All Classes and Interfaces

Abstract base class for filename suffix based VersionStrategy implementations, e.g.
Abstract base class for HandlerMapping implementations.
Abstract base class for HandlerMapping implementations that define a mapping between a request and a HandlerMethod.
Base class for WebSocketSession implementations that bridge between event-listener WebSocket APIs (e.g.
Abstract base class for argument resolvers that resolve method arguments by reading the request body with an HttpMessageReader.
Abstract base class for result handlers that handle return values by writing to the response with HttpMessageWriter.
Abstract base class for resolving method arguments from a named value.
Represents the information about a named value, including name, whether it's required and a default value.
An extension of AbstractNamedValueArgumentResolver for named value resolvers that are synchronous and yet non-blocking.
Abstract base class for VersionStrategy implementations that insert a prefix into the URL path, e.g.
Base ResourceResolver providing consistent logging.
Abstract base class for URL-based views.
Abstract base class for URL-mapped HandlerMapping implementations.
Base class for View implementations.
Convenient base class for WebSocketSession implementations that holds common fields and exposes accessors.
Helps to configure resolvers for Controller method arguments.
Context to assist with binding request data onto Objects and provide access to a shared Model with controller-specific attributes.
Simple adapter to expose the bind status of a field or object.
BodyExtractor<T,M extends org.springframework.http.ReactiveHttpInputMessage>
A function that can extract data from a ReactiveHttpInputMessage body.
Defines the context used during the extraction.
Static factory methods for BodyExtractor implementations.
BodyInserter<T,M extends org.springframework.http.ReactiveHttpOutputMessage>
A combination of functions that can populate a ReactiveHttpOutputMessage body.
Defines the context used during the insertion.
Static factory methods for BodyInserter implementations.
Extension of BodyInserter that allows for adding form data or multipart form data.
Extension of BodyInserters.FormInserter that allows for adding asynchronous parts.
A ResourceResolver that resolves resources from a Cache or otherwise delegates to the resolver chain and caches the result.
A ResourceTransformer that checks a Cache to see if a previously transformed resource exists in the cache and returns it if found, or otherwise delegates to the resolver chain and caches the result.
Documented KeyValues for the HTTP client observations.
Represents a typed, immutable, client-side HTTP request, as executed by the ExchangeFunction.
Defines a builder for a request.
Context that holds information for metadata collection during the HTTP client exchange observations.
Interface for an ObservationConvention related to HTTP client exchange observations.
Represents an HTTP response, as returned by WebClient and also ExchangeFunction.
Defines a builder for a response.
Represents the headers of the HTTP response.
Implementation of the ClientResponse interface that can be subclassed to adapt the request in a exchange filter function.
Implementation of the Headers interface that can be subclassed to adapt the headers in a exchange filter function.
Representation of WebSocket "close" status codes and reasons.
Implements the RequestCondition contract by delegating to multiple RequestCondition types and using a logical conjunction (' && ') to ensure all conditions match a given request.
A logical disjunction (' || ') request condition to match a request's 'Content-Type' header to a list of media type expressions.
A VersionStrategy that calculates a Hex MD5 hash from the content of the resource and appends it to the file name, e.g.
WebSocketHandler decorator that enriches the context of the target handler.
No-op resolver for method arguments of type Continuation.
Resolve method arguments annotated with @CookieValue.
Assists with the creation of a CorsConfiguration instance for a given URL path pattern.
Assists with the registration of global, URL pattern based CorsConfiguration mappings.
A ResourceTransformer implementation that modifies links in a CSS file to match the public URL paths that should be exposed to clients (e.g.
Abstract base class for CssLinkResourceTransformer.LinkParser implementations.
Extract content chunks that represent links.
Default implementation for a ClientRequestObservationConvention, extracting information from the ClientRequestObservationContext.
A subclass of WebFluxConfigurationSupport that detects and delegates to all beans of type WebFluxConfigurer allowing them to customize the configuration provided by WebFluxConfigurationSupport.
Central dispatcher for HTTP request handlers/controllers.
Contract to map a Throwable to a HandlerResult.
Adding this annotation to an @Configuration class imports the Spring WebFlux configuration from WebFluxConfigurationSupport that enables use of annotated controllers and functional endpoints.
Resolver that delegates to the chain, and if a resource is found, it then attempts to find an encoded (e.g.
Entity-specific subtype of ServerResponse that exposes entity data.
Defines a builder for EntityResponse.
Resolve Errors or BindingResult method arguments.
Represents a function that filters an exchange function.
Static factory methods providing access to built-in implementations of ExchangeFilterFunction for basic authentication, error handling, etc.
as of Spring 5.1 in favor of using HttpHeaders.setBasicAuth(String, String) while building the request.
Represents a function that exchanges a request for a (delayed) ClientResponse.
Static factory methods to create an ExchangeFunction.
Provides strategies for use in an ExchangeFunction.
A mutable builder for an ExchangeStrategies.
Resolves method arguments annotated with @Value.
Resolver that always resolves to a fixed list of media types.
A VersionStrategy that relies on a fixed version applied as a request path prefix, e.g.
Interface to be implemented by objects that configure and manage a FreeMarker Configuration object in a web environment.
Configures FreeMarker for web usage via the "configLocation" and/or "freemarkerSettings" and/or "templateLoaderPath" properties.
A View implementation that uses the FreeMarker template engine.
A ViewResolver for resolving FreeMarkerView instances, i.e.
Contract to abstract the details of invoking a handler of a given type.
Represents a function that filters a handler function.
Represents a function that handles a request.
HandlerAdapter implementation that supports HandlerFunctions.
Interface to be implemented by objects that define a mapping between requests and handler objects.
Strategy to resolve the argument value for a method parameter in the context of the current HTTP request.
Base class for HandlerMethodArgumentResolver implementations with access to a ReactiveAdapterRegistry and methods to check for method parameter support.
Represent the result of the invocation of a handler or a handler method.
Process the HandlerResult, usually returned by a HandlerAdapter.
Base class for HandlerResultHandler with support for content negotiation and access to a ReactiveAdapter registry.
Defines the strategies to be used for processing HandlerFunctions.
A mutable builder for a HandlerStrategies.
Simple container of information related to the handshake request that started the WebSocketSession session.
WebSocketService implementation that handles a WebSocket HTTP handshake request by delegating to a RequestUpgradeStrategy which is either auto-detected (no-arg constructor) from the classpath but can also be explicitly configured.
Resolver that looks at the 'Accept' header of the request.
A logical conjunction (' && ') request condition that matches a request against a set of header expressions with syntax defined in RequestMapping.headers().
Resolves method arguments of type HttpEntity or RequestEntity by reading the body of the request through a compatible HttpMessageReader.
View that writes model attribute(s) with an HttpMessageWriter.
Extended interface for a Resource to be written to an HTTP response.
Extension of HandlerMethod that invokes the underlying method with argument values resolved from the current HTTP request through a list of HandlerMethodArgumentResolver.
A WebSocket RequestUpgradeStrategy for Jetty 11.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
as of 6.0.3, in favor of StandardWebSocketClient
Jetty @WebSocket handler that delegates events to a reactive WebSocketHandler and its session.
Spring WebSocketSession implementation that adapts to a Jetty WebSocket Session.
Resolves arguments of type Map annotated with @MatrixVariable where the annotation does not specify a name.
Resolves arguments annotated with @MatrixVariable.
A contract for media type expressions (e.g.
Resolve @ModelAttribute annotated method arguments.
Resolver for a controller method argument of type Model that can also be resolved as a Map.
A contract for "name!=value" style expression used to specify request parameters and request header conditions in @RequestMapping.
Base class for Netty-based WebSocketSession adapters that provides convenience methods to convert Netty WebSocketFrames to and from WebSocketMessages.
