All Classes and Interfaces

Abstract application context loader that provides a basis for all concrete implementations of the ContextLoader SPI.
AbstractDelegatingSmartContextLoader serves as an abstract base class for implementations of the SmartContextLoader SPI that delegate to a set of candidate SmartContextLoaders (i.e., one that supports XML configuration files or Groovy scripts and one that supports annotated classes) to determine which context loader is appropriate for a given test class's configuration.
Abstract base class for TestExecutionListener implementations that provide support for marking the ApplicationContext associated with a test as dirty for both test classes and test methods annotated with the @DirtiesContext annotation.
Abstract, generic extension of AbstractContextLoader that loads a GenericApplicationContext.
Abstract, generic extension of AbstractContextLoader that loads a GenericWebApplicationContext.
Abstract base test class which integrates the Spring TestContext Framework with explicit ApplicationContext testing support in a JUnit 4 environment.
Abstract implementation of MockMvcBuilder with common methods for configuring filters, default request properties, global expectations and global result actions.
Base class for RequestExpectationManager implementations responsible for storing expectations and actual requests, and checking for unsatisfied expectations at the end.
Helper class to manage a group of remaining expectations.
Abstract implementation of the TestContextBootstrapper interface which provides most of the behavior required by a bootstrapper.
Abstract ordered implementation of the TestExecutionListener API.
Abstract base test class which integrates the Spring TestContext Framework with explicit ApplicationContext testing support in a TestNG environment.
Abstract transactional extension of AbstractJUnit4SpringContextTests which adds convenience functionality for JDBC access.
Abstract transactional extension of AbstractTestNGSpringContextTests which adds convenience functionality for JDBC access.
ActiveProfiles is a class-level annotation that is used to declare which active bean definition profiles should be used when loading an ApplicationContext for test classes.
Strategy interface for programmatically resolving which active bean definition profiles should be used when loading an ApplicationContext for a test class.
@EventListener annotation used to consume an AfterTestClassEvent published by the EventPublishingTestExecutionListener.
@EventListener annotation used to consume an AfterTestExecutionEvent published by the EventPublishingTestExecutionListener.
@EventListener annotation used to consume an AfterTestMethodEvent published by the EventPublishingTestExecutionListener.
Test annotation which indicates that the annotated void method should be executed after a transaction is ended for a test method configured to run within a transaction via Spring's @Transactional annotation.
Concrete implementation of AbstractGenericContextLoader that loads bean definitions from component classes.
Utility methods for SmartContextLoaders that deal with component classes (e.g., @Configuration classes).
Concrete implementation of AbstractGenericWebContextLoader that loads bean definitions from annotated classes.
AopTestUtils is a collection of AOP-related utility methods for use in unit and integration testing scenarios.
Strategy interface for loading an ApplicationContext for build-time AOT processing as well as run-time AOT execution for an integration test managed by the Spring TestContext Framework.
Holder for metadata specific to ahead-of-time (AOT) support in the Spring TestContext Framework.
AotTestContextInitializers provides mappings from test classes to AOT-optimized context initializers.
AotTestExecutionListener is an extension of the TestExecutionListener SPI that allows a listener to optionally provide ahead-of-time (AOT) support.
Strategy for components that process failures related to application contexts within the Spring TestContext Framework.
ApplicationEvents encapsulates all application events that were fired during the execution of a single test method.
Holder class to expose the application events published during the execution of a test in the form of a thread-bound ApplicationEvents object.
TestExecutionListener which provides support for ApplicationEvents.
Test assertions that are independent of any third-party assertion library.
@EventListener annotation used to consume a BeforeTestClassEvent published by the EventPublishingTestExecutionListener.
@EventListener annotation used to consume a BeforeTestExecution published by the EventPublishingTestExecutionListener.
@EventListener annotation used to consume a BeforeTestMethodEvent published by the EventPublishingTestExecutionListener.
Test annotation which indicates that the annotated void method should be executed before a transaction is started for a test method configured to run within a transaction via Spring's @Transactional annotation.
BootstrapContext encapsulates the context in which the Spring TestContext Framework is bootstrapped.
BootstrapUtils is a collection of utility methods to assist with bootstrapping the Spring TestContext Framework.
@BootstrapWith defines class-level metadata that is used to determine how to bootstrap the Spring TestContext Framework.
A CacheAwareContextLoaderDelegate is responsible for loading and closing application contexts, interacting transparently with a ContextCache behind the scenes.
