All Classes and Interfaces

Abstract base class for filesystem-based ahead-of-time (AOT) processing.
Common settings for AOT processors.
Fluent builder API for AbstractAotProcessor.Settings.
Abstract implementation of the ApplicationContext interface.
Abstract implementation of the ApplicationEventMulticaster interface, providing the basic listener registration facility.
Abstract base Configuration class providing common structure for enabling Spring's asynchronous method execution capability.
Abstract implementation of the BindingResult interface and its super-interface Errors.
A base component for invoking Cache operations and using a configurable CacheErrorHandler when an exception occurs.
Abstract base class implementing the common CacheManager methods.
A base CacheResolver implementation that requires the concrete implementation to provide the collection of cache name(s) based on the invocation context.
Abstract base @Configuration class providing common structure for enabling Spring's annotation-driven cache management capability.
Base class for MBeanInfoAssemblers that support configurable JMX notification behavior.
Abstract implementation of the Errors interface.
Abstract implementation of CacheOperation that caches attributes for methods and implements a fallback policy: 1.
Base class for all JMX metadata classes.
Abstract implementation of the MBeanInfoAssembler interface that encapsulates the creation of a ModelMBeanInfo instance but delegates the creation of metadata to subclasses.
Abstract implementation of the HierarchicalMessageSource interface, implementing common handling of message variants, making it easy to implement a specific strategy for a concrete MessageSource.
Abstract formatter for Numbers, providing a AbstractNumberFormatter.getNumberFormat(java.util.Locale) template method.
Abstract base class for BindingResult implementations that work with Spring's PropertyAccessor mechanism.
Builds on the AbstractMBeanInfoAssembler superclass to add a basic algorithm for building metadata based on the reflective metadata of the MBean class.
Base class for ApplicationContext implementations which are supposed to support multiple calls to AbstractApplicationContext.refresh(), creating a new internal bean factory instance every time.
AbstractRefreshableApplicationContext subclass that adds common handling of specified config locations.
Abstract base class for MessageSource implementations based on resource bundle conventions, such as ResourceBundleMessageSource and ReloadableResourceBundleMessageSource.
Common base class for Cache implementations that need to adapt null values (and potentially other such special values) before passing them on to the underlying store.
Convenient base class for ApplicationContext implementations, drawing configuration from XML documents containing bean definitions understood by an XmlBeanDefinitionReader.
Enumeration used to determine whether JDK proxy-based or AspectJ weaving-based advice should be applied.
Convenient base class for ImportSelector implementations that select imports based on an AdviceMode value from an annotation (such as the @Enable* annotations).
Convenient adapter for programmatic registration of bean classes.
Represent an AnnotatedElement on a particular Class and is suitable as a key.
Specialization of AsyncExecutionInterceptor that delegates method execution to an Executor based on the Async annotation.
BeanNameGenerator implementation for bean classes annotated with the @Component annotation or with another annotation that is itself annotated with @Component as a meta-annotation.
Implementation of the CacheOperationSource interface for working with caching metadata in annotation format.
Callback interface providing CacheOperation instance(s) based on a given CacheAnnotationParser.
Standalone application context, accepting component classes as input — in particular @Configuration-annotated classes, but also plain @Component types and JSR-330 compliant classes using jakarta.inject annotations.
Parser for the <context:annotation-config/> element.
Common interface for annotation config application contexts, defining AnnotationConfigRegistry.register(java.lang.Class<?>...) and AnnotationConfigRegistry.scan(java.lang.String...) methods.
Utility class that allows for convenient registration of common BeanPostProcessor and BeanFactoryPostProcessor definitions for annotation-based configuration.
Parser for the 'annotation-driven' element of the 'task' namespace.
A factory that creates formatters to format values of fields annotated with a particular Annotation.
Implementation of the JmxAttributeSource interface that reads annotations and exposes the corresponding attributes.
Convenient subclass of Spring's standard MBeanExporter, activating annotation usage for JMX exposure of Spring beans: ManagedResource, ManagedAttribute, ManagedOperation, etc.
A ScopeMetadataResolver implementation that by default checks for the presence of Spring's @Scope annotation on the bean class.
Specialized ApplicationContextInitializer used to initialize a ConfigurableApplicationContext using artifacts that were generated ahead-of-time.
Central interface to provide configuration for an application.
Process an ApplicationContext and its BeanFactory to generate code that represents the state of the bean factory, as well as the necessary hints that can be used at runtime in a constrained environment.
Interface to be implemented by any object that wishes to be notified of the ApplicationContext that it runs in.
Base class for events raised for an ApplicationContext.
Exception thrown during application context initialization.
Callback interface for initializing a Spring ConfigurableApplicationContext prior to being refreshed.
Class to be extended by all application events.
Interface to be implemented by objects that can manage a number of ApplicationListener objects and publish events to them.
Interface that encapsulates event publication functionality.
Interface to be implemented by any object that wishes to be notified of the ApplicationEventPublisher (typically the ApplicationContext) that it runs in.
Interface to be implemented by application event listeners.
