MethodReturnValueHandler that supports dom4j elements.
Implementation of MethodArgumentResolver and MethodReturnValueHandler that supports W3C DOM elements.
Implementation of the PoxMessage interface that is based on a DOM Document.
Specific subclass of PoxMessageException for DOM Plain Old XML messages.
Implementation of the WebServiceMessageFactory interface that creates a DomPoxMessage.
Add this annotation to an @Configuration class to have the Spring Web Services configuration defined in WsConfigurationSupport imported.
Indicates that an annotated class is an "Endpoint" (e.g.
Interface that must be implemented for each endpoint type to handle a message request.
Sub-interface of WebServiceConnection that is aware of any server-side situations where an endpoint is not found.
Defines the interface for objects than can resolve exceptions thrown during endpoint execution.
Workflow interface that allows for customized endpoint invocation chains.
Default implementation of the EndpointInterceptor interface, for simplified implementation of pre-only/post-only interceptors.
Endpoint invocation chain, consisting of an endpoint object and any preprocessing interceptors.
Defines a mapping between message requests and endpoint objects.
Represents an Endpoint Reference, as defined in the WS-Addressing specification.
Adapts an Enumeration to follow the interface of Iterator.
Sub-interface of WebServiceConnection that is aware of any Fault messages received.
Sub-interface of WebServiceMessage that can contain special Fault messages.
Enumeration that represents the standard SOAP Fault codes for use with the JDK 1.5+ SoapFault annotation.
Defines the interface for objects than can resolve fault WebServiceMessages.
as of Spring Web Services 2.0, in favor of DefaultMethodEndpointAdapter and MarshallingPayloadMethodProcessor.
Interface to define access to header information for certain WebServiceConnection implementations.
FactoryBean to set up a CloseableHttpClient using HttpComponents HttpClient 5.
Implementation of WebServiceConnection that is based on Apache HttpClient 5.
WebServiceMessageSender implementation that uses Apache HttpClient to execute POST requests.
HttpClient HttpRequestInterceptor implementation that removes Content-Length and Transfer-Encoding headers from the request.
Implementation of WebServiceConnection that is based on Apache HttpClient.
WebServiceMessageSender implementation that uses Apache HttpClient to execute POST requests.
HttpClient HttpRequestInterceptor implementation that removes Content-Length and Transfer-Encoding headers from the request.
Implementation of WebServiceConnection that is based on the Servlet API.
Declares HTTP-specific transport constants.
Exception that is thrown when an error occurs in the HTTP transport.
Implementation of the WebServiceConnection interface that uses a HttpURLConnection.
WebServiceMessageSender implementation that uses standard J2SE facilities to execute POST requests, without support for HTTP authentication or advanced configuration options.
Strategy for adding Imports to a Definition.
Implementation of TypesProvider that inlines a XsdSchema or XsdSchemaCollection into the WSDL.
Implementation of MethodArgumentResolver and MethodReturnValueHandler that supports JAXBElement objects.
Implementation of the WebServiceConnection interface that uses Java's built-in HttpClient.
WebServiceMessageSender implementation that uses the standard Java HttpClient facilities to execute POST requests.
Implementation of MethodArgumentResolver and MethodReturnValueHandler that supports JDOM elements.
Abstract base class for WsdlDefinitionHandlerAdapter and XsdSchemaHandlerAdapter that transforms XSD and WSDL location attributes.
as of Spring Web Services 2.0, in favor of DefaultMethodEndpointAdapter and MarshallingPayloadMethodProcessor.
Implementation of MethodArgumentResolver and MethodReturnValueHandler that uses Marshaller and Unmarshaller to support marshalled objects.
Helper class for endpoints and endpoint mappings that use marshalling.
Represents a set of Message Addressing Properties, as defined in the WS-Addressing specification.
Context holder for message requests.
Implementation of MethodArgumentResolver that supports MessageContext arguments.
Central dispatcher for use within Spring-WS, dispatching Web service messages to registered endpoints.
Servlet for simplified dispatching of Web service messages.
Defines the basic contract for Web Services interested in the entire message payload.
Adapter to use a MessageEndpoint as the endpoint for a EndpointInvocationChain.
Strategy interface that encapsulates the creation and validation of WS-Addressing MessageIDs.
as of Spring Web Services 2.0, in favor of DefaultMethodEndpointAdapter and MessageContextMethodArgumentResolver.
Strategy for adding Messages to a Definition.
Strategy interface used to resolve method parameters into arguments.
Represents a bean method that will be invoked as part of an incoming Web service message.
Strategy interface used to handle method return values.
Represents a Web service message with MIME attachments.
Sets up a namespace to be used in an @Endpoint method, class, or package.
Sets the namespaces to be used in an @Endpoint method, class, or package.
Helper class for handling @Namespace annotations.
Exception thrown when an endpoint cannot be resolved for an incoming message request.
Defines the basic contract for Web Services interested in just the message payload.
Adapter to use a PayloadEndpoint as the endpoint for a EndpointInvocationChain.
Simple EndpointInterceptor that logs the payload of request and response messages.
as of Spring Web Services 2.0, in favor of DefaultMethodEndpointAdapter and SourcePayloadMethodProcessor.
Marks an endpoint method as the handler for an incoming request.
Implementation of the EndpointMapping interface that uses the PayloadRoot annotation to map methods to request payload root elements.
Implementation of the EndpointMapping interface to map from the qualified name of the request payload root element.
Marks an endpoint method as containing multiple PayloadRoots.
Implementation of the SmartSoapEndpointInterceptor interface that only intercepts requests that have a specified namespace URI or local part (or both) as payload root.
Helper class for determining the root qualified name of a Web Service payload.
Interceptor that transforms the payload of WebServiceMessages using XSLT stylesheet.
Client-side interceptor that validates the contents of WebServiceMessages using a schema.
Interceptor that validates the contents of WebServiceMessages using a schema.
Strategy for adding PortTypes to a Definition.
Defines the contract for Plain Old XML messages.
Specific subclass of WebServiceMessageException for Plain Old XML messages.
Implementation of the Wsdl11Definition that uses a provider-based mechanism to populate a WSDL4J Definition.
Annotation which indicates that a method parameter should be bound to the request payload.
Annotation which indicates that a method return value should be bound to the response payload.
SAX ContentHandler that transforms callback calls to the creation of SAAJ Nodes and SOAPElements.
SAAJ-specific implementation of the SoapMessage interface.
SAAJ-specific implementation of the WebServiceMessageFactory.
Collection of generic utility methods to work with SAAJ.
SAX XMLReader that reads from a SAAJ Node.
Strategy for adding Services to a Definition.
Implementation of the EndpointMapping interface to map from WS-Addressing Action Message Addressing Property to endpoint beans.
Simple fault resolver that simply throws a WebServiceFaultException when a fault occurs.
Simple subclass of AbstractMethodEndpointMapping that maps from the local name of the request payload to methods.
Simple, SOAP-specific EndpointExceptionResolver implementation that stores the exception's message as the fault string.
The default Wsdl11Definition implementation.
Extension of the EndpointInterceptor interface that adds a way to decide whether the interceptor should intercept a given message context.
SOAP-specific extension of the SmartEndpointInterceptor interface.
Subinterface of SoapBody that exposes SOAP 1.1 functionality.
Subinterface of SoapFault that exposes SOAP 1.1 functionality.
Subinterface of SoapHeader that exposes SOAP 1.1 functionality.
Implementation of the BindingsProvider and ServicesProvider interfaces that are SOAP 1.1 specific.
Subinterface of SoapBody that exposes SOAP 1.2 functionality.
Subinterface of SoapFault that exposes SOAP 1.2 functionality.
Subinterface of SoapHeader that exposes SOAP 1.2 functionality.
Implementation of the BindingsProvider and ServicesProvider interfaces that are SOAP 1.2 specific.
Marks an endpoint method as the handler for an incoming request.
Implementation of the EndpointMapping interface that uses the SoapAction annotation to map methods to the request SOAPAction header.
WebServiceMessageCallback implementation that sets the SOAP Action header on the message.
Implementation of the EndpointMapping interface to map from SOAPAction headers to endpoint beans.
Marks an endpoint method as containing multiple SoapActions.
Implementation of the SmartEndpointInterceptor interface that only intercepts requests that have a specified soap action.
Represents the Body element in a SOAP message.
Exception thrown when a SOAP body could not be accessed.
The base interface for all elements that are contained in a SOAP message.
Exception thrown when a SOAP element could not be accessed.
SOAP-specific extension of the EndpointInterceptor interface.
SOAP-specific subclass of the EndpointInvocationChain.
SOAP-specific sub-interface of the EndpointMapping.
Represents the Envelope element in a SOAP message.
Exception thrown when a SOAP body could not be accessed.
SOAP-specific EndpointInterceptor that logs the complete request and response envelope of SoapMessage messages.
Marks an exception class with the fault elements that should be returned whenever this exception is thrown.
Represents the Fault element in the body of a SOAP message.
Implementation of the EndpointExceptionResolver interface that uses the SoapFault annotation to map exceptions to SOAP Faults.
Thrown by SoapFaultMessageResolver when the response message has a fault.
Defines properties for a SOAP Fault.
PropertyEditor for SoapFaultDefinition objects.
Represents the detail element in a SOAP fault.
Represents the content for an individual SOAP detail entry in a SOAP Message.
Exception thrown when a SOAP fault could not be accessed.
Exception resolver that allows for mapping exception class names to SOAP Faults.
Simple fault resolver that simply throws a SoapFaultClientException when a fault occurs.
Marks an endpoint method parameter to be resolved as a single or a list of SoapHeaderElement.
Represents the Header element in a SOAP message.