@Commit is a test annotation that is used to indicate that a test-managed transaction should be committed after the test method has completed.
Defines common methods for building a MockMvc.
An extension of SmartRequestBuilder that can be configured with RequestPostProcessors.
Factory for request content RequestMatcher's.
Factory for response content assertions.
ContextCache defines the SPI for caching Spring ApplicationContexts within the Spring TestContext Framework.
Collection of utilities for working with ContextCaches.
@ContextConfiguration defines class-level metadata that is used to determine how to load and configure an ApplicationContext for integration tests.
ContextConfigurationAttributes encapsulates the context configuration attributes declared via @ContextConfiguration.
Strategy interface for customizing application contexts that are created and managed by the Spring TestContext Framework.
Factory for creating ContextCustomizers.
@ContextHierarchy is a class-level annotation that is used to define a hierarchy of ApplicationContexts for integration tests.
Strategy interface for loading an ApplicationContext for an integration test managed by the Spring TestContext Framework.
Exception thrown when an error occurs while a SmartContextLoader attempts to load an ApplicationContext.
Assertions on cookies of the response.
Factory for response cookie assertions.
Default implementation of the ActiveProfilesResolver strategy that resolves active bean definition profiles based solely on profiles configured declaratively via ActiveProfiles.profiles() or ActiveProfiles.value().
Default implementation of the BootstrapContext interface.
Default implementation of the CacheAwareContextLoaderDelegate interface.
Default implementation of the ContextCache API.
A concrete implementation of AbstractMockMvcBuilder that provides the WebApplicationContext supplied to it as a constructor argument.
Default implementation of RequestExpectation that simply delegates to the request matchers and the response creator it contains.
Helper class that keeps track of actual vs expected request count.
A ResponseCreator with builder-style methods for adding response details.
Default implementation of the TestContext interface.
Default implementation of the TestContextBootstrapper SPI.
Delegating implementation of ServletInputStream.
Delegating implementation of ServletOutputStream.
DelegatingSmartContextLoader is a concrete implementation of AbstractDelegatingSmartContextLoader that delegates to a GenericXmlContextLoader (or a GenericGroovyXmlContextLoader if Groovy is present in the classpath) and an AnnotationConfigContextLoader.
Implementation of WebConnection that allows delegating to various WebConnection implementations.
The delegate web connection.
TestExecutionListener which provides support for dependency injection and initialization of test instances.
Test annotation which indicates that the ApplicationContext associated with a test is dirty and should therefore be closed and removed from the context cache.
Defines modes which determine how @DirtiesContext is interpreted when used to annotate a test class.
Defines modes which determine how the context cache is cleared when @DirtiesContext is used in a test whose context is configured as part of a hierarchy via @ContextHierarchy.
Defines modes which determine how @DirtiesContext is interpreted when used to annotate a test method.
TestExecutionListener which provides support for marking the ApplicationContext associated with a test as dirty for both test classes and test methods annotated with the @DirtiesContext annotation.
TestExecutionListener which provides support for marking the ApplicationContext associated with a test as dirty for both test classes and test methods annotated with the @DirtiesContext annotation.
@DisabledIf is used to signal that the annotated test class or test method is disabled and should not be executed if the supplied DisabledIf.expression() evaluates to true.
DisabledIfCondition is an ExecutionCondition that supports the @DisabledIf annotation when using the Spring TestContext Framework in conjunction with JUnit 5's Jupiter programming model.
Strategy interface for customizing DispatcherServlet instances that are managed by MockMvc.
Registry used with @DynamicPropertySource methods so that they can add properties to the Environment that have dynamically resolved values.
Method-level annotation for integration tests that need to add properties with dynamic values to the Environment's set of PropertySources.
@EnabledIf is used to signal that the annotated test class or test method is enabled and should be executed if the supplied EnabledIf.expression() evaluates to true.
EnabledIfCondition is an ExecutionCondition that supports the @EnabledIf annotation when using the Spring TestContext Framework in conjunction with JUnit 5's Jupiter programming model.
ExchangeResult sub-class that exposes the response body fully extracted to a representation of type <T>.
TestExecutionListener that publishes test execution events to the ApplicationContext for the currently executing test.
ExceptionCollector is a test utility for executing code blocks, collecting exceptions, and generating a single AssertionError containing any exceptions encountered as suppressed exceptions.
Executable is a functional interface that can be used to implement any generic block of code that potentially throws a Throwable.
Container for request and response details for exchanges performed through WebTestClient.