GenericApplicationListener adapter that delegates the processing of an event to an EventListener annotated method.
Convenient superclass for application objects that want to be aware of the application context, e.g.
Interface to be implemented by any object that wishes to be notified of the ApplicationStartup that it runs with.
Post-processor that registers AspectJ's ClassPreProcessorAgentAdapter with the Spring application context's default LoadTimeWeaver.
Annotation that marks a method as a candidate for asynchronous execution.
Advisor that activates asynchronous method execution through the Async annotation.
Bean post-processor that automatically applies asynchronous invocation behavior to any bean that carries the Async annotation at class or method-level by adding a corresponding AsyncAnnotationAdvisor to the exposed proxy (either an existing AOP proxy or a newly generated proxy that implements all the target's interfaces).
Selects which implementation of AbstractAsyncConfiguration should be used based on the value of EnableAsync.mode() on the importing @Configuration class.
Interface to be implemented by @Configuration classes annotated with @EnableAsync that wish to customize the Executor instance used when processing async method invocations or the AsyncUncaughtExceptionHandler instance used to process exception thrown from async method with void return type.
as of 6.0 in favor of implementing AsyncConfigurer directly
as of 6.0, in favor of CompletableFuture
Extends the MBeanInfoAssembler to add autodetection logic.
Registers an auto proxy creator against the current BeanDefinitionRegistry as appropriate based on an @Enable* annotation having mode and proxyTargetClass attributes set to the correct values.
The base interface that all cache operations must implement.
Indicates that a method produces a bean to be managed by the Spring container.
EL property accessor that knows how to traverse the beans and contextual objects of a Spring BeanExpressionContext.
EL property accessor that knows how to traverse the beans of a Spring BeanFactory.
Advisor driven by a CacheOperationSource, used to include a cache advice bean for methods that are cacheable.
EL bean resolver that operates against a Spring BeanFactory.
Default implementation of the Errors and BindingResult interfaces, for the registration and evaluation of binding errors on JavaBean objects.
Simple BeanPostProcessor that checks JSR-303 constraint annotations in Spring-managed beans, throwing an initialization exception in case of constraint violations right before calling the bean's init method (if any).
Thrown when binding errors are considered fatal.
Subclass of ConcurrentModel that automatically removes the BindingResult object when its corresponding target attribute is replaced through regular Map operations.
Subclass of ExtendedModelMap that automatically removes a BindingResult object if the corresponding target attribute gets replaced through regular Map operations.
Strategy for processing DataBinder's missing field errors, and for translating a PropertyAccessException to a FieldError.
General interface that represents binding results.
Convenience methods for looking up BindingResults in a model Map.
BeanShell-based implementation of Spring's ScriptEvaluator strategy interface.
ScriptFactory implementation for a BeanShell script.
Utility methods for handling BeanShell-scripted objects.
Exception to be thrown on script execution failure.
Interface that defines common cache operations.
Wrapper exception to be thrown from Cache.get(Object, Callable) in case of the value loader callback failing with an exception.
A (wrapper) object representing a cache value.
Annotation indicating that the result of invoking a method (or all methods in a class) can be cached.
Class describing a cache 'cacheable' operation.
A builder that can be used to create a CacheableOperation.
Strategy interface for parsing known caching annotation types.
Base class for caching aspects, such as the CacheInterceptor or an AspectJ aspect.
Metadata of a cache operation that does not depend on a particular invocation which makes it a good candidate for caching.
@CacheConfig provides a mechanism for sharing common cache-related settings at the class level.
Shared utility class used to evaluate and cache SpEL expressions that are defined on AnnotatedElement.
An expression key.
A strategy for handling cache-related errors.
Annotation indicating that a method (or all methods on a class) triggers a cache evict operation.
Class describing a cache 'evict' operation.
A builder that can be used to create a CacheEvictOperation.
AOP Alliance MethodInterceptor for declarative cache management using the common Spring caching infrastructure (Cache).
Configuration constants for internal sharing across subpackages.
Spring's central cache manager SPI.
NamespaceHandler allowing for the configuration of declarative cache management using either XML or using annotations.
Base class for cache operations.
Base class for builders that can be used to create a CacheOperation.
Representation of the context of the invocation of a cache operation.
Abstract the invocation of a cache operation.
Wrap any exception thrown while invoking CacheOperationInvoker.invoke().
Interface used by CacheInterceptor.
Proxy factory bean for simplified declarative caching handling.
Annotation indicating that a method (or all methods on a class) triggers a cache put operation.
Class describing a cache 'put' operation.
A builder that can be used to create a CachePutOperation.
Determine the Cache instance(s) to use for an intercepted method invocation.
Group annotation for multiple cache annotations (of different or the same type).
Selects which implementation of AbstractCachingConfiguration should be used based on the value of EnableCaching.mode() on the importing @Configuration class.
Interface to be implemented by @Configuration classes annotated with @EnableCaching that wish or need to specify explicitly how caches are resolved and how keys are generated for annotation-driven cache management.
as of 6.0 in favor of implementing CachingConfigurer directly
Provide access to the candidates that are defined in META-INF/spring.components.