Represents the contents of an individual SOAP header in the a SOAP message.
Implementation of MethodArgumentResolver that supports resolving SoapHeaderElement parameters.
Exception thrown when a SOAP header could not be accessed.
Represents an abstraction for SOAP messages, providing access to a SOAP Envelope.
Exception thrown when a web service message cannot be created.
SOAP-specific subclass of the MessageDispatcher.
Base class for all SOAP message exceptions.
Sub-interface of WebServiceMessageFactory which contains SOAP-specific properties and methods.
Implementation of MethodArgumentResolver that supports SoapMessage, SoapBody, SoapEnvelope, and SoapHeader.
Implementation of the BindingsProvider and ServicesProvider interfaces that supports SOAP 1.1 and SOAP 1.2.
Contains various utility methods for handling SOAP messages.
Interface that defines a specific version of the SOAP specification.
Callback interface for extracting a result object from a Source instance.
Implementation of MethodArgumentResolver and MethodReturnValueHandler that supports Source objects.
Implementation of MethodArgumentResolver that supports StAX XMLStreamReader and XMLEventReader arguments.
Defines the contract for payloads that can be written directly to a XMLStreamWriter.
Sub-interface of WebServiceMessage that allows for setting a streaming payload.
Implementation of the MessagesProvider interface that is based on suffixes.
Implementation of the PortTypesProvider interface that is based on suffixes.
Declares useful transport constants.
Strategy interface for determining the current WebServiceConnection.
Simple holder class that associates a TransportContext instance with the current thread.
Abstract base class for exceptions related to the transport layer.
A TransportInputStream is an input stream with MIME input headers.
A TransportOutputStream is an output stream with MIME input headers.
Generic utility methods for working with Web service transports.
Strategy for adding Types to a Definition.
Implementation of the EndpointMapping interface to map from the full request URI or request URI path to endpoint beans.
Implementation of the MessageIdStrategy interface that uses a UUID to generate a Message Id.
Base class for WebServiceTemplate and other WS-accessing helpers.
Exception thrown whenever an error occurs on the client-side.
Represents a point-to-point connection that a client can use for sending WebServiceMessage objects directly to a remote party.
Root of the hierarchy of Web Service exceptions.
Thrown by SimpleFaultMessageResolver when the response message has a fault.
Convenient super class for application classes that need Web service access.
Exception thrown whenever an I/O error occurs on the client-side.
Represents a protocol-agnostic XML message.
Generic callback interface for code that operates on a WebServiceMessage.
Base class for all web service message exceptions.
Callback interface for extracting a result object from a WebServiceMessage instance.
The WebServiceMessageFactory serves as a factory for WebServiceMessages.
Defines the methods for classes capable of receiving WebServiceMessage instances coming in on a transport.
Adapter to use the WebServiceMessageReceiver interface with the generic DispatcherServlet.
Convenience base class for server-side transport objects.
Defines the methods for classes capable of sending and receiving WebServiceMessage instances across a transport.
Specifies a basic set of Web service operations.
NamespaceHandler for the 'web-services' namespace.
The central class for client-side Web services. It provides a message-driven approach to sending and receiving WebServiceMessage instances.
Exception thrown whenever a transformation error occurs on the client-side.
Exception thrown whenever a transport error occurs on the client-side.
Exception thrown whenever a validation error occurs on the client-side.
Miscellaneous utilities for web applications.
This is the main class providing the configuration behind the Spring Web Services Java config.
Defines callback methods to customize the Java-based configuration for Spring Web Services enabled via @EnableWs.
An default implementation of WsConfigurer with empty methods allowing sub-classes to override only the methods they're interested in.
An WsConfigurer implementation that delegates to other WsConfigurer instances.
Models a WSDL 1.1-specific WsdlDefinition.
Implementation of the DestinationProvider that resolves a destination URI from a WSDL file.
Implementation of the Wsdl11Definition based on WSDL4J.
Subclass of WsdlDefinitionException that wraps WSDLExceptions.
Represents an abstraction for WSDL definitions.
Base class for all WSDL definition exceptions.
Adapter to use the WsdlDefinition interface with the generic DispatcherServlet.
Implementation of the EndpointMapping interface that uses the JAXB2 XmlRootElement annotation to map methods to request payload root elements.
Implementation of MethodArgumentResolver and MethodReturnValueHandler that supports parameters annotated with @XmlRootElement or @XmlType, and return values annotated with @XmlRootElement.
Implementation of MethodArgumentResolver and MethodReturnValueHandler that supports XOM elements.
Indicates that a method parameter should be bound to an XPath expression.
as of Spring Web Services 2.0, in favor of DefaultMethodEndpointAdapter and XPathParamMethodArgumentResolver.
Implementation of MethodArgumentResolver that supports the @XPathParam annotation.
Implementation of the EndpointMapping interface that maps to endpoint using an XPath expression.
Adapter to use the XsdSchema interface with the generic DispatcherServlet.