Base class for Netty-based WebSocketSession adapters that provides convenience methods to convert Netty WebSocketFrames to and from WebSocketMessages.
Resolver that checks a query parameter and uses it to look up a matching MediaType.
A logical conjunction (' && ') request condition that matches a request against a set parameter expressions with syntax defined in RequestMapping.params().
Assist with configuring HandlerMapping's with path matching options.
A simple ResourceResolver that tries to find a resource under the given locations matching to the request path.
Resolver for Map method arguments annotated with @PathVariable where the annotation does not specify a path variable name.
Resolves method arguments annotated with @PathVariable.
A logical disjunction (' || ') request condition that matches a request against a set of URL path patterns.
Resolves method argument value of type Principal.
A logical disjunction (' || ') request condition to match a request's 'Accept' header to a list of media type expressions.
A WebSocket RequestUpgradeStrategy for Reactor Netty for Netty 5.
WebSocketClient implementation for use with Reactor Netty for Netty 5.
WebSocketSession implementation for use with the Reactor Netty's (Netty 5) NettyInbound and NettyOutbound.
Simple container for NettyInbound and NettyOutbound.
A WebSocket RequestUpgradeStrategy for Reactor Netty.
WebSocketClient implementation for use with Reactor Netty.
WebSocketSession implementation for use with the Reactor Netty's NettyInbound and NettyOutbound.
Simple container for NettyInbound and NettyOutbound.
View that redirects to an absolute or context relative URL.
Public API for HTML rendering.
Defines a builder for Rendering.
Extends Rendering.Builder with extra options for redirect scenarios.
Context passed to ScriptTemplateView render function in order to make the application context, the locale, the template loader and the url available on scripting side.
Rendering-specific subtype of ServerResponse that exposes model and template data.
Defines a builder for RenderingResponse.
Resolves method arguments annotated with an @RequestAttribute.
Resolves method arguments annotated with @RequestBody by reading the body of the request through a compatible HttpMessageReader.
Contract for request mapping conditions.
A holder for a RequestCondition useful when the type of the request condition is not known ahead of time, e.g.
Context holder for request-specific state, like the MessageSource to use, current locale, binding errors, etc.
A contract for inspecting and potentially modifying request data values such as URL query parameters or form field values before they are rendered by a view or before a redirect.
Strategy to resolve the requested media types for a ServerWebExchange.
Builder for a composite RequestedContentTypeResolver that delegates to other resolvers each implementing a different strategy to determine the requested content type -- e.g.
Helper to create and configure ParameterContentTypeResolver.
Resolves Map method arguments annotated with @RequestHeader.
Resolves method arguments annotated with @RequestHeader except for Map arguments.
Supports the invocation of @RequestMapping handler methods.
An extension of RequestMappingInfoHandlerMapping that creates RequestMappingInfo instances from class-level and method-level @RequestMapping annotations.
Request mapping information.
Defines a builder for creating a RequestMappingInfo.
Container for configuration options used for request mapping purposes.
Abstract base class for classes for which RequestMappingInfo defines the mapping between a request and a handler method.
A logical disjunction (' || ') request condition that matches a request against a set of RequestMethods.
Resolver for Map method arguments annotated with @RequestParam where the annotation does not specify a request parameter name.
Resolver for method arguments annotated with @RequestParam from URI query string parameters.
Resolver for @RequestPart arguments where the named part is decoded much like an @RequestBody argument but based on the content of an individual part instead.
Represents a function that evaluates on a given ServerRequest.
Implementations of RequestPredicate that implement various useful request matching operations, such as matching based on path, HTTP method, etc.
Receives notifications from the logical structure of request predicates.
A strategy for upgrading an HTTP request to a WebSocket session depending on the underlying network runtime.
Assists with the registration of resource resolvers and transformers.
Assist with creating and configuring a static resources handler.
Stores registrations of resource handlers for serving static resources such as images, css files and others through Spring WebFlux including setting cache headers optimized for efficient loading in a web browser.
A strategy for resolving a request to a server-side resource.