Candidate components index loading mechanism for internal use within the framework.
A bean definition scanner that detects bean candidates on the classpath, registering corresponding bean definitions with a given registry (BeanFactory or ApplicationContext).
A component provider that scans for candidate components starting from a specified base package.
Standalone XML application context, taking the context definition files from the class path, interpreting plain paths as class path resource names that include the package path (e.g.
BeanPostProcessor implementation that supports common Java annotations out of the box, in particular the common annotations in the jakarta.annotation package.
Class representing generic injection information about an annotated field or setter method, supporting @Resource and related annotations.
Indicates that an annotated class is a "component".
Configures component scanning directives for use with @Configuration classes.
Declares the type filter to be used as an include filter or exclude filter.
Parser for the <context:component-scan/> element.
Container annotation that aggregates several ComponentScan annotations.
Composite CacheManager implementation that iterates over a given collection of delegate CacheManager instances.
Composite CacheOperationSource implementation that iterates over a given array of CacheOperationSource instances.
Simple Cache implementation based on the core JDK java.util.concurrent package.
FactoryBean for easy configuration of a ConcurrentMapCache when used within a Spring container.
CacheManager implementation that lazily builds ConcurrentMapCache instances for each ConcurrentMapCacheManager.getCache(java.lang.String) request.
Implementation of the Model interface based on a ConcurrentHashMap for use in concurrent scenarios.
Adapter that takes a java.util.concurrent.Executor and exposes a Spring TaskExecutor for it.
Delegate that wraps a given Runnable/Callable with a JSR-236 ManagedTask, exposing a long-running hint based on SchedulingAwareRunnable and a given identity name.
Adapter that takes a java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService and exposes a Spring TaskScheduler for it.
A single condition that must be matched in order for a component to be registered.
Indicates that a component is only eligible for registration when all specified conditions match.
Context information for use by Condition implementations.
SPI interface to be implemented by most if not all application contexts.
Indicates that a class declares one or more @Bean methods and may be processed by the Spring container to generate bean definitions and service requests for those beans at runtime, for example:
BeanFactoryPostProcessor used for bootstrapping processing of @Configuration classes.
Utilities for identifying and configuring Configuration classes.
A Condition that offers more fine-grained control when used with @Configuration.
The various configuration phases where the condition could be evaluated.
FactoryBean that creates a JSR-160 JMXConnectorServer, optionally registers it with the MBeanServer, and then starts it.
Complete implementation of the AutowireCandidateResolver strategy interface, providing support for qualifier annotations as well as for lazy resolution driven by the Lazy annotation in the context.annotation package.
Filesystem-based ahead-of-time (AOT) processing base implementation.
Event raised when an ApplicationContext gets closed.
ScheduledTaskRegistrar subclass which redirects the actual scheduling of tasks to the ContextLifecycleScheduledTaskRegistrar.afterSingletonsInstantiated() callback (as of 4.1.2).
NamespaceHandler for the 'context' namespace.
Event raised when an ApplicationContext gets initialized or refreshed.
Event raised when an ApplicationContext gets started.
Event raised when an ApplicationContext gets stopped.
Indicates that an annotated class is a "Controller" (e.g.
A factory providing convenient access to a ConversionService configured with converters appropriate for most environments.
Representation of a crontab expression that can calculate the next time it matches.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
as of 5.3, in favor of CronExpression
TriggerTask implementation defining a Runnable to be executed according to a standard cron expression.
Trigger implementation for cron expressions.
A BigDecimal formatter for number values in currency style.
Formatter for JSR-354 CurrencyUnit values, from and to currency code Strings.
Implementation of the ThreadFactory interface, allowing for customizing the created threads (name, priority, etc).
Configurable bean class that exposes a specific JSR-303 Validator through its original interface as well as through the Spring Validator interface.
Binder that allows for setting property values on a target object, including support for validation and binding result analysis.
A formatter for Date types.
Configures basic date formatting for use with Spring, primarily for DateTimeFormat declarations.
A context that holds user-specific java.time (JSR-310) settings such as the user's Chronology (calendar system) and time zone.
A holder for a thread-local user DateTimeContext.
Declares that a field or method parameter should be formatted as a date or time.
Common ISO date time format patterns.
Formats fields annotated with the DateTimeFormat annotation using a DateFormatter.
Factory that creates a JSR-310 DateTimeFormatter.
FactoryBean that creates a JSR-310 DateTimeFormatter.
Configures the JSR-310 java.time formatting system for use with Spring.
Default BindingErrorProcessor implementation.
Default LoadTimeWeaver bean for use in an application context, decorating an automatically detected internal LoadTimeWeaver.
Default EventListenerFactory implementation that supports the regular EventListener annotation.
A specialization of FormattingConversionService configured by default with converters and formatters appropriate for most applications.
Spring's default implementation of the LifecycleProcessor strategy.
JNDI-based variant of CustomizableThreadFactory, performing a default lookup for JSR-236's "java:comp/DefaultManagedThreadFactory" in a Jakarta EE environment, falling back to the local CustomizableThreadFactory setup if not found.
