Class AbstractBeanDefinitionReader

All Implemented Interfaces:
BeanDefinitionReader, org.springframework.core.env.EnvironmentCapable
Direct Known Subclasses:
GroovyBeanDefinitionReader, PropertiesBeanDefinitionReader, XmlBeanDefinitionReader

public abstract class AbstractBeanDefinitionReader extends Object implements BeanDefinitionReader, org.springframework.core.env.EnvironmentCapable
Abstract base class for bean definition readers which implement the BeanDefinitionReader interface.

Provides common properties like the bean factory to work on and the class loader to use for loading bean classes.

Juergen Hoeller, Chris Beams
See Also:
  • Field Details

    • logger

      protected final Log logger
      Logger available to subclasses.
  • Constructor Details

    • AbstractBeanDefinitionReader

      protected AbstractBeanDefinitionReader(BeanDefinitionRegistry registry)
      Create a new AbstractBeanDefinitionReader for the given bean factory.

      If the passed-in bean factory does not only implement the BeanDefinitionRegistry interface but also the ResourceLoader interface, it will be used as default ResourceLoader as well. This will usually be the case for org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext implementations.

      If given a plain BeanDefinitionRegistry, the default ResourceLoader will be a PathMatchingResourcePatternResolver.

      If the passed-in bean factory also implements EnvironmentCapable its environment will be used by this reader. Otherwise, the reader will initialize and use a StandardEnvironment. All ApplicationContext implementations are EnvironmentCapable, while normal BeanFactory implementations are not.

      registry - the BeanFactory to load bean definitions into, in the form of a BeanDefinitionRegistry
      See Also:
  • Method Details

    • getRegistry

      public final BeanDefinitionRegistry getRegistry()
      Description copied from interface: BeanDefinitionReader
      Return the bean factory to register the bean definitions with.

      The factory is exposed through the BeanDefinitionRegistry interface, encapsulating the methods that are relevant for bean definition handling.

      Specified by:
      getRegistry in interface BeanDefinitionReader
    • setResourceLoader

      public void setResourceLoader(@Nullable resourceLoader)
      Set the ResourceLoader to use for resource locations. If specifying a ResourcePatternResolver, the bean definition reader will be capable of resolving resource patterns to Resource arrays.

      Default is PathMatchingResourcePatternResolver, also capable of resource pattern resolving through the ResourcePatternResolver interface.

      Setting this to null suggests that absolute resource loading is not available for this bean definition reader.

      See Also:
      • ResourcePatternResolver
      • PathMatchingResourcePatternResolver
    • getResourceLoader

      @Nullable public getResourceLoader()
      Description copied from interface: BeanDefinitionReader
      Return the ResourceLoader to use for resource locations.

      Can be checked for the ResourcePatternResolver interface and cast accordingly, for loading multiple resources for a given resource pattern.

      A null return value suggests that absolute resource loading is not available for this bean definition reader.

      This is mainly meant to be used for importing further resources from within a bean definition resource, for example via the "import" tag in XML bean definitions. It is recommended, however, to apply such imports relative to the defining resource; only explicit full resource locations will trigger absolute path based resource loading.

      There is also a loadBeanDefinitions(String) method available, for loading bean definitions from a resource location (or location pattern). This is a convenience to avoid explicit ResourceLoader handling.

      Specified by:
      getResourceLoader in interface BeanDefinitionReader
      See Also:
    • setBeanClassLoader

      public void setBeanClassLoader(@Nullable ClassLoader beanClassLoader)
      Set the ClassLoader to use for bean classes.

      Default is null, which suggests to not load bean classes eagerly but rather to just register bean definitions with class names, with the corresponding Classes to be resolved later (or never).

      See Also:
    • getBeanClassLoader

      @Nullable public ClassLoader getBeanClassLoader()
      Description copied from interface: BeanDefinitionReader
      Return the class loader to use for bean classes.

      null suggests to not load bean classes eagerly but rather to just register bean definitions with class names, with the corresponding classes to be resolved later (or never).

      Specified by:
      getBeanClassLoader in interface BeanDefinitionReader
    • setEnvironment

      public void setEnvironment(org.springframework.core.env.Environment environment)
      Set the Environment to use when reading bean definitions. Most often used for evaluating profile information to determine which bean definitions should be read and which should be omitted.
    • getEnvironment

      public org.springframework.core.env.Environment getEnvironment()
      Specified by:
      getEnvironment in interface org.springframework.core.env.EnvironmentCapable
    • setBeanNameGenerator

      public void setBeanNameGenerator(@Nullable BeanNameGenerator beanNameGenerator)
      Set the BeanNameGenerator to use for anonymous beans (without explicit bean name specified).

      Default is a DefaultBeanNameGenerator.

    • getBeanNameGenerator

      public BeanNameGenerator getBeanNameGenerator()
      Description copied from interface: BeanDefinitionReader
      Return the BeanNameGenerator to use for anonymous beans (without explicit bean name specified).
      Specified by:
      getBeanNameGenerator in interface BeanDefinitionReader
    • loadBeanDefinitions

      public int loadBeanDefinitions( resources) throws BeanDefinitionStoreException
      Description copied from interface: BeanDefinitionReader
      Load bean definitions from the specified resources.
      Specified by:
      loadBeanDefinitions in interface BeanDefinitionReader
      resources - the resource descriptors
      the number of bean definitions found
      BeanDefinitionStoreException - in case of loading or parsing errors
    • loadBeanDefinitions

      public int loadBeanDefinitions(String location) throws BeanDefinitionStoreException
      Description copied from interface: BeanDefinitionReader
      Load bean definitions from the specified resource location.

      The location can also be a location pattern, provided that the ResourceLoader of this bean definition reader is a ResourcePatternResolver.

      Specified by:
      loadBeanDefinitions in interface BeanDefinitionReader
      location - the resource location, to be loaded with the ResourceLoader (or ResourcePatternResolver) of this bean definition reader
      the number of bean definitions found
      BeanDefinitionStoreException - in case of loading or parsing errors
      See Also:
    • loadBeanDefinitions

      public int loadBeanDefinitions(String location, @Nullable Set<> actualResources) throws BeanDefinitionStoreException
      Load bean definitions from the specified resource location.

      The location can also be a location pattern, provided that the ResourceLoader of this bean definition reader is a ResourcePatternResolver.

      location - the resource location, to be loaded with the ResourceLoader (or ResourcePatternResolver) of this bean definition reader
      actualResources - a Set to be filled with the actual Resource objects that have been resolved during the loading process. May be null to indicate that the caller is not interested in those Resource objects.
      the number of bean definitions found
      BeanDefinitionStoreException - in case of loading or parsing errors
      See Also:
    • loadBeanDefinitions

      public int loadBeanDefinitions(String... locations) throws BeanDefinitionStoreException
      Description copied from interface: BeanDefinitionReader
      Load bean definitions from the specified resource locations.
      Specified by:
      loadBeanDefinitions in interface BeanDefinitionReader
      locations - the resource locations, to be loaded with the ResourceLoader (or ResourcePatternResolver) of this bean definition reader
      the number of bean definitions found
      BeanDefinitionStoreException - in case of loading or parsing errors