ResponseCreator that obtains the response by executing the request through a ClientHttpRequestFactory.
A simple type representing a range for an expected count.
Factory for "output" flash attribute assertions.
ExchangeResult variant with the response body decoded as Flux<T> but not yet consumed.
Concrete implementation of AbstractGenericContextLoader that reads bean definitions from Groovy scripts and XML configuration files.
Concrete implementation of AbstractGenericWebContextLoader that loads bean definitions from Groovy scripts and XML configuration files.
Concrete implementation of AbstractGenericContextLoader that reads bean definitions from XML resources.
Concrete implementation of AbstractGenericWebContextLoader that loads bean definitions from XML resources.
Factory for assertions on the selected handler or handler method.
Assertions on headers of the response.
Factory for response header assertions.
A WebRequestMatcher that allows matching on the host and optionally the port of WebRequest#getUrl().
Connector that handles requests by invoking an HttpHandler rather than making actual requests to a network socket.
Indicates that an error occurred after the server response was completed, via ReactiveHttpOutputMessage.writeWith(org.reactivestreams.Publisher<? extends>) or ReactiveHttpOutputMessage.setComplete(), and can no longer be changed.
Test annotation for use with JUnit 4 to indicate whether a test is enabled or disabled for a specific testing profile.
JdbcTestUtils is a collection of JDBC related utility functions intended to simplify standard database testing scenarios.
A helper class for assertions on JSON content.
JsonPath assertions.
A helper class for applying assertions via JSON path expressions.
Factory for assertions on the request content using JsonPath expressions.
Factory for assertions on the response content using JsonPath expressions.
MergedContextConfiguration encapsulates the merged context configuration declared on a test class and all of its superclasses and enclosing classes via @ContextConfiguration, @ActiveProfiles, and @TestPropertySource.
Mock implementation of the AsyncContext interface.
Mock implementation of the BodyContent class.
Mock implementation of ClientHttpRequest.
Mock implementation of ClientHttpRequest.
Mock implementation of ClientHttpResponse.
Mock implementation of ClientHttpResponse.
Extension of Cookie with extra attributes, as defined in RFC 6265.
Simple ConfigurableEnvironment implementation exposing MockEnvironment.setProperty(java.lang.String, java.lang.String) and MockEnvironment.withProperty(java.lang.String, java.lang.String) methods for testing purposes.
Mock implementation of the FilterChain interface.
Mock implementation of the FilterConfig interface.
Mock implementation of HttpInputMessage.
Mock implementation of HttpOutputMessage.
Mock implementation of HttpServletMapping.
Mock implementation of the HttpServletRequest interface.
Default builder for MockHttpServletRequest required as input to perform requests in MockMvc.
Mock implementation of the HttpServletResponse interface.
Mock implementation of the HttpSession interface.
Mock implementation of the JspWriter class.
Mock implementation of the MultipartFile interface.
Mock implementation of the MultipartHttpServletRequest interface.
Default builder for MockMultipartHttpServletRequest.
Main entry point for server-side Spring MVC test support.
Builds a MockMvc instance.
The main class to import in order to access all available MockMvcBuilders.
Base class for MockMvc builder implementations, providing the capability to create a MockMvc instance.
A ClientHttpRequestFactory for requests executed via MockMvc.
Contract for customizing a ConfigurableMockMvcBuilder in some specific way, e.g.
An empty method implementation of MockMvcConfigurer.
MockMvcHtmlUnitDriverBuilder simplifies the building of an HtmlUnitDriver that delegates to MockMvc and optionally delegates to an actual connection for specific requests.
Connector that handles requests by invoking a MockMvc rather than making actual requests over HTTP.
Static factory methods for RequestBuilders.
Static factory methods for ResultHandler-based result actions.
Static factory methods for ResultMatcher-based result actions.
MockMvcWebClientBuilder simplifies the creation of an HtmlUnit WebClient that delegates to a MockMvc instance.
MockMvcWebConnection enables MockMvc to transform a WebRequest into a WebResponse.
Support class that simplifies the creation of a WebConnection that uses MockMvc and optionally delegates to a real WebConnection for specific requests.
The main class for testing Spring MVC applications via WebTestClient with MockMvc for server request handling.
Specification for configuring MockMvc to test one or more controllers directly, and a simple facade around StandaloneMockMvcBuilder.
Base specification for configuring MockMvc, and a simple facade around ConfigurableMockMvcBuilder.
Mock implementation of the PageContext interface.
Mock implementation of jakarta.servlet.http.Part.