JNDI-based variant of ConcurrentTaskExecutor, performing a default lookup for JSR-236's "java:comp/DefaultManagedExecutorService" in a Jakarta EE/8 environment.
JNDI-based variant of ConcurrentTaskScheduler, performing a default lookup for JSR-236's "java:comp/DefaultManagedScheduledExecutorService" in a Jakarta EE environment.
Default implementation of the MessageCodesResolver interface.
Common message code formats.
Spring's default implementation of the MessageSourceResolvable interface.
A variation of ImportSelector that runs after all @Configuration beans have been processed.
Interface used to group results from different import selectors.
An entry that holds the AnnotationMetadata of the importing Configuration class and the class name to import.
Runnable wrapper that catches any exception or error thrown from its delegate Runnable and allows an ErrorHandler to handle it.
Empty MessageSource that delegates all calls to the parent MessageSource.
as of 6.0 in favor of using CSS, without direct replacement
Beans on which the current bean depends.
Adds a textual description to bean definitions derived from Component or Bean.
Special implementation of the Errors and BindingResult interfaces, supporting registration and evaluation of binding errors on value objects.
Convenient base class for components with a need for embedded value resolution (i.e.
Interface to be implemented by any object that wishes to be notified of a StringValueResolver for the resolution of embedded definition values.
Enables support for handling components marked with AspectJ's @Aspect annotation, similar to functionality found in Spring's <aop:aspectj-autoproxy> XML element.
Enables Spring's asynchronous method execution capability, similar to functionality found in Spring's <task:*> XML namespace.
Enables Spring's annotation-driven cache management capability, similar to the support found in Spring's <cache:*> XML namespace.
Activates a Spring LoadTimeWeaver for this application context, available as a bean with the name "loadTimeWeaver", similar to the <context:load-time-weaver> element in Spring XML.
AspectJ weaving enablement options.
Enables default exporting of all standard MBeans from the Spring context, as well as all @ManagedResource annotated beans.
Enables Spring's scheduled task execution capability, similar to functionality found in Spring's <task:*> XML namespace.
Read-only EL property accessor that knows how to retrieve keys of a Spring Environment instance.
Interface to be implemented by any bean that wishes to be notified of the Environment that it runs in.
Stores and exposes information about data-binding and validation errors for a specific object.
Annotation that marks a method as a listener for application events.
Strategy interface for creating ApplicationListener for methods annotated with EventListener.
Registers EventListener methods as individual ApplicationListener instances.
Interceptor that publishes an ApplicationEvent to all ApplicationListeners registered with an ApplicationEventPublisher after each successful method invocation.
Parser for the 'executor' element of the 'task' namespace.
Base class for setting up a ExecutorService (typically a ThreadPoolExecutor or ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor).
Subclass of ModelMap that implements the Model interface.
Encapsulates a field error, that is, a reason for rejecting a specific field value.
Standalone XML application context, taking the context definition files from the file system or from URLs, interpreting plain paths as relative file system locations (e.g.
Enumeration of the type filters that may be used in conjunction with @ComponentScan.
Specialization of IntervalTask for fixed-delay semantics.
Specialization of IntervalTask for fixed-rate semantics.
A Spring FactoryBean that builds and exposes a preconfigured ForkJoinPool.
Formats objects of type T.
Adapter that bridges between Formatter and PropertyEditor.
Registers Converters and Formatters with a FormattingConversionService through the FormatterRegistry SPI.
A registry of field formatting logic.
A ConversionService implementation designed to be configured as a FormatterRegistry.
A factory providing convenient access to a FormattingConversionService configured with converters and formatters for common types such as numbers and datetimes.
An extension of AnnotationBeanNameGenerator that uses the fully qualified class name as the default bean name if an explicit bean name is not supplied via a supported type-level annotation such as @Component (see AnnotationBeanNameGenerator for details on supported annotations).
Generic ApplicationContext implementation that holds a single internal DefaultListableBeanFactory instance and does not assume a specific bean definition format.
Extended variant of the standard ApplicationListener interface, exposing further metadata such as the supported event and source type.
GenericApplicationListener adapter that determines supported event types through introspecting the generically declared type of the target listener.
An ApplicationContext implementation that extends GenericApplicationContext and implements GroovyObject such that beans can be retrieved with the dot de-reference syntax instead of using AbstractApplicationContext.getBean(java.lang.String).
Convenient application context with built-in XML support.
LoadTimeWeaver implementation for GlassFish's org.glassfish.api.deployment.InstrumentableClassLoader InstrumentableClassLoader.
Strategy used by GroovyScriptFactory to allow the customization of a created GroovyObject.
Groovy-based implementation of Spring's ScriptEvaluator strategy interface.
ScriptFactory implementation for a Groovy script.
Sub-interface of MessageSource to be implemented by objects that can resolve messages hierarchically.
as of 6.0 in favor of using CSS, without direct replacement
An implementation of the ObjectNamingStrategy interface that creates a name based on the identity of a given instance.
Indicates one or more component classes to import — typically @Configuration classes.
