Class JavaMailSenderImpl

All Implemented Interfaces:
JavaMailSender, MailSender

public class JavaMailSenderImpl extends Object implements JavaMailSender
Production implementation of the JavaMailSender interface, supporting both JavaMail MimeMessages and Spring SimpleMailMessages. Can also be used as a plain MailSender implementation.

Allows for defining all settings locally as bean properties. Alternatively, a pre-configured JavaMail Session can be specified, possibly pulled from an application server's JNDI environment.

Non-default properties in this object will always override the settings in the JavaMail Session. Note that if overriding all values locally, there is no added value in setting a pre-configured Session.

Dmitriy Kopylenko, Juergen Hoeller
See Also:
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • setJavaMailProperties

      public void setJavaMailProperties(Properties javaMailProperties)
      Set JavaMail properties for the Session.

      A new Session will be created with those properties. Use either this method or setSession(jakarta.mail.Session), but not both.

      Non-default properties in this instance will override given JavaMail properties.

    • getJavaMailProperties

      public Properties getJavaMailProperties()
      Allow Map access to the JavaMail properties of this sender, with the option to add or override specific entries.

      Useful for specifying entries directly, for example via javaMailProperties[mail.smtp.auth].

    • setSession

      public void setSession(Session session)
      Set the JavaMail Session, possibly pulled from JNDI.

      Default is a new Session without defaults, that is completely configured via this instance's properties.

      If using a pre-configured Session, non-default properties in this instance will override the settings in the Session.

      See Also:
    • getSession

      public Session getSession()
      Return the JavaMail Session, lazily initializing it if it hasn't been specified explicitly.
    • setProtocol

      public void setProtocol(@Nullable String protocol)
      Set the mail protocol. Default is "smtp".
    • getProtocol

      @Nullable public String getProtocol()
      Return the mail protocol.
    • setHost

      public void setHost(@Nullable String host)
      Set the mail server host, typically an SMTP host.

      Default is the default host of the underlying JavaMail Session.

    • getHost

      @Nullable public String getHost()
      Return the mail server host.
    • setPort

      public void setPort(int port)
      Set the mail server port.

      Default is DEFAULT_PORT, letting JavaMail use the default SMTP port (25).

    • getPort

      public int getPort()
      Return the mail server port.
    • setUsername

      public void setUsername(@Nullable String username)
      Set the username for the account at the mail host, if any.

      Note that the underlying JavaMail Session has to be configured with the property "mail.smtp.auth" set to true, else the specified username will not be sent to the mail server by the JavaMail runtime. If you are not explicitly passing in a Session to use, simply specify this setting via setJavaMailProperties(java.util.Properties).

      See Also:
    • getUsername

      @Nullable public String getUsername()
      Return the username for the account at the mail host.
    • setPassword

      public void setPassword(@Nullable String password)
      Set the password for the account at the mail host, if any.

      Note that the underlying JavaMail Session has to be configured with the property "mail.smtp.auth" set to true, else the specified password will not be sent to the mail server by the JavaMail runtime. If you are not explicitly passing in a Session to use, simply specify this setting via setJavaMailProperties(java.util.Properties).

      See Also:
    • getPassword

      @Nullable public String getPassword()
      Return the password for the account at the mail host.
    • setDefaultEncoding

      public void setDefaultEncoding(@Nullable String defaultEncoding)
      Set the default encoding to use for MimeMessages created by this instance.

      Such an encoding will be auto-detected by MimeMessageHelper.

    • getDefaultEncoding

      @Nullable public String getDefaultEncoding()
      Return the default encoding for MimeMessages, or null if none.
    • setDefaultFileTypeMap

      public void setDefaultFileTypeMap(@Nullable FileTypeMap defaultFileTypeMap)
      Set the default Java Activation FileTypeMap to use for MimeMessages created by this instance.

      A FileTypeMap specified here will be autodetected by MimeMessageHelper, avoiding the need to specify the FileTypeMap for each MimeMessageHelper instance.

      For example, you can specify a custom instance of Spring's ConfigurableMimeFileTypeMap here. If not explicitly specified, a default ConfigurableMimeFileTypeMap will be used, containing an extended set of MIME type mappings (as defined by the mime.types file contained in the Spring jar).

      See Also:
    • getDefaultFileTypeMap

      @Nullable public FileTypeMap getDefaultFileTypeMap()
      Return the default Java Activation FileTypeMap for MimeMessages, or null if none.
    • send

      public void send(SimpleMailMessage... simpleMessages) throws MailException
      Description copied from interface: MailSender
      Send the given array of simple mail messages in batch.
      Specified by:
      send in interface MailSender
      simpleMessages - the messages to send
      MailParseException - in case of failure when parsing a message
      MailAuthenticationException - in case of authentication failure
      MailSendException - in case of failure when sending a message
    • createMimeMessage

      public MimeMessage createMimeMessage()
      This implementation creates a SmartMimeMessage, holding the specified default encoding and default FileTypeMap. This special defaults-carrying message will be autodetected by MimeMessageHelper, which will use the carried encoding and FileTypeMap unless explicitly overridden.
      Specified by:
      createMimeMessage in interface JavaMailSender
      the new MimeMessage instance
      See Also:
    • createMimeMessage

      public MimeMessage createMimeMessage(InputStream contentStream) throws MailException
      Description copied from interface: JavaMailSender
      Create a new JavaMail MimeMessage for the underlying JavaMail Session of this sender, using the given input stream as the message source.
      Specified by:
      createMimeMessage in interface JavaMailSender
      contentStream - the raw MIME input stream for the message
      the new MimeMessage instance
      MailParseException - in case of message creation failure
    • send

      public void send(MimeMessage... mimeMessages) throws MailException
      Description copied from interface: JavaMailSender
      Send the given array of JavaMail MIME messages in batch. The messages need to have been created with JavaMailSender.createMimeMessage().
      Specified by:
      send in interface JavaMailSender
      mimeMessages - messages to send
      MailAuthenticationException - in case of authentication failure
      MailSendException - in case of failure when sending a message
      See Also:
    • testConnection

      public void testConnection() throws MessagingException
      Validate that this instance can connect to the server that it is configured for. Throws a MessagingException if the connection attempt failed.
    • doSend

      protected void doSend(MimeMessage[] mimeMessages, @Nullable Object[] originalMessages) throws MailException
      Actually send the given array of MimeMessages via JavaMail.
      mimeMessages - the MimeMessage objects to send
      originalMessages - corresponding original message objects that the MimeMessages have been created from (with same array length and indices as the "mimeMessages" array), if any
      MailAuthenticationException - in case of authentication failure
      MailSendException - in case of failure when sending a message
    • connectTransport

      protected Transport connectTransport() throws MessagingException
      Obtain and connect a Transport from the underlying JavaMail Session, passing in the specified host, port, username, and password.
      the connected Transport object
      MessagingException - if the connect attempt failed
      See Also:
    • getTransport

      protected Transport getTransport(Session session) throws NoSuchProviderException
      Obtain a Transport object from the given JavaMail Session, using the configured protocol.

      Can be overridden in subclasses, e.g. to return a mock Transport object.

      See Also: