All Classes and Interfaces

Convenient base class for AsyncHandlerMethodReturnValueHandler implementations that support only asynchronous (Future-like) return values and merely serve as adapters of such types to Spring's ListenableFuture.
Abstract base class for a MessageHandler that broker messages to registered subscribers.
Base class for message broker registration classes.
An extension of AbstractMessagingTemplate that adds operations for sending messages to a resolvable destination name.
Base class for a return value handler that encodes return values to Flux<DataBuffer> through the configured Encoders.
Cache exception handling method mappings and provide options to look up a method that should handle an exception.
A base HeaderMapper implementation.
Common base class for plain JSON converters, e.g.
Provides essential configuration for handling messages with simple messaging protocols such as STOMP.
Abstract base class for MessageChannel implementations.
Abstract base class for SmartMessageConverter implementations including support for common properties and a partial implementation of the conversion methods, mainly to check if the converter supports the conversion based on the payload class and MIME type.
An extension of AbstractMessageSendingTemplate that adds support for receive style operations as defined by MessageReceivingOperations.
Abstract base class for implementations of MessageSendingOperations.
An extension of AbstractMessageReceivingTemplate that adds support for request-reply style operations as defined by MessageRequestReplyOperations.
Abstract base class for HandlerMethod-based message handling.
Abstract base class for reactive HandlerMethod-based message handling.
Abstract base class to resolve method arguments from a named value, e.g.
Abstract base class to resolve method arguments from a named value, e.g.
Represents a named value declaration.
Represents a named value declaration.
Convenient base class for ReactorNettyCodec implementations that need to work with NIO ByteBuffers.
Abstract base class for SubscribableChannel implementations.
Abstract base class for implementations of SubscriptionRegistry that looks up information in messages but delegates to abstract methods for the actual storage and retrieval.
A subclass of AbstractExceptionHandlerMethodResolver that looks for MessageExceptionHandler-annotated methods in a given class.
Assist with configuration for handler method argument resolvers.
An extension of HandlerMethodReturnValueHandler for handling async, Future-like return value types that support success and error callbacks.
An implementation of DestinationResolver that interprets a destination name as the bean name of a MessageChannel and looks up the bean in the configured BeanFactory.
Event raised when a broker's availability changes.
An extension of StompDecoder that buffers content remaining in the input ByteBuffer after the parent class has read all (complete) STOMP frames from it.
A MessageConverter that supports MIME type "application/octet-stream" with the payload converted to and from a byte[].
DestinationResolver implementation that proxies a target DestinationResolver, caching its CachingDestinationResolverProxy.resolveDestination(java.lang.String) results.
Interface for interceptors that are able to view and/or modify the Messages being sent-to and/or received-from a MessageChannel.
A registration class for customizing the configuration for a MessageChannel.
Support for CompletableFuture (and as of 4.3.7 also CompletionStage) as a return value type.
Composite MessageCondition that delegates to other message conditions.
A MessageConverter that delegates to a list of registered converters to be invoked until one of them returns a non-null result.
A StompSession that implements TcpConnectionHandler in order to send and receive messages.
Raised when the connection for a STOMP session is lost rather than closed.
Annotation to map the initial ConnectionSetupPayload and subsequent metadata pushes onto a handler method.
Resolve the content type for a message.
No-op resolver for method arguments of type Continuation.
A default ContentTypeResolver that checks the MessageHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE header or falls back to a default value.
The default MessageHandlerMethodFactory implementation creating an InvocableHandlerMethod with the necessary HandlerMethodArgumentResolver instances to detect and process most of the use cases defined by MessageMapping.
Default MetadataExtractor implementation that relies on Decoders to deserialize the content of metadata entries.
Default implementation of ConnectionHandlingStompSession.
Implementation of SubscriptionRegistry that stores subscriptions in memory and uses a PathMatcher for matching destinations.
A default implementation of UserDestinationResolver that relies on a SimpUserRegistry to find active sessions for a user.
MessageCondition to match the destination header of a Message against one or more patterns through a RouteMatcher.
Thrown by a DestinationResolver when it cannot resolve a destination.
Strategy for resolving a String destination name to an actual destination of type <D>.
Extends MessageReceivingOperations and adds operations for receiving messages from a destination specified as a (resolvable) String name.
Extends MessageRequestReplyOperations and adds operations for sending and receiving messages to and from a destination specified as a (resolvable) String name.
Extends MessageSendingOperations and adds operations for sending messages to a destination specified as a (resolvable) String name.
A Principal can also implement this contract when getName() isn't globally unique and therefore not suited for use with "user" destinations.
Annotation that indicates a method parameter should be bound to a template variable in a destination template string.
Resolve for @DestinationVariable method parameters.
Resolve for @DestinationVariable method parameters.
A GenericMessage with a Throwable payload.
An extension of ChannelInterceptor with callbacks to intercept the asynchronous sending of a Message to a specific subscriber through an Executor.
A SubscribableChannel that sends messages to each of its subscribers.
A simple strategy for making reconnect attempts at a fixed interval.
An implementation of Message with a generic payload.
An extension of the SimpleMessageConverter that uses a ConversionService to convert the payload of the message to the requested type.
A messaging template that resolves destinations names to MessageChannel's to send and receive messages from.
Implementation of MessageConverter that can read and write JSON using Google Gson.
Encapsulates information about a handler method consisting of a method and a bean.
Strategy interface for resolving method parameters into argument values in the context of a given Message.
Strategy interface for resolving method parameters into argument values in the context of a given Message.
Resolves method parameters by delegating to a list of registered HandlerMethodArgumentResolvers.
Resolves method parameters by delegating to a list of registered HandlerMethodArgumentResolvers.
Strategy interface to handle the value returned from the invocation of a method handling a Message.
Handle the return value from the invocation of an annotated Message handling method.
A HandlerMethodReturnValueHandler that wraps and delegates to others.
A HandlerMethodReturnValueHandler that wraps and delegates to others.
Annotation which indicates that a method parameter should be bound to a message header.
Generic strategy interface for mapping MessageHeaders to and from other types of objects.
Resolver for @Header arguments.
Resolver for @Header arguments.
Annotation which indicates that a method parameter should be bound to the headers of a message.
Argument resolver for headers.
Argument resolver for headers.
A MessageHeaderInitializer to customize the strategy for ID and TIMESTAMP message header generation.
A simpler interceptor that calls MessageHeaderAccessor.setImmutable() on the headers of messages passed through the preSend method.
A MessageChannel that maintains a list ChannelInterceptors and allows interception of message sending.
Extension of HandlerMethod that invokes the underlying method with argument values resolved from the current HTTP request through a list of HandlerMethodArgumentResolver.
Extension of HandlerMethod that invokes the underlying method with argument values resolved from the current HTTP request through a list of HandlerMethodArgumentResolver.
Implementation of MessageConverter that can read and write JSON using the JSON Binding API.
Implementation of MessageConverter that can read and write JSON using kotlinx.serialization.
A Jackson 2 based MessageConverter implementation.
Implementation of MessageConverter that can read and write XML using Spring's Marshaller and Unmarshaller abstractions.
A generic message representation with headers and body.
A registry for configuring message broker options.
A builder for creating a GenericMessage (or ErrorMessage if the payload is of type Throwable).
Defines methods for sending messages.
Contract for mapping conditions to messages.
An exception raised by MessageConverter implementations.
A converter to turn the payload of a Message from serialized form to a typed Object and vice versa.
Exception that indicates an error occurred during message delivery.
Annotation for handling exceptions thrown from message-handling methods within a specific handler class.
Simple contract for handling a Message.
A factory for InvocableHandlerMethod that is suitable to process an incoming Message
Exception that indicates an error occurred during message handling.
Extension of the Runnable interface with methods to obtain the MessageHandler and Message to be handled.
Wrapper around MessageHeaders that provides extra features such as strongly typed accessors for specific headers, the ability to leave headers in a Message mutable, and the option to suppress automatic generation of id and timestamp headers.
Callback interface for initializing a MessageHeaderAccessor.
The headers for a Message.
Annotation for mapping a Message onto a message-handling method by matching the declared patterns to a destination extracted from the message.