Interface to be implemented by any @Configuration class that wishes to be injected with the AnnotationMetadata of the @Configuration class that imported it.
A BeanPostProcessor that honours ImportAware callback using a mapping computed at build time.
Interface to be implemented by types that register additional bean definitions when processing @Configuration classes.
Indicates one or more resources containing bean definitions to import.
Indicates that one or more RuntimeHintsRegistrar implementations should be processed.
Interface to be implemented by types that determine which @Configuration class(es) should be imported based on a given selection criteria, usually one or more annotation attributes.
Indicate that the annotated element represents a stereotype for the index.
Formatter implementation for a JSR-310 Instant, following JSR-310's parsing rules for an Instant (that is, not using a configurable DateTimeFormatter): accepting the default ISO_INSTANT format as well as RFC_1123_DATE_TIME (which is commonly used for HTTP date header values), as of Spring 4.3.
Subclass of AbstractReflectiveMBeanInfoAssembler that allows for the management interface of a bean to be defined using arbitrary interfaces.
Task implementation defining a Runnable to be executed at a given millisecond interval which may be treated as fixed-rate or fixed-delay depending on context.
Thrown when trying to invoke an operation on a proxy that is not exposed by the proxied MBean resource's management interface.
Thrown by the JmxAttributeSource when it encounters incorrect metadata on a managed resource or one of its methods.
Thrown when an invocation on an MBean resource failed with an exception (either a reflection exception or an exception thrown by the target method itself).
LoadTimeWeaver implementation for JBoss's instrumentable ClassLoader.
NamespaceHandler for the 'jee' namespace.
Interface used by the MetadataMBeanInfoAssembler to read source-level metadata from a managed resource's class.
General base exception to be thrown on JMX errors.
Utility methods for converting Spring JMX metadata into their plain JMX equivalents.
Collection of generic utility methods to support Spring JMX.
Convenient superclass for JNDI accessors, providing "jndiTemplate" and "jndiEnvironment" bean properties.
Callback interface to be implemented by classes that need to perform an operation (such as a lookup) in a JNDI context.
JndiLocatorSupport subclass with public lookup methods, for convenient use as a delegate.
Convenient superclass for classes that can locate any number of JNDI objects.
RuntimeException to be thrown in case of JNDI lookup failures, in particular from code that does not declare JNDI's checked NamingException: for example, from Spring's JndiObjectTargetSource.
FactoryBean that looks up a JNDI object.
Convenient superclass for JNDI-based service locators, providing configurable lookup of a specific JNDI resource.
AOP TargetSource that provides configurable JNDI lookups for getTarget() calls.
PropertySource implementation that reads properties from an underlying Spring JndiLocatorDelegate.
Helper class that simplifies JNDI operations.
Properties editor for JndiTemplate objects.
Formats fields annotated with the DateTimeFormat annotation using the JSR-310 java.time package in JDK 8.
Simple ScopeMetadataResolver implementation that follows JSR-330 scoping rules: defaulting to prototype scope unless Singleton is present.
Formats MonetaryAmount fields annotated with Spring's common NumberFormat annotation.
Cache key generator.
ObjectNamingStrategy implementation that builds ObjectName instances from the key used in the "beans" map passed to MBeanExporter.
NamespaceHandler that supports the wiring of objects backed by dynamic languages such as Groovy, JRuby and BeanShell.
Utilities for use with LangNamespaceHandler.
Indicates whether a bean is to be lazily initialized.
A common interface defining methods for start/stop lifecycle control.
Strategy interface for processing Lifecycle beans within the ApplicationContext.
Defines the contract for adding one or more ClassFileTransformers to a ClassLoader.
Interface to be implemented by any object that wishes to be notified of the application context's default LoadTimeWeaver.
BeanPostProcessor implementation that passes the context's default LoadTimeWeaver to beans that implement the LoadTimeWeaverAware interface.
@Configuration class that registers a LoadTimeWeaver bean.
Interface to be implemented by @Configuration classes annotated with @EnableLoadTimeWeaving that wish to customize the LoadTimeWeaver instance to be used.
Strategy interface for determining the current Locale.
Simple holder class that associates a LocaleContext instance with the current thread.
Delegates to a target MessageInterpolator implementation but enforces Spring's managed Locale.
This is the central class for jakarta.validation (JSR-303) setup in a Spring application context: It bootstraps a jakarta.validation.ValidationFactory and exposes it through the Spring Validator interface as well as through the JSR-303 Validator interface and the ValidatorFactory interface itself.
A CacheErrorHandler implementation that logs error messages.
Method-level annotation that indicates to expose a given bean property as a JMX attribute, corresponding to the ManagedAttribute.
Metadata that indicates to expose a given bean property as JMX attribute.
Method-level annotation that indicates to expose a given bean property as a JMX attribute, with added descriptor properties to indicate that it is a metric.
Metadata that indicates to expose a given bean property as a JMX attribute, with additional descriptor properties that indicate that the attribute is a metric.
Type-level annotation that indicates a JMX notification emitted by a bean.
Metadata that indicates a JMX notification emitted by a bean.
