Class CompositePropertySource

public class CompositePropertySource extends EnumerablePropertySource<Object>
Composite PropertySource implementation that iterates over a set of PropertySource instances. Necessary in cases where multiple property sources share the same name, e.g. when multiple values are supplied to @PropertySource.

As of Spring 4.1.2, this class extends EnumerablePropertySource instead of plain PropertySource, exposing getPropertyNames() based on the accumulated property names from all contained sources (as far as possible).

Chris Beams, Juergen Hoeller, Phillip Webb
  • Constructor Details

    • CompositePropertySource

      public CompositePropertySource(String name)
      Create a new CompositePropertySource.
      name - the name of the property source
  • Method Details

    • getProperty

      @Nullable public Object getProperty(String name)
      Description copied from class: PropertySource
      Return the value associated with the given name, or null if not found.
      Specified by:
      getProperty in class PropertySource<Object>
      name - the property to find
      See Also:
    • containsProperty

      public boolean containsProperty(String name)
      Description copied from class: EnumerablePropertySource
      Return whether this PropertySource contains a property with the given name.

      This implementation checks for the presence of the given name within the EnumerablePropertySource.getPropertyNames() array.

      containsProperty in class EnumerablePropertySource<Object>
      name - the name of the property to find
    • getPropertyNames

      public String[] getPropertyNames()
      Description copied from class: EnumerablePropertySource
      Return the names of all properties contained by the source object (never null).
      Specified by:
      getPropertyNames in class EnumerablePropertySource<Object>
    • addPropertySource

      public void addPropertySource(PropertySource<?> propertySource)
      Add the given PropertySource to the end of the chain.
      propertySource - the PropertySource to add
    • addFirstPropertySource

      public void addFirstPropertySource(PropertySource<?> propertySource)
      Add the given PropertySource to the start of the chain.
      propertySource - the PropertySource to add
    • getPropertySources

      public Collection<PropertySource<?>> getPropertySources()
      Return all property sources that this composite source holds.
    • toString

      public String toString()
      Description copied from class: PropertySource
      Produce concise output (type and name) if the current log level does not include debug. If debug is enabled, produce verbose output including the hash code of the PropertySource instance and every name/value property pair.

      This variable verbosity is useful as a property source such as system properties or environment variables may contain an arbitrary number of property pairs, potentially leading to difficulties to read exception and log messages.

      toString in class PropertySource<Object>
      See Also:
      • Log.isDebugEnabled()