All Classes and Interfaces

Abstract implementation of JCacheOperationSource that caches attributes for methods and implements a fallback policy: 1.
Abstract JSR-107 specific @Configuration class providing common structure for enabling JSR-107 annotation-driven cache management capability.
Base class for CacheManager implementations that want to support built-in awareness of Spring-managed transactions.
JobFactory implementation that supports Runnable objects as well as standard Quartz Job instances.
Implementation of the JCacheOperationSource interface that reads the JSR-107 CacheResult, CachePut, CacheRemove and CacheRemoveAll annotations.
Advisor driven by a JCacheOperationSource, used to include a cache advice bean for methods that are cacheable.
Spring Cache adapter implementation on top of a Caffeine Cache instance.
CacheManager implementation that lazily builds CaffeineCache instances for each CaffeineCacheManager.getCache(java.lang.String) request.
Spring-configurable FileTypeMap implementation that will read MIME type to file extension mappings from a standard JavaMail MIME type mapping file, using a standard MimetypesFileTypeMap underneath.
A Spring FactoryBean for creating a Quartz CronTrigger instance, supporting bean-style usage for trigger configuration.
The default JCacheOperationSource implementation delegating default operations to configurable services with sensible defaults when not present.
Simple Quartz Job adapter that delegates to a given Runnable instance.
Factory that configures a FreeMarker Configuration.
Factory bean that creates a FreeMarker Configuration and provides it as bean reference.
Utility class for working with FreeMarker.
Editor for java.mail.internet.InternetAddress, to directly populate an InternetAddress property.
Extended MailSender interface for JavaMail, supporting MIME messages both as direct arguments and through preparation callbacks.
Production implementation of the JavaMailSender interface, supporting both JavaMail MimeMessages and Spring SimpleMailMessages.
Base class for JSR-107 caching aspects, such as the JCacheInterceptor or an AspectJ aspect.
Cache implementation on top of a javax.cache.Cache instance.
CacheManager implementation backed by a JCache javax.cache.CacheManager.
Extension of CachingConfigurer for the JSR-107 implementation.
as of 6.0 in favor of implementing JCacheConfigurer directly
AOP Alliance MethodInterceptor for declarative cache management using JSR-107 caching annotations.
FactoryBean for a JCache javax.cache.CacheManager, obtaining a pre-defined CacheManager by name through the standard JCache javax.cache.Caching class.
Model the base of JSR-107 cache operation through an interface contract.
Interface used by JCacheInterceptor.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
since 6.0.10, as it is not used by the framework anymore
A Spring FactoryBean for creating a Quartz JobDetail instance, supporting bean-style usage for JobDetail configuration.
Unchecked exception that wraps an exception thrown from a target method.
Subclass of Quartz's JobStoreCMT class that delegates to a Spring-managed DataSource instead of using a Quartz-managed JDBC connection pool.
Quartz ThreadPool adapter that delegates to a Spring-managed Executor instance, specified on SchedulerFactoryBean.
Exception thrown on failed authentication.
Base class for all mail exceptions.
This is a common interface for mail messages, allowing a user to set key values required in assembling a mail message, without needing to know if the underlying message is a simple text message or a more sophisticated MIME message.
Exception thrown if illegal message properties are encountered.
Exception to be thrown by user code if a mail cannot be prepared properly, for example when a FreeMarker template cannot be rendered for the mail text.
This interface defines a strategy for sending simple mails.
Exception thrown when a mail sending error is encountered.
FactoryBean that exposes a JobDetail object which delegates job execution to a specified (static or non-static) method.
Quartz Job implementation that invokes a specified method.
Extension of the MethodInvokingJob, implementing the StatefulJob interface.
Implementation of the MailMessage interface for a JavaMail MIME message, to let message population code interact with a simple message or a MIME message through a common interface.
Helper class for populating a MimeMessage.
Callback interface for the preparation of JavaMail MIME messages.
@Configuration class that registers the Spring infrastructure beans necessary to enable proxy-based annotation-driven JSR-107 cache management.
Simple implementation of the Quartz Job interface, applying the passed-in JobDataMap and also the SchedulerContext as bean property values.
Wrapper that adapts from the Quartz ClassLoadHelper interface onto Spring's ResourceLoader interface.
Common base class for accessing a Quartz Scheduler, i.e.
Spring bean-style class for accessing a Quartz Scheduler, i.e.
Callback interface to be implemented by Spring-managed Quartz artifacts that need access to the SchedulerContext (without having natural access to it).
FactoryBean that creates and configures a Quartz Scheduler, manages its lifecycle as part of the Spring application context, and exposes the Scheduler as bean reference for dependency injection.
A simple CacheResolver that resolves the exception cache based on a configurable CacheManager and the name of the cache: CacheResultOperation.getExceptionCacheName().
Models a simple mail message, including data such as the from, to, cc, subject, and text fields.
Subclass of Quartz's SimpleThreadPool that implements Spring's TaskExecutor interface and listens to Spring lifecycle callbacks.
A Spring FactoryBean for creating a Quartz SimpleTrigger instance, supporting bean-style usage for trigger configuration.
Subclass of AdaptableJobFactory that also supports Spring-style dependency injection on bean properties.
FreeMarker TemplateLoader adapter that loads via a Spring ResourceLoader.
Cache decorator which synchronizes its TransactionAwareCacheDecorator.put(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object), TransactionAwareCacheDecorator.evict(java.lang.Object) and TransactionAwareCacheDecorator.clear() operations with Spring-managed transactions (through Spring's TransactionSynchronizationManager), performing the actual cache put/evict/clear operation only in the after-commit phase of a successful transaction.
Proxy for a target CacheManager, exposing transaction-aware Cache objects which synchronize their Cache.put(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object) operations with Spring-managed transactions (through Spring's TransactionSynchronizationManager), performing the actual cache put operation only in the after-commit phase of a successful transaction.