Type-level annotation used as a container for one or more @ManagedNotification declarations.
Method-level annotation that indicates to expose a given method as a JMX operation, corresponding to the ManagedOperation attribute.
Metadata that indicates to expose a given method as JMX operation.
Method-level annotation used to provide metadata about operation parameters, corresponding to a ManagedOperationParameter attribute.
Metadata about JMX operation parameters.
Method-level annotation used as a container for one or more @ManagedOperationParameter declarations.
Class-level annotation that indicates to register instances of a class with a JMX server, corresponding to the ManagedResource attribute.
Metadata indicating that instances of an annotated class are to be registered with a JMX server.
EL property accessor that knows how to traverse the keys of a standard Map.
Map-based implementation of the BindingResult interface, supporting registration and evaluation of binding errors on Map attributes.
MethodInterceptor that routes calls to an MBean running on the supplied MBeanServerConnection.
Thrown when an invocation failed because of an I/O problem on the MBeanServerConnection.
@Configuration class that registers a AnnotationMBeanExporter bean.
JMX exporter that allows for exposing any Spring-managed bean to a JMX MBeanServer, without the need to define any JMX-specific information in the bean classes.
A listener that allows application code to be notified when an MBean is registered and unregistered via an MBeanExporter.
Exception thrown in case of failure when exporting an MBean.
Interface that defines the set of MBean export operations that are intended to be accessed by application developers during application runtime.
Interface to be implemented by all classes that can create management interface metadata for a managed resource.
Thrown if an exception is encountered when trying to retrieve MBean metadata.
Creates a proxy to a managed resource running either locally or remotely.
Provides supporting infrastructure for registering MBeans with an MBeanServer.
FactoryBean that creates a JMX 1.2 MBeanServerConnection to a remote MBeanServer exposed via a JMXServerConnector.
FactoryBean that obtains a MBeanServer reference through the standard JMX 1.2 MBeanServerFactory API.
Exception thrown when we cannot locate an instance of an MBeanServer, or when more than one instance is found.
A strategy interface for formatting message codes.
Strategy interface for building message codes from validation error codes.
Strategy interface for resolving messages, with support for the parameterization and internationalization of such messages.
Helper class for easy access to messages from a MessageSource, providing various overloaded getMessage methods.
Interface to be implemented by any object that wishes to be notified of the MessageSource (typically the ApplicationContext) that it runs in.
Interface for objects that are suitable for message resolution in a MessageSource.
Helper class that allows for accessing a Spring MessageSource as a ResourceBundle.
Implementation of Hibernate Validator 4.3/5.x's ResourceBundleLocator interface, exposing a Spring MessageSource as localized MessageSourceResourceBundle.
Base class for message source implementations, providing support infrastructure such as MessageFormat handling but not implementing concrete methods defined in the MessageSource.
Implementation of the MBeanInfoAssembler interface that reads the management interface information from source level metadata.
An implementation of the ObjectNamingStrategy interface that reads the ObjectName from the source-level metadata.
A method-based EvaluationContext that provides explicit support for method-based invocations.
AbstractReflectiveMBeanInfoAssembler subclass that allows method names to be explicitly excluded as MBean operations and attributes.
Adapter that implements the Runnable interface as a configurable method invocation based on Spring's MethodInvoker.
Subclass of AbstractReflectiveMBeanInfoAssembler that allows to specify method names to be exposed as MBean operations and attributes.
An AOP Alliance MethodInterceptor implementation that delegates to a JSR-303 provider for performing method-level validation on annotated methods.
A convenient BeanPostProcessor implementation that delegates to a JSR-303 provider for performing method-level validation on annotated methods.
Represents how the measurement values of a ManagedMetric will change over time.
Interface that defines a holder for model attributes.
Implementation of Map for use when building model data for use with UI tools.
NotificationPublisher implementation that uses the infrastructure provided by the ModelMBean interface to track and send Notifications to those listeners.
Formatter for JSR-354 MonetaryAmount values, delegating to MonetaryAmountFormat.format( and MonetaryAmountFormat.parse(java.lang.CharSequence).
A CacheResolver that forces the resolution to a configurable collection of name(s) against a given CacheManager.
Simple CacheOperationSource implementation that allows attributes to be matched by registered name.
A no operation Cache implementation suitable for disabling caching.
A basic, no operation CacheManager implementation suitable for disabling caching, typically used for backing cache declarations without an actual backing store.
Exception thrown when a message can't be resolved.
Helper class that aggregates a NotificationListener, a NotificationFilter, and an arbitrary handback object.
Helper class that aggregates a NotificationListener, a NotificationFilter, and an arbitrary handback object, as well as the names of MBeans from which the listener wishes to receive Notifications.
Registrar object that associates a specific NotificationListener with one or more MBeans in an MBeanServer (typically via a MBeanServerConnection).
Simple interface allowing Spring-managed MBeans to publish JMX notifications without being aware of how those notifications are being transmitted to the MBeanServer.
Interface to be implemented by any Spring-managed resource that is to be registered with an MBeanServer and wishes to send JMX
Simple serializable class that serves as a null replacement for cache stores which otherwise do not support null values.