Simple PropertySource implementation for use in testing.
Mock implementation of the RequestDispatcher interface.
Static factory methods for RequestMatcher classes.
Static factory methods to obtain a ResponseCreator with a fixed response.
Main entry point for client-side REST testing.
Builder to create a MockRestServiceServer.
Simple ClientHttpResponse extension that also exposes a result object from the underlying mock server exchange for further assertions on the state of the server response after the request is performed.
Contract that frameworks or applications can use to pre-package a set of customizations to a WebTestClient.MockServerSpec and expose that as a shortcut.
Mock extension of AbstractServerHttpRequest for use in tests without an actual server.
Request builder exposing properties not related to the body.
A builder that adds a body to the request.
Mock extension of AbstractServerHttpResponse for use in tests without an actual server.
Mock implementation of ServerRequest.
Builder for MockServerRequest.
Extension of DefaultServerWebExchange for use in tests, along with MockServerHttpRequest and MockServerHttpResponse.
Builder for a MockServerWebExchange.
Mock implementation of the ServletConfig interface.
Mock implementation of the ServletContext interface.
Mock implementation of the SessionCookieConfig interface.
Implementation of WebSession that delegates to a session instance obtained via InMemoryWebSessionStore.
A collection of assertions intended to simplify testing scenarios dealing with Spring Web MVC ModelAndView objects.
Factory for assertions on the model.
Provides access to the result of an executed request.
@NestedTestConfiguration is a type-level annotation that is used to configure how Spring test configuration annotations are processed within enclosing class hierarchies (i.e., for inner test classes).
Enumeration of modes that dictate how test configuration from enclosing classes is processed for inner test classes.
Implementation of the FilterConfig interface which simply passes the call through to a given Filter/FilterChain combination (indicating the next Filter in the chain along with the FilterChain that it is supposed to work on) or to a given Servlet (indicating the end of the chain).
@EventListener annotation used to consume a PrepareTestInstanceEvent published by the EventPublishingTestExecutionListener.
Result handler that prints MvcResult details to a given output stream — for example: System.out, System.err, a custom, etc.
A contract for how to actually write result information.
ProfileValueChecker is a custom JUnit Statement that checks whether a test class or test method is enabled in the current environment via Spring's @IfProfileValue annotation.
Strategy interface for retrieving profile values for a given testing environment.
ProfileValueSourceConfiguration is a class-level annotation for use with JUnit 4 which is used to specify what type of ProfileValueSource to use when retrieving profile values configured via @IfProfileValue.
General utility methods for working with profile values.
Strategy for providing named properties — for example, for looking up key-value pairs in a generic fashion.
@RecordApplicationEvents is a class-level annotation that is used to instruct the Spring TestContext Framework to record all application events that are published in the ApplicationContext during the execution of a single test.
ReflectionTestUtils is a collection of reflection-based utility methods for use in unit and integration testing scenarios.
Test annotation for use with JUnit 4 to indicate that a test method should be invoked repeatedly.
An extension of ResponseActions that also implements RequestMatcher and ResponseCreator
Encapsulates the behavior required to implement MockRestServiceServer including its public API (create expectations + verify/reset) along with an extra method for verifying actual requests.
A contract for matching requests to expectations.
Extension point for applications or 3rd party libraries that wish to further initialize a MockHttpServletRequest instance after it has been built by MockHttpServletRequestBuilder or its subclass MockMultipartHttpServletRequestBuilder.
Factory for assertions on the request.
A contract for setting up request expectations and defining a response.
A contract for creating a ClientHttpResponse.
Allows applying actions, such as expectations, on the result of an executed request.
A ResultHandler performs a generic action on the result of an executed request — for example, printing debug information.
A ResultMatcher matches the result of an executed request against some expectation.
@Rollback is a test annotation that is used to indicate whether a test-managed transaction should be rolled back after the test method has completed.
RunAfterTestClassCallbacks is a custom JUnit Statement which allows the Spring TestContext Framework to be plugged into the JUnit execution chain by calling afterTestClass() on the supplied TestContextManager.
RunAfterTestExecutionCallbacks is a custom JUnit Statement which allows the Spring TestContext Framework to be plugged into the JUnit 4 execution chain by calling afterTestExecution() on the supplied TestContextManager.
RunAfterTestMethodCallbacks is a custom JUnit Statement which allows the Spring TestContext Framework to be plugged into the JUnit execution chain by calling afterTestMethod() on the supplied TestContextManager.