A contract for invoking a chain of ResourceResolvers where each resolver is given a reference to the chain allowing it to delegate when necessary.
An abstraction for transforming the content of a resource.
A contract for invoking a chain of ResourceTransformers where each resolver is given a reference to the chain allowing it to delegate when necessary.
A base class for a ResourceTransformer with an optional helper method for resolving public links within a transformed resource.
A central component to use to obtain the public URL path that clients should use to access a static resource.
HttpRequestHandler that serves static resources in an optimized way according to the guidelines of Page Speed, YSlow, etc.
HandlerResultHandler that handles return values from methods annotated with @ResponseBody writing to the body of the request or response with an HttpMessageWriter.
A class with an @ExceptionHandler method that handles all Spring WebFlux raised exceptions by returning a ResponseEntity with RFC 7807 formatted error details in the body.
Handles return values of type HttpEntity, ResponseEntity, HttpHeaders, ErrorResponse, and ProblemDetail.
Represents a function that routes to a handler function.
HandlerMapping implementation that supports RouterFunctions.
Central entry point to Spring's functional web framework. Exposes routing functionality, such as to create a RouterFunction using a discoverable builder-style API, to create a RouterFunction given a RequestPredicate and HandlerFunction, and to do further subrouting on an existing routing function.
Represents a discoverable builder for router functions.
Receives notifications from the logical structure of router functions.
Interface to be implemented by objects that configure and manage a JSR-223 ScriptEngine for automatic lookup in a web environment.
An implementation of the Spring WebFlux ScriptTemplateConfig for creating a ScriptEngine for use in a web application.
An AbstractUrlBasedView subclass designed to run any template library based on a JSR-223 script engine.
Convenience subclass of UrlBasedViewResolver that supports ScriptTemplateView and custom subclasses of it.
Represents a server-side HTTP request, as handled by a HandlerFunction.
Defines a builder for a request.
Represents the headers of the HTTP request.
Implementation of the ServerRequest interface that can be subclassed to adapt the request in a handler filter function.
Implementation of the Headers interface that can be subclassed to adapt the headers in a handler filter function.
Represents a typed server-side HTTP response, as returned by a handler function or filter function.
Defines a builder that adds a body to the response.
Defines the context used during the ServerResponse.writeTo(ServerWebExchange, Context).
Defines a builder that adds headers to the response.
HandlerResultHandler implementation that supports ServerResponses.
Resolves ServerWebExchange-related method argument values of the following types: ServerWebExchange ServerHttpRequest ServerHttpResponse HttpMethod Locale TimeZone ZoneId UriBuilder or UriComponentsBuilder -- for building URL's relative to the current request
Resolves method arguments annotated with an @SessionAttribute.
Resolver for a SessionStatus argument obtaining it from the BindingContext.
HandlerAdapter that allows using the plain WebHandler contract with the generic DispatcherHandler.
Implementation of the HandlerMapping interface to map from URLs to request handler beans.
WebSocketClient implementation for use with the Jakarta WebSocket API.
Adapter for the Jakarta WebSocket API (JSR-356) that delegates events to a reactive WebSocketHandler and its session.
Spring WebSocketSession adapter for a standard Java (JSR 356) Session.
A WebSocket RequestUpgradeStrategy for the Jakarta WebSocket API 2.1+.
An extension of HandlerMethodArgumentResolver for implementations that are synchronous in nature and do not block to resolve values.
Extension of HandlerMethod that invokes the underlying method via InvocableHandlerMethod but uses sync argument resolvers only and thus can return directly a HandlerResult with no async wrappers.
A WebSocket RequestUpgradeStrategy for Apache Tomcat.
WebSocketClient implementation for use with Tomcat, based on the Jakarta WebSocket API.
Spring WebSocketSession adapter for Tomcat's Session.
An extension of ByteArrayResource that a ResourceTransformer can use to represent an original resource preserving all other information except the content.
A WebSocket RequestUpgradeStrategy for Undertow.