Extension of AbstractMethodMessageHandler for reactive, non-blocking handling of messages via @MessageMapping methods.
ReflectiveProcessor implementation for types annotated with @MessageMapping, @SubscribeMapping and @MessageExceptionHandler.
HandlerMethodArgumentResolver for Message method arguments.
A contract for processing a Message after it has been created, either returning a modified (effectively new) message or returning the same.
Operations for receiving messages from a destination.
Operations for sending messages to and receiving the reply from a destination.
Operations for sending messages to a destination.
Represents a Spring-managed bean with cross-cutting functionality to be applied to one or more Spring beans with annotation-based message handling methods.
The base exception for any failures related to messaging.
RSocketServiceArgumentResolver for metadata entries.
Strategy to extract a map of value(s) from Payload metadata, which could be composite metadata with multiple entries.
Stores registrations of extractors for metadata entries.
Exception to be thrown when a method argument fails validation perhaps as a result of @Valid style validation, or perhaps because it is required.
Common exception resulting from the invocation of HandlerMethodArgumentResolver.
Exception that indicates that a method argument has not the expected type.
MessagingException thrown when a session is missing.
SimpUserRegistry that looks up users in a "local" user registry as well as a set of "remote" user registries.
MessageHeaderAccessor subclass that supports storage and access of headers from an external source such as a message broker.
Decorator for an ExecutorSubscribableChannel that ensures messages are processed in the order they were published to the channel.
Annotation that binds a method parameter to the payload of a message.
RSocketServiceArgumentResolver for @Payload annotated arguments.
A resolver to extract and decode the payload of a message using a Decoder, where the payload is expected to be a Publisher of DataBuffer.
A resolver to extract and convert the payload of a message using a MessageConverter.
Static utility methods to create Payload from DataBuffers and vice versa.
A MessageChannel from which messages may be actively received through polling.
Resolver for arguments of type Principal, including Optional<Principal>.
Subclass of ProtobufMessageConverter for use with the official "" library for JSON support.
An MessageConverter that reads and writes using Google Protocol Buffers.
Reactive contract for handling a Message.
Support for single-value reactive types (like Mono or Single) as a return value type.
Reactor Netty based implementation of TcpOperations.
Reactor Netty based implementation of TcpConnection.
Simple holder for a decoding Function and an encoding BiConsumer to use with Reactor Netty.
Reactor Netty based implementation of TcpOperations.
Reactor Netty based implementation of TcpConnection.
A STOMP over TCP client, configurable with either ReactorNettyTcpClient or ReactorNetty2TcpClient.
A contract to determine the frequency of reconnect attempts after connection failure.
Assist with configuration for handler method return value handlers.
Strategy to apply configuration to an RSocketConnector.
Annotation to declare a method on an RSocket service interface as an RSocket endpoint.
A condition to assist with mapping onto handler methods based on the RSocket frame type.
Extension of MessageMappingMessageHandler for handling RSocket requests with @ConnectMapping and @MessageMapping methods.
Extension of AbstractEncoderMethodReturnValueHandler that handles encoded content by wrapping data buffers as RSocket payloads and by passing those through the RSocketPayloadReturnValueHandler.RESPONSE_HEADER header.
A thin wrapper around a sending RSocket with a fluent API accepting and returning higher level Objects for input and for output, along with methods to prepare routing and other metadata.
Builder to create a requester by connecting to a server.
Spec for providing additional composite metadata entries.
Spec to declare the input for an RSocket request.
Spec to declare the expected output for an RSocket request.
Resolves arguments of type RSocket that can be used for making requests to the remote peer.
Container for RSocket request values extracted from an @RSocketExchange-annotated method and argument values passed to it.
Resolve an argument from an @RSocketExchange-annotated method to one or more RSocket request values.
Factory for creating a client proxy given an RSocket service interface with @RSocketExchange methods.
Builder to create an RSocketServiceProxyFactory.
Access to strategies for use by RSocket requester and responder components.
The builder options for creating RSocketStrategies.
Annotation that indicates a method's return value should be converted to a Message if necessary and sent to the specified destination.
A HandlerMethodReturnValueHandler for sending to destinations specified in a SendTo or SendToUser method-level annotations.