RunBeforeTestClassCallbacks is a custom JUnit Statement which allows the Spring TestContext Framework to be plugged into the JUnit execution chain by calling beforeTestClass() on the supplied TestContextManager.
RunBeforeTestExecutionCallbacks is a custom JUnit Statement which allows the Spring TestContext Framework to be plugged into the JUnit 4 execution chain by calling beforeTestExecution() on the supplied TestContextManager.
RunBeforeTestMethodCallbacks is a custom JUnit Statement which allows the Spring TestContext Framework to be plugged into the JUnit execution chain by calling beforeTestMethod() on the supplied TestContextManager.
RunPrepareTestInstanceCallbacks is a custom JUnit Statement which allows the Spring TestContext Framework to be plugged into the JUnit execution chain by calling prepareTestInstance() on the supplied TestContextManager.
TestExecutionListener which provides mock Servlet API support to WebApplicationContexts loaded by the Spring TestContext Framework.
MockMvcConfigurer that stores and re-uses the HTTP session across multiple requests performed through the same MockMvc instance.
Simple RequestExpectationManager that matches requests to expectations sequentially, i.e.
Strategy interface for loading an ApplicationContext for an integration test managed by the Spring TestContext Framework.
SpringClassRule is a custom JUnit TestRule that supports class-level features of the Spring TestContext Framework in standard JUnit tests by means of the TestContextManager and associated support classes and annotations.
SpringExtension integrates the Spring TestContext Framework into JUnit 5's Jupiter programming model.
SpringFailOnTimeout is a custom JUnit Statement which adds support for Spring's @Timed annotation by throwing an exception if the next statement in the execution chain takes more than the specified number of milliseconds.
SpringJUnit4ClassRunner is a custom extension of JUnit's BlockJUnit4ClassRunner which provides functionality of the Spring TestContext Framework to standard JUnit tests by means of the TestContextManager and associated support classes and annotations.
@SpringJUnitConfig is a composed annotation that combines @ExtendWith(SpringExtension.class) from JUnit Jupiter with @ContextConfiguration from the Spring TestContext Framework.
@SpringJUnitWebConfig is a composed annotation that combines @ExtendWith(SpringExtension.class) from JUnit Jupiter with @ContextConfiguration and @WebAppConfiguration from the Spring TestContext Framework.
SpringMethodRule is a custom JUnit 4 MethodRule that supports instance-level and method-level features of the Spring TestContext Framework in standard JUnit tests by means of the TestContextManager and associated support classes and annotations.
SpringRepeat is a custom JUnit Statement which adds support for Spring's @Repeat annotation by repeating the test the specified number of times.
SpringRunner is an alias for the SpringJUnit4ClassRunner.
@Sql is used to annotate a test class or test method to configure SQL Sql.scripts() and Sql.statements() to be executed against a given database during integration tests.
Enumeration of phases that dictate when SQL scripts are executed.
@SqlConfig defines metadata that is used to determine how to parse and execute SQL scripts configured via the @Sql annotation.
Enumeration of modes that dictate how errors are handled while executing SQL statements.
Enumeration of modes that dictate whether SQL scripts should be executed within a transaction and what the transaction propagation behavior should be.
Container annotation that aggregates several @Sql annotations.
@SqlMergeMode is used to annotate a test class or test method to configure whether method-level @Sql declarations are merged with class-level @Sql declarations.
Enumeration of modes that dictate whether method-level @Sql declarations are merged with class-level @Sql declarations.
TestExecutionListener that provides support for executing SQL scripts and inlined statements configured via the @Sql annotation.
A MockMvcBuilder that accepts @Controller registrations thus allowing full control over the instantiation and initialization of controllers and their dependencies similar to plain unit tests, and also making it possible to test one controller at a time.
Assertions on the response status.
Factory for assertions on the response status.
Implementation of ProfileValueSource which uses system properties as the underlying source.
Collection of utility methods for working with Spring's core testing annotations.
Filesystem-based ahead-of-time (AOT) processing base implementation that scans the provided classpath roots for Spring integration test classes and then generates AOT artifacts for those test classes in the configured output directories.
@TestConstructor is a type-level annotation that is used to configure how the parameters of a test class constructor are autowired from components in the test's ApplicationContext.
Defines autowiring modes for parameters in a test constructor.
Utility methods for working with @TestConstructor.
TestContext encapsulates the context in which a test is executed, agnostic of the actual testing framework in use.