Undertow based implementation of WebSocketClient.
Undertow WebSocketConnectionCallback implementation that adapts and delegates to a Spring WebSocketHandler.
Spring WebSocketSession implementation that adapts to an Undertow WebSocketChannel.
Exception thrown when an unknown (or custom) HTTP status code is received.
Exception thrown to indicate that a Content-Type is not supported.
A ViewResolver that allows direct resolution of symbolic view names to URLs without explicit mapping definitions.
Assist with configuring properties of a UrlBasedViewResolver.
Resolves request paths containing a version string that can be used as part of an HTTP caching strategy in which a resource is cached with a date in the distant future (e.g.
A strategy to determine the version of a static resource and to apply and/or extract it from the URL path.
Contract to render HandlerResult to the HTTP response.
HandlerResultHandler that encapsulates the view resolution algorithm supporting the following return types: Void or no value -- default view name String -- view name unless @ModelAttribute-annotated View -- View to render with Model -- attributes to add to the model Map -- attributes to add to the model Rendering -- use case driven API for view resolution @ModelAttribute -- attribute for the model Non-simple value -- attribute for the model
Contract to resolve a view name to a View instance.
Assist with the configuration of a chain of ViewResolver's supporting different template mechanisms.
Base class for ViewResolver implementations with shared properties.
Non-blocking, reactive client to perform HTTP requests, exposing a fluent, reactive API over underlying HTTP client libraries such as Reactor Netty.
A mutable builder for creating a WebClient.
Contract for specifying request headers and body leading up to the exchange.
Contract for specifying request headers, body and URI for a request.
Contract for specifying request headers leading up to the exchange.
Contract for specifying request headers and URI for a request.
Contract for specifying response operations following the exchange.
Contract for specifying the URI for a request.
HttpClientAdapter that enables an HttpServiceProxyFactory to use WebClient for request execution.
Abstract base class for exception published by WebClient in case of errors.
Exceptions that contain actual HTTP request data.
Exceptions that contain actual HTTP response data.
WebClientResponseException for HTTP status 502 Bad Gateway.
WebClientResponseException for status HTTP 400 Bad Request.
WebClientResponseException for status HTTP 409 Conflict.
WebClientResponseException for status HTTP 403 Forbidden.
WebClientResponseException for status HTTP 504 Gateway Timeout.
WebClientResponseException for status HTTP 410 Gone.
WebClientResponseException for status HTTP 500 Internal Server Error.
WebClientResponseException for status HTTP 405 Method Not Allowed.
WebClientResponseException for status HTTP 406 Not Acceptable.
WebClientResponseException for status HTTP 404 Not Found.
WebClientResponseException for status HTTP 501 Not Implemented.
WebClientResponseException for status HTTP 503 Service Unavailable.
WebClientResponseException for status HTTP 429 Too Many Requests.
WebClientResponseException for status HTTP 401 Unauthorized.
WebClientResponseException for status HTTP 422 Unprocessable Entity.
WebClientResponseException for status HTTP 415 Unsupported Media Type.
The main class for Spring WebFlux configuration.
Defines callback methods to customize the configuration for WebFlux applications enabled via @EnableWebFlux.
A WebFluxConfigurer that delegates to one or more others.
Common WebFlux exception handler that detects instances of ResponseStatusException (inherited from the base class) as well as exceptions annotated with @ResponseStatus by determining the HTTP status for them and updating the status of the response accordingly.
A ResourceResolver that delegates to the chain to locate a resource and then attempts to find a matching versioned resource contained in a WebJar JAR file.
Resolves method argument value of type WebSession.
Contract for reactive-style handling of a WebSocket session.
Handler for a WebSocket session.
HandlerAdapter that allows DispatcherHandler to support handlers of type WebSocketHandler with such handlers mapped to URL patterns via SimpleUrlHandlerMapping.
Representation of a WebSocket message.
WebSocket message types.
A service to delegate WebSocket-related HTTP requests to.
Represents a WebSocket session.