Indicates the return value of a message-handling method should be sent as a Message to the specified destination(s) further prepended with "/user/{username}" where the user name is extracted from the headers of the input message being handled.
A handler for messages delegating to @MessageMapping and @SubscribeMapping annotated methods.
A wrapper class for access to attributes associated with a SiMP session (e.g.
Holder class to expose SiMP attributes associated with a session (e.g.
A "simple" message broker that recognizes the message types defined in SimpMessageType, keeps track of subscriptions with the help of a SubscriptionRegistry, and sends messages to subscribers.
Registration class for configuring a SimpleBrokerMessageHandler.
A simple converter that simply unwraps the message payload as long as it matches the expected target class.
Holds the shared logger named "org.springframework.web.SimpLogging" to use for STOMP over WebSocket messaging when logging for "org.springframework.messaging.simp" is off but logging for "org.springframework.web" is on.
A base class for working with message headers in simple messaging protocols that support basic messaging patterns.
MessageCondition for SImple Messaging Protocols.
A specialization of MessageSendingOperations with methods for use with the Spring Framework support for Simple Messaging Protocols (like STOMP).
A generic representation of different kinds of messages found in simple messaging protocols like STOMP.
MessageCondition that matches by the message type obtained via SimpMessageHeaderAccessor.getMessageType(Map).
An implementation of SimpMessageSendingOperations.
Represents a session of connected user.
A Scope implementation exposing the attributes of a SiMP session (e.g.
Represents a subscription within a user session.
A strategy for matching subscriptions.
Represents a connected user.
A registry of currently connected users.
An extended MessageConverter SPI with conversion hint support.
A MessageHandler that handles messages by forwarding them to a STOMP broker.
Contract for access to session counters.
Registration class for configuring a StompBrokerRelayMessageHandler.
Base class for STOMP client implementations.
Represents a STOMP command.
Raised after a failure to encode or decode a STOMP message.
Decodes one or more STOMP frames contained in a ByteBuffer.
An encoder for STOMP frames.
Contract to handle a STOMP frame.
A MessageHeaderAccessor to use when creating a Message from a decoded STOMP frame, or when encoding a Message to a STOMP frame.
Represents STOMP frame headers.
Simple delegation to StompDecoder and StompEncoder.
Represents a STOMP session with operations to send messages, create subscriptions and receive messages on those subscriptions.
A handle to use to track receipts.
A handle to use to unsubscribe or to track a receipt.
A contract for client STOMP session lifecycle events including a callback when the session is established and notifications of transport or message handling failures.
Abstract adapter class for StompSessionHandler with mostly empty implementation methods except for StompSessionHandlerAdapter.getPayloadType(org.springframework.messaging.simp.stomp.StompHeaders) which returns String as the default Object type expected for STOMP ERROR frame payloads.
A TcpConnectionHandler for use with STOMP connections, exposing further information about the connection.
TcpMessageCodec for STOMP, delegating to StompDecoder and StompEncoder.
A MessageConverter that supports MIME type "text/plain" with the payload converted to and from a String.
A MessageChannel that maintains a registry of subscribers and invokes them to handle messages sent through this channel.
Annotation for mapping subscription messages onto specific handler methods based on the destination of a subscription.
HandlerMethodReturnValueHandler for replying directly to a subscription.
A registry of subscription by session that allows looking up subscriptions.
An extension of HandlerMethodArgumentResolver for implementations that are synchronous in nature and do not block to resolve values.
A registration class for customizing the properties of ThreadPoolTaskExecutor.
A contract for sending messages and managing a TCP connection.
A contract for managing lifecycle events for a TCP connection including the handling of incoming messages.
Contract to encode and decode a Message to and from a ByteBuffer allowing a higher-level protocol (e.g.
A contract for establishing TCP connections.
MessageHandler with support for "user" destinations.
A strategy for resolving a "user" destination by translating it to one or more actual destinations one per active user session.
Contains the result from parsing a "user" destination from a source message and translating it to target destinations (one per active user session).
MessageHandler that handles user registry broadcasts from other application servers and periodically broadcasts the content of the local user registry.
Common annotation value constants.