TestContextAnnotationUtils is a collection of utility methods that complements the standard support already available in AnnotationUtils and AnnotatedElementUtils, while transparently honoring @NestedTestConfiguration semantics.
Descriptor for an Annotation, including the class on which the annotation is declared as well as the merged annotation instance.
Untyped extension of TestContextAnnotationUtils.AnnotationDescriptor that is used to describe the declaration of one of several candidate annotation types where the actual annotation type cannot be predetermined.
Thrown if an error occurs during AOT build-time processing or AOT run-time execution in the Spring TestContext Framework.
TestContextAotGenerator generates AOT artifacts for integration tests that depend on support from the Spring TestContext Framework.
TestContextBootstrapper defines the SPI for bootstrapping the Spring TestContext Framework.
Base class for events published by the EventPublishingTestExecutionListener.
TestContextManager is the main entry point into the Spring TestContext Framework.
Utility methods for working with resources within the Spring TestContext Framework.
Collection of utilities for working with SpringFactoriesLoader within the Spring TestContext Framework.
Utility methods for working with transactions and data access related beans within the Spring TestContext Framework.
TestExecutionListener defines a listener API for reacting to test execution events published by the TestContextManager with which the listener is registered.
TestExecutionListeners defines class-level metadata for configuring which TestExecutionListeners should be registered with a TestContextManager.
Enumeration of modes that dictate whether explicitly declared listeners are merged with the default listeners when @TestExecutionListeners is declared on a class that does not inherit listeners from a superclass or enclosing class.
@TestPropertySource is a class-level annotation that is used to configure the TestPropertySource.locations() of properties files and inlined to be added to the Environment's set of PropertySources for an ApplicationContext for integration tests.
@TestPropertySources is a container for one or more @TestPropertySource declarations.
Utility methods for working with @TestPropertySource and adding test PropertySources to the Environment.
Contract for registering RuntimeHints for integration tests run with the Spring TestContext Framework based on the ClassLoader of the deployment unit.
Simple utility for finding available TCP ports on localhost for use in integration testing scenarios.
TestTransaction provides a collection of static utility methods for programmatic interaction with test-managed transactions within test methods, before methods, and after methods.
Test annotation for use with JUnit 4 to indicate that a test method has to finish execution in a specified time period.
TestExecutionListener that provides support for executing tests within test-managed transactions by honoring Spring's @Transactional annotation.
RequestExpectationManager that matches requests to expectations regardless of the order of declaration of expected requests.
A WebRequestMatcher that allows matching on WebRequest#getUrl().toExternalForm() using a regular expression.
Factory for assertions on the selected view.
@WebAppConfiguration is a class-level annotation that is used to declare that the ApplicationContext loaded for an integration test should be a WebApplicationContext.
WebConnectionHtmlUnitDriver enables configuration of the WebConnection for an HtmlUnitDriver instance.
WebDelegatingSmartContextLoader is a concrete implementation of AbstractDelegatingSmartContextLoader that delegates to a GenericXmlWebContextLoader (or a GenericGroovyXmlWebContextLoader if Groovy is present on the classpath) and an AnnotationConfigWebContextLoader.
WebMergedContextConfiguration encapsulates the merged context configuration declared on a test class and all of its superclasses and enclosing classes via @ContextConfiguration, @WebAppConfiguration, @ActiveProfiles, and @TestPropertySource.
Strategy for matching on a WebRequest.
Client for testing web servers that uses WebClient internally to perform requests while also providing a fluent API to verify responses.
Spec for expectations on the response body content.
Spec for expectations on the response body decoded to a single Object.
Steps for customizing the WebClient used to test with, internally delegating to a WebClient.Builder.
Specification for customizing controller configuration equivalent to, and internally delegating to, a WebFluxConfigurer.
Spec for expectations on the response body decoded to a List.
Base specification for setting up tests without a server.
Specification for providing body of a request.
Specification for providing the body and the URI of a request.
Specification for adding request headers and performing an exchange.
Specification for providing request headers and the URI of a request.
Chained API for applying assertions to a response.
Specification for customizing router function configuration.
Specification for providing the URI of a request.
Contract that frameworks or applications can use to pre-package a set of customizations to a WebTestClient.Builder and expose that as a shortcut.
Web-specific implementation of the TestContextBootstrapper SPI.
A helper class for assertions on XML content.
XPath assertions for the WebTestClient.
A helper class for applying assertions via XPath expressions.
Factory methods for request content RequestMatcher implementations that use an XPath expression.
Factory for assertions on the response content using XPath expressions.