spring-web 6.0.23 API

Contains a basic abstraction over client/server-side HTTP.
Contains an abstraction over client-side HTTP.
This package provides support for client HTTP Observation.
Abstractions for reactive HTTP client support including ClientHttpRequest and ClientHttpResponse as well as a ClientHttpConnector.
This package provides generic HTTP support classes, to be used by higher-level classes like RestTemplate.
Provides implementations of Encoder and Decoder for web use.
CBOR encoder and decoder support.
JSON encoder and decoder support.
Multipart support.
Provides an encoder and a decoder for Google Protocol Buffers.
Provides implementations of ClientCodecConfigurer and ServerCodecConfigurer based on the converter implementations from org.springframework.http.codec.json and co.
XML encoder and decoder support.
Provides an HttpMessageConverter abstraction to convert between Java objects and HTTP input/output messages.
Provides an HttpMessageConverter for the CBOR data format.
Provides HttpMessageConverter implementations for handling Atom and RSS feeds.
Provides HttpMessageConverter implementations for handling JSON.
Provides an HttpMessageConverter implementation for handling Google Protocol Buffers.
Provides an HttpMessageConverter for the Smile data format ("binary JSON").
Provides a comprehensive HttpMessageConverter variant for form handling.
Provides HttpMessageConverter implementations for handling XML.
Contains an abstraction over server-side HTTP.
Instrumentation for observing HTTP server applications.
Abstractions for reactive HTTP server support including a ServerHttpRequest and ServerHttpResponse along with an HttpHandler for processing.
Instrumentation for observing reactive HTTP server applications.
Common, generic interfaces that define minimal boundary points between Spring's web infrastructure and other framework modules.
This package contains classes used to determine the requested the media types in a request.
Provides web-specific data binding functionality.
Annotations for binding requests to controllers and handler methods as well as for binding request parameters to method arguments.
Support classes for web data binding.
Core package of the client-side web support.
Classes supporting the org.springframework.web.client package.
Contains a variant of the application context interface for web applications, and the ContextLoaderListener that bootstraps a root web application context.
Provides convenience annotations for web scopes.
Support for generic request context holding, in particular for scoping of application objects per HTTP request or HTTP session.
Support for asynchronous request processing.
Classes supporting the org.springframework.web.context package, such as WebApplicationContext implementations and various utility classes.
Support for CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing), based on a common CorsProcessor strategy.
Reactive support for CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing), based on a common CorsProcessor strategy.
Provides generic filter base classes allowing for bean-style configuration.
WebFilter implementations for use in reactive web applications.
Support classes for integrating a JSF web layer with a Spring service layer which is hosted in a Spring root WebApplicationContext.
ELResolvers for integrating a JSF web layer with a Spring service layer which is hosted in a Spring root WebApplicationContext.
Common infrastructure for handler method processing, as used by Spring MVC's org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.method package.
Support classes for annotation-based handler method processing.
Generic support classes for handler method processing.
Multipart resolution framework for handling file uploads.
Support classes for the multipart resolution framework.
Core interfaces and classes for Spring's generic, reactive web support.
Implementations to adapt to the underlying org.springframework.http.client.reactive reactive HTTP adapter and HttpHandler.
Provides common WebHandler implementations and a WebHandlerDecorator.
Locale related support classes.
Auxiliary interfaces and implementation classes for WebSession support.
Annotations for declaring HTTP service request methods.
Support for creating a client proxy for an HTTP service annotated with HttpExchange methods.
Miscellaneous web utility classes, such as HTML escaping and cookie handling.
Dedicated support for matching HTTP request paths.