Declares that a field or method parameter should be formatted as a number.
Common number format styles.
Formats fields annotated with the NumberFormat annotation.
A general-purpose number formatter using NumberFormat's number style.
Encapsulates an object error, that is, a global reason for rejecting an object.
Helper class for the creation of ObjectName instances.
Strategy interface that encapsulates the creation of ObjectName instances.
LocalValidatorFactoryBean subclass that simply turns Validator calls into no-ops in case of no Bean Validation provider being available.
Parses text strings to produce instances of T.
An ApplicationEvent that carries an arbitrary payload.
A formatter for number values in percent style.
A trigger for periodic task execution.
Interface for objects that may participate in a phased process such as lifecycle management.
Indicates that a bean should be given preference when multiple candidates are qualified to autowire a single-valued dependency.
Prints objects of type T for display.
Indicates that a component is eligible for registration when one or more specified profiles are active.
Annotation providing a convenient and declarative mechanism for adding a PropertySource to Spring's Environment.
Container annotation that aggregates several PropertySource annotations.
Specialization of PlaceholderConfigurerSupport that resolves ${...} placeholders within bean definition property values and @Value annotations against the current Spring Environment and its set of PropertySources.
@Configuration class that registers the Spring infrastructure beans necessary to enable proxy-based asynchronous method execution.
@Configuration class that registers the Spring infrastructure beans necessary to enable proxy-based annotation-driven cache management.
LoadTimeWeaver which uses reflection to delegate to an underlying ClassLoader with well-known transformation hooks.
Subclass of BeanFactoryRefreshableTargetSource that determines whether a refresh is required through the given ScriptFactory.
Indicates registration behavior when attempting to register an MBean that already exists.
Spring-specific MessageSource implementation that accesses resource bundles using specified basenames, participating in the Spring ApplicationContext's resource loading.
Indicates that an annotated class is a "Repository", originally defined by Domain-Driven Design (Evans, 2003) as "a mechanism for encapsulating storage, retrieval, and search behavior which emulates a collection of objects".
MessageSource implementation that accesses resource bundles using specified basenames.
as of 6.0 in favor of using CSS, without direct replacement
Interface to be implemented by any object that wishes to be notified of the ResourceLoader (typically the ApplicationContext) that it runs in.
Subclass of ShadowingClassLoader that overrides attempts to locate certain files.
ScriptSource implementation based on Spring's Resource abstraction.
Indicates the 'role' hint for a given bean.
Extension of the GenericBeanDefinition class, based on an ASM ClassReader, with support for annotation metadata exposed through the AnnotatedBeanDefinition interface.
Annotation that marks a method to be scheduled.
Bean post-processor that registers methods annotated with @Scheduled to be invoked by a TaskScheduler according to the "fixedRate", "fixedDelay", or "cron" expression provided via the annotation.
FactoryBean that sets up a ScheduledExecutorService (by default: a ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor) and exposes it for bean references.
JavaBean that describes a scheduled executor task, consisting of the Runnable and a delay plus period.
Variant of MethodInvokingRunnable meant to be used for processing of no-arg scheduled methods.
A representation of a scheduled task at runtime, used as a return value for scheduling methods.
Common interface for exposing locally scheduled tasks.
Helper bean for registering tasks with a TaskScheduler, typically using cron expressions.
Parser for the 'scheduled-tasks' element of the scheduling namespace.
Parser for the 'scheduler' element of the 'task' namespace.
Container annotation that aggregates several Scheduled annotations.
Extension of the Runnable interface, adding special callbacks for long-running operations.
@Configuration class that registers a ScheduledAnnotationBeanPostProcessor bean capable of processing Spring's @Scheduled annotation.
Optional interface to be implemented by @Configuration classes annotated with @EnableScheduling.
General exception to be thrown on scheduling failures, such as the scheduler already having shut down.
A TaskExecutor extension exposing scheduling characteristics that are relevant to potential task submitters.
When used as a type-level annotation in conjunction with @Component, @Scope indicates the name of a scope to use for instances of the annotated type.
Enumerates the various scoped-proxy options.
Describes scope characteristics for a Spring-managed bean including the scope name and the scoped-proxy behavior.
Strategy interface for resolving the scope of bean definitions.
Exception to be thrown on script compilation failure.
Spring's strategy interface for evaluating a script.
Script definition interface, encapsulating the configuration of a specific script as well as a factory method for creating the actual scripted Java Object.
BeanPostProcessor that handles ScriptFactory definitions, replacing each factory with the actual scripted Java object generated by it.
Interface that defines the source of a script.
Interface that allows infrastructure components to provide their own ObjectNames to the MBeanExporter.
Indicates that an annotated class is a "Service", originally defined by Domain-Driven Design (Evans, 2003) as "an operation offered as an interface that stands alone in the model, with no encapsulated state."
ClassLoader decorator that shadows an enclosing ClassLoader, applying registered transformers to all affected classes.
Simple implementation of the ApplicationEventMulticaster interface.
A simple CacheErrorHandler that does not handle the exception at all, simply throwing it back at the client.
