Uses of Package

Encoder and Decoder abstractions to convert between a reactive stream of bytes and Java objects.
  • Class
    Abstract base class that decodes from a data buffer stream to a CharSequence stream.
    Abstract base class for Decoder implementations that can decode a DataBuffer directly to the target element type.
    Abstract base class for Decoder implementations.
    Abstract base class for Encoder implementations.
    Abstract base class for Encoder classes that can only deal with a single value.
    Decode from a data buffer stream to a CharBuffer stream, either splitting or aggregating incoming data chunks to realign along newlines delimiters and produce a stream of char buffers.
    Encode from a CharSequence stream to a bytes stream.
    General error that indicates a problem while encoding and decoding to and from an Object stream.
    Strategy for decoding a DataBuffer input stream into an output stream of elements of type <T>.
    Indicates an issue with decoding the input stream with a focus on content related issues such as a parse failure.
    Strategy to encode a stream of Objects of type <T> into an output stream of bytes.
    Decode from a data buffer stream to a String stream, either splitting or aggregating incoming data chunks to realign along newlines delimiters and produce a stream of strings.