Simple cache manager working against a given collection of caches.
A simple CacheResolver that resolves the Cache instance(s) based on a configurable CacheManager and the name of the cache(s) as provided by getCacheNames().
Simplistic implementation of an instrumentable ClassLoader.
Simple JNDI-based implementation of Spring's BeanFactory interface.
A simple key as returned from the SimpleKeyGenerator.
Simple key generator.
LoadTimeWeaver that builds and exposes a SimpleInstrumentableClassLoader.
Simple implementation of the LocaleContext interface, always returning a specified Locale.
Simple subclass of AbstractReflectiveMBeanInfoAssembler that always votes yes for method and property inclusion, effectively exposing all public methods and properties as operations and attributes.
as of 6.0 in favor of using CSS, without direct replacement
A simple thread-backed Scope implementation.
ClassLoader that can be used to load classes without bringing them into the parent loader.
Simple implementation of the TimeZoneAwareLocaleContext interface, always returning a specified Locale and TimeZone.
Simple data holder implementation of the TriggerContext interface.
Straightforward implementation of Cache.ValueWrapper, simply holding the value as given at construction and returning it from SimpleValueWrapper.get().
Extended variant of the standard ApplicationListener interface, exposing further metadata such as the supported event and source type.
An extension of the Lifecycle interface for those objects that require to be started upon ApplicationContext refresh and/or shutdown in a particular order.
Extended variant of the Validator interface, adding support for validation 'hints'.
ApplicationListener decorator that filters events from a specified event source, invoking its delegate listener for matching ApplicationEvent objects only.
Strategy implementation for parsing Spring's Caching, Cacheable, CacheEvict, and CachePut annotations.
JSR-303 ConstraintValidatorFactory implementation that delegates to a Spring BeanFactory for creating autowired ConstraintValidator instances.
Extension of the RequiredModelMBean class that ensures the thread context ClassLoader is switched for the managed resource's ClassLoader before any invocations occur.
Adapter that takes a JSR-303 javax.validator.Validator and exposes it as a Spring Validator while also exposing the original JSR-303 Validator interface itself.
Standard implementation of the BeanExpressionResolver interface, parsing and evaluating Spring EL using Spring's expression module.
Exception decorating a ScriptException coming out of JSR-223 script evaluation, i.e.
javax.script (JSR-223) based implementation of Spring's ScriptEvaluator strategy interface.
ScriptFactory implementation based on the JSR-223 script engine abstraction (as included in Java).
Common operations for dealing with a JSR-223 ScriptEngine.
ApplicationContext implementation which supports programmatic registration of beans and messages, rather than reading bean definitions from external configuration sources.
Simple implementation of MessageSource which allows messages to be registered programmatically.
Static implementation of the ScriptSource interface, encapsulating a given String that contains the script source text.
Holder class defining a Runnable to be executed as a task, typically at a scheduled time or interval.
FactoryBean for creating ThreadPoolTaskExecutor instances, primarily used behind the XML task namespace.
Configuration constants for internal sharing across subpackages.
NamespaceHandler for the 'task' namespace.
Task scheduler interface that abstracts the scheduling of Runnables based on different kinds of triggers.
Utility methods for decorating tasks with error handling.
Parser implementation for a JSR-310 TemporalAccessor, using a DateTimeFormatter (the contextual one, if available).
Printer implementation for a JSR-310 TemporalAccessor, using a DateTimeFormatter) (the contextual one, if available).
as of 6.0 in favor of using CSS, without direct replacement
as of 6.0 in favor of using CSS, without direct replacement
JavaBean that allows for configuring a ThreadPoolExecutor in bean style (through its "corePoolSize", "maxPoolSize", "keepAliveSeconds", "queueCapacity" properties) and exposing it as a bean reference of its native ExecutorService type.
JavaBean that allows for configuring a ThreadPoolExecutor in bean style (through its "corePoolSize", "maxPoolSize", "keepAliveSeconds", "queueCapacity" properties) and exposing it as a Spring TaskExecutor.
Implementation of Spring's TaskScheduler interface, wrapping a native ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor.
Extension of LocaleContext, adding awareness of the current time zone.
LoadTimeWeaver implementation for Tomcat's new org.apache.tomcat.InstrumentableClassLoader.
Common interface for trigger objects that determine the next execution time of a task that they get associated with.
Context object encapsulating last execution times and last completion time of a given task.
Task implementation defining a Runnable to be executed according to a given Trigger.
Collection of utilities for working with @ComponentScan type filters.
Exception thrown if a type mismatch is encountered for an object located in a JNDI environment.
as of 6.0 in favor of using CSS, without direct replacement
Exception thrown when we are unable to register an MBean, for example because of a naming conflict.
Thrown when a JMX Notification is unable to be sent.
Variant of JSR-303's Valid, supporting the specification of validation groups.
Utility class for handling validation annotations.
Utility class offering convenient methods for invoking a Validator and for rejecting empty fields.
A validator for application-specific objects.
ClassFileTransformer-based weaver, allowing for a list of transformers to be applied